Obsah obrázku text, hodiny Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Service Modeling II © Leonard Walletzký Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Why do we need diamonds? Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky 4 diamonds Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky See Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Category Rule Relationship Operation Object P R R R R Diamond See Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Diamond Recognize CI-connection Category Item Context R R R R Manifestation Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky 3rd diamond Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Goal Activity Agent Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Diamond of Organization - Summary Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky 4th Diamond - DO forming / formed by occurring within solved by fulfilling addressing recorded in Identified within Model records. Agent wishes, defines, does. Composites R-edges Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Diamond of Predictive Behaviour Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Diamond-Path Framework Overview Attention Focussing Cognitive Elements Agent-Team Organization Predictive Behaviour CI-connection Category Item Context R R R R Manifestation Category Rule Relationship Operation Object P R R R R Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 23 Case study https://immuni.italia.it 27% 16.1M https://erouska.cz 1,5M https://coronawarn.de 25.2M https://tousanticovid.fr 12.7M https://radarcovid.es 4,6M https://www.nhs.uk/nhs 20.9M Target 60% 15% 33% 19% 9.9% 31% Main concerns: n. of Downloads: % on the total: Sources: (data updated to 2021 Jan) QR Check-in, Local Area Alert, Contact tracing, Anonymous Contact tracing, Anonymous Contact tracing, Anonymous Contact tracing, Anonymous Contact tracing, Anonymous Contact tracing, Anonymous 24 Case study Public App store (for free) Automatic tracking (contact tracing) Risky contacts (tested positive person) Warning with notifications Call for competent local support Data privacy guaranted Population reached (activated) Infection trends monitoring WHERE IS VALUE? 1 3 2 1. Few downloads can tackle the final aim 2. Not using the App (even if installed) reduces the solution’s validity 3. Not ‘engaged’ people doesn’t help enough Anonymous users 16.1 (in Millions) 27% (on the total) Local Area Alert (not in Italy) QR check-in (not in Italy) 25 Case study Goals •What goal is fulfilled by a service? •Are there any sub-goals that need to be taken into the account? Are they part of the main goal GBS ? •Who is the establisher of the goal? Who is the follower? Contexts •In what contexts is the service able to provide a value? Which context is the main one? •Are there any contexts influenced by the service? How? • Is the service sustainable in all contexts? Actions •What necessary actions must be done to create/ maintain/ cooperate on the service? •Are there any actions that take part in other context? And how? Requirements •What requirements are important for service design? •What goals are they born from? •Are all requirements in the same context? • Endowment •What resources are necessary to create and maintain the service? •What are the necessary inputs from other services? Flows •What flows are affected/newly defined by the service? •In what contexts do they appear and how? Agents •What groups of stakeholders are involved into service? •Are there any special groups of agents that must be mentioned? • What is their role in the GBS/ Actions/ Flows? Use-cases •Are there any practical applications of the similar service? •How they are designed? •What aspects can we use? Activities •What activities do the actions and flow contain? •What roles do they play in other contexts? Actors Resources Institutional arrangement Co-creation Value co-creation •How the value is co-created? •How does each agent contribute on the value co-creation? •How the service is linked to other services? •What is its role in the value co-creation chain? Value proposition •How is the value proposition formulated? •Who are addressing and addressed agents? •How is their response evaluated? Measures (KPI) •What are defined indicators to monitor quality and the level of value provided? •How is the innovation level monitored? •Are the effects of the service monitored in all contexts? 26 Smart Service Canvas PARTIALLY-CHECKED Goals Requirements Agents Value co-creation Contexts Endowment Use-cases Value proposition Actions Flows Activities Measures (MPI) 1.To monitor a spread of covid-19. 2.To prevent covid-19 infection. 3.To help people to get oriented. 4.To protect non-infected people​ 5.To enable normal life CHECKED 1.To inform about the contacts ​ 2.To provide information about current situation ​ 1.Inhabitants 2.Medical institutions 3.Sanitary stations PARTIALLY-CHECKED MISSED 1.Medical – the key is to prevent the congestion of hospitals 2.Social – people need to understand why the must be isolated PARTIALLY-CHECKED 1.Information about test results PARTIALLY-CHECKED 1.Are All Covid -19 applications CHECKED 1.To be informed about the possible infection 2.To know what to do PARTIALLY-CHECKED 1.Send warning – this actions happens if the user is infected. The users who were in contact with him/her will be warned. ​ 1.To monitor surrounding ​ 2.To receive positive test information ​ 1.No of installations ​ 2.No. of informed users ​ 1.Detect all close devices ​ 2.Send information to sanitary station ​ 3.Receive information about positive contacts​ PARTIALLY-CHECKED PARTIALLY-CHECKED PARTIALLY-CHECKED PARTIALLY-CHECKED 2.Get the status – get the current health status from register​ 3.Connect to register – connect to the register of test and vaccination​ PARTIALLY-CHECKED Goals Requirements Agents Value co-creation Contexts Endowment Use-cases Value proposition Actions Flows Activities Measures (MPI) 1.To monitor a spread of covid-19. 2.To prevent covid-19 infection. 3.To help people to get oriented. 4.To protect non-infected people​ 5.To enable normal life CHECKED 1.To inform about the contacts ​ 2.To provide information about current situation ​ 1.Inhabitants 2.Medical institutions 3.Sanitary stations PARTIALLY-CHECKED MISSED 1.Medical – the key is to prevent the congestion of hospitals 2.Social – people need to understand why the must be isolated PARTIALLY-CHECKED 1.Information about test results PARTIALLY-CHECKED 1.Are All Covid -19 applications CHECKED 1.To be informed about the possible infection 2.To know what to do PARTIALLY-CHECKED 1.Send warning – this actions happens if the user is infected. The users who were in contact with him/her will be warned. ​ 1.To monitor surrounding ​ 2.To receive positive test information ​ 1.No of installations ​ 2.No. of informed users ​ 1.Detect all close devices ​ 2.Send information to sanitary station ​ 3.Receive information about positive contacts​ PARTIALLY-CHECKED PARTIALLY-CHECKED PARTIALLY-CHECKED PARTIALLY-CHECKED 3.To link to register of tests and vaccination​ CHECKED 4.Business entities – will use the app to confirm the person health status CHECKED 1.The interaction based on information sharing (the confirmation about healthy status)​ 2.The control on the vaccination and testing CHECKED 3.Economic – to enable economy to run CHECKED 2.Information about the vaccinations 3.Control of private data CHECKED 3.To get proper date and place for tests and vaccination​ CHECKED CHECKED 3.To monitor the validity of test and vaccination CHECKED 4.Get the information about new test or vaccination CHECKED 3.No. of tests linked with app​ 4.No of vaccinations linked with app​ 5.No. of questions​ CHECKED Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Reflection