Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems
Week 13: FINAL EXAM (in person)
Before the exam
- Enroll in the exam term. Only enrolled students can attend!
- Come to the classroom on time with your ISIC (or ID card) and a pen
- Sit down at the tables with the papers.
- Don't touch the papers. Wait for instructions.
- Put your ISIC on the table.
Multiple-choice test (26 points, expected time is 15 minutes)
- 13 questions (2 points each). Correct answer +2, incorrect or incomplete answer 0.
- You have two sheets of paper available that are related to the test: a multiple-choice test (assignment) and an answer sheet.
- Do what you want with the assignment (making notes, etc. :-) But then...
- ... rewrite your choices on the answer sheet (using a related matrix of answers). Don't forget to write your UČO (university ID) and assignment number (the number from the multiple choice test) in a "digital form."
- If you make an error when re-writing your answers, ask for another answer sheet.
- Finally, both sheets are handed over to the teacher ;-)
Practical test (24 points, expected time is 45 minutes)
- There are also two sheets of paper on your table: The assignment and the answer sheet.
- The assignment briefly describes an application domain and provides an initial simple problem domain model (initial class diagram). Your goal is to re-draw the model using several design patterns (the output is a single class diagram incorporating all the required patterns).
- Draw your class diagram on the answer sheet! If you need more space, as for another answer sheet.
- Write your UČO (university ID) on all answer sheets. Also, number your answer sheets, starting with number 1 (then 2, 3, ...).
- Finally, all sheets of paper are handed over to the teacher ;-)
Results and feedback
- The results of the multiple-choice test will be available almost immediately in IS MU (as they are scanned and processed automatically).
- Don't ask for correct answers. They are not published because the exam is not considered part of the learning process ;-) I automatically inspect the most problematic questions to identify possible flaws in the assignment. In case of serious flaws, the assessment will be adjusted for all of you.
- If still in doubt, send me an e-mail related to the specific question.
- Assessment of the practical part takes time because I have to assess your models individually. Therefore, be patient. Obtained points will also appear in the IS MU.
- I will provide consultation hours after each exam for those who are interested in getting some feedback on their models. The time (and organizational details) will be sent by e-mail.