Work Life Balance Misa Kozinova, MBALeadership roles since 2000 Leadership Coach since 2009 Thousands of hours and hundreds of clients coached Startups, Scale-ups, Corporates From over 30 countries Leadership Background Psychotherapy Training Master Trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming You can’t have it all What is more important and why? Are you EFFECTIVE? Are you EFFICIENT? What is the difference between EFFECTIVENESS and EFFICIENCY? \What is more important? What is more important and why? Effectiveness do the right things Efficiency do the things right What is more important? Whenever you say YES to something, You are saying NO to something else Say YES to your sleep A single night of 4 hours of sleep can reduce Natural Killer Cell activity by up to 70%. Sleep deprivation reduces the production of cytokines and increases inflammation markers (CRP). Say NO to PROCRASTINATION Get high on Dopamine Brain loves accomplishment and closure. Make your bed. Start with gratitude. Set the intention for your day. Today I wanna be … Get dependencies off your way. One Big Thing Pick one thing, that if completed or progressed, will mean your day was productive. Everything else you do is an extra. Laziness is S.T.R.E.S.S. - lessons from ADHD Steps - Your first/next step is too big or too advanced for your current abilities Thinking - You run negative thoughts through your mind Research - More data needed Emotions - Blockage from earlier life is connected to your activity Sensory issues - Some part of the task may overstimulate or understimulate your senses Self-care - You’re low in something essential that the brain or body needs to function, such as sleep, healthy/regular food, rest, play, socialization, etc. Commit to just five minutes. If you feel like it, you will continue. If you don’t feel like moving on in 5 minutes, it’s ok. Mental hack to get you started. You can’t wait to get motivation. Motivation grows from doing. Pareto rule The 80/20 principle What 20% of the tasks will contribute 80% of the results? Solving which 20% of the barriers will unlock 80% of the progress? The Three Major Psychological Stressors Stress - a Good Thing Gone Wrong Fight Flight Freeze - play dead Constant stress -> Cortisol and adrenaline poisoning Why do we keep stressing out? Your brain’s top priority is always keeping you safe and alive — not happy and calm. Our brain evolved millions of years ago when the world was not a very safe place. Powerlessness Unpredictability Loss, Fear of Loss What is anxiety? Oxford Dictionary a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome Notice: it’s a feeling about something in the future -> we feel bad now for something that didn’t happen yet What is anxiety? Oxford Dictionary strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen. Notice: same word to describe desire or concern -> physical symptoms are if not the same than in the very neighbourhood: - increased heart rate, faster breath, butterflies in the stomach - thought focus on a future uncertain outcome - anxiety/excitement Anxious experience Nervousness Disturbing thoughts Discouraging and negative self-talk You can’t get out of your head Constant stress and worry Difficulty to concentrate Constant inner chatter Heightened alertness Brain fog Sweating Blurry vision Heaviness on chest Pounding heart All sorts of physical symptoms: tight neck, buzzing head, weird auditory experience, pain in jaw and teeths, … Anxious experience Heavy feeling in your head Feeling as if you had a rope around your neck As if you had a heavy stone on your shoulders Like you can’t stop your thoughts You Are at the Driver’s Seat Take Charge Of What You Can Reclaim Your Mood Reclaim Your Habits Where to start though? Flow, multi-processing Busy, active mind, alertness, arousal Reflective, calm, creativity REM sleep, deep meditation Sleep, dreaming Breath -> key to access Alpha and Gamma Relax your jaw. Relax the back of your tongue. Slowly slower your breath. Three Quick Remedial Questions to Handle Anxiety Is it life threatening? What is the likelihood of it happening? Is it happening NOW? Reclaim Your Mood “W herefocusgoes,energyflows.” “Shoulds,Musts,Havetos” Reclaim Your Mood On What You Can Control On What Makes You Feel Good Focus Reclaim Your Mood Growth Mindset How long does a neuro-connection of an emotion last? “If you feel bad longer than that, someone is adding poles to the fire” John Overdurf Reclaim Your Mood Physiology Reclaim Your Habits List five habits that have worked in the past and made you productive Commit to one habit that is the easiest to start Link the new behavior with an existing habit or behavior Who’s voice is it? Reclaim Your Self-Talk “They will think I am stupid.” vs. “I have interesting opinions and thoughts and after all, I am asking for myself. ” Mental Movie of Failure Being Resourceful Self-Coaching Feel Good Alternative Resource States FROM Nervous Frustrated Depressed Stuck Anxious TO Creative Curious Excited Resourceful Optimistic Resource States Acknowledge how you feel Take a moment to curiously explore what would you rather feel instead Remember when you felt that way the last time Revivify Double that feeling Look at the problem at hand with your new perspective of the powerful resourceful state Misa Kozinova, MBA Thank you!!! Mind hacks Set the deadline artificially closer Move away from - live all the pain you will be at if you post-pone until the very last minute How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life Mind hacks Go social - buddy with someone Bundle - connect to something you are will be doing anyway Eat the frog Eat the popcorn S.T.R.E.S.S. Analysis RULES for 2 part break ● Must use timers ● Always start with FUN (flood your blood with dopamine to get energy to start) ● Always do the work you have intended to do when you started the FUN round (no I feel like doing something else instead) ● Even if break is interrupted or low quality, must still do 5min of work as promised when timer goes off ● Must have consequences on Danger Zone (ex. Money or pushups you owe SOMEONE ELSE when break it By Alina Kislenko, Focusing and motivation strategies for ADHD on Productivity apps Focus time Temporarily sets all the distractions off. You can whitelist some of the contacts or apps. Tracking of productive time Allows you to track project time Accountability Apps Makes you pay money if you don’t do what you committed to 1. Set a goal and commit to doing it for a period of time. (E.g. “I will go to the gym 4 times every week for a whole month.”) Short-term and REALISTIC. 2. Set a sum of money that you lose if you fail. (like a $100.) Enough to be painful, not so much to make you bankrupt if you fail. 3. Decide who will get your money if you fail. Someone you don’t like works best. 4. Invite supporters and a referee. (The referee is the person who will confirm if the goal was successful.) Accountability Apps Pairs you with a stranger you will work with for 50 minutes 1. Schedule a time in your Focusmate calendar. 2. Show up, introduce the goal for the session, turn off your mic and keep camera on. 3. Work for 50 minutes together with your accountability buddy. 4. Wrap up, say thank you and good bye. Accountability Apps Helps adopt new habits 1. Track your habits - swipe every day, buddy with others 2. Hire a coach - chat based accountability coaching by experts in the field.