Algebra I – autumn 2023 All your assertions should be carefully justified. 1. (10 points) For each of the following three conditions, decide whether it correctly defines a subset I of the ring (Z[ 3 √ 2], +, ·) and whether this subset is an ideal of this ring: Let the set I contain the number a + b 3 √ 2 + c 3 √ 4 + d 3 √ 16, with a, b, c, d ∈ Z, if and only if (a) [a + b + c]3 = [d]3, (b) [a + b + d]3 = [c]3, (c) [a + c + d]3 = [b]3. 2. (10 points) Determine all elements of the transition monoid of the automaton 1 a // b 882 a,b // 3 a,b !! 4 a aa bee 3. (15 points) Find a direct product of well-known groups that is isomorphic to the quotient group (G, ·) × (Z, +) /H, where G =      p 0 0 f 1 0 h g p   p ∈ {1, −1}, f, g ∈ Z[x], h ∈ Z[i][x]    , H =        1 0 0 f 1 0 h g 1   , f(1) + 2k   ∈ G × Z k, h(2), h(3) ∈ Z, f(1) + g(1) is even    . 4. (10 points) Find the minimal polynomial of the number 4 √ 2 + 4 √ 4 + 4 √ 8 over Q. 5. (15 points) Express the number 1 α5 − 2α4 + α3 + 3α + 1 without using other than rational numbers in denominators, provided that the number α satisfies the equality α3 (2 − α) = 2α + 2. 6. (10 points) Provide an example of a finite ring (R, +, ·) such that there exist exactly 9 10 |R| elements r ∈ R such that some element s ∈ R \ {0} satisfies the equality r · s = 0. 7. (10 points) Provide an example of a group (G, ·) and two elements g and h of G such that there exist at least two isomorphisms ϕ: (G, ·) → (G, ·) and each such isomorphism satisfies both ϕ(g) = g and ϕ(h) = h. 8. (5 points) Define the field of fractions of an integral domain. 9. (5 points) Formulate the theorem that describes irreducible polynomials over the fields C and R. 10. (10 points) Using only the definitions of groups and subgroups, prove that right cosets of a subgroup are pairwise disjoint.