Graph Databases Lecture 8 of NoSQL Databases (PA195) David Novak & Vlastislav Dohnal Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Agenda ● Graph Databases: Mission, Data, Example ● A Bit of Graph Theory ○ Graph Representations ○ Algorithms: Improving Data Locality (efficient storage) ○ Graph Partitioning and Traversal Algorithms ● Graph Databases ○ Transactional databases ○ Non-transactional databases ● Neo4j ○ Basics, Native Java API, Cypher, Behind the Scene 2 Graph Databases: Example source: Sadalage & Fowler: NoSQL Distilled, 2012 3 Graph Databases: Mission ● To store entities and relationships between them ○ Nodes are instances of objects ○ Nodes have properties, e.g., name ○ Edges connect nodes and have directional significance ○ Edges have types, e.g., likes, friend, … ● Nodes are organized by relationships ○ Allows finding interesting patterns ○ Example: Get all nodes that are “employee” of “Big Company” and that “likes” “NoSQL Distilled” 4 Graph Databases: Representatives Ranked list: 5 A Bit of a Theory Basics and graph representations 6 ● Data: a set of entities and their relationships ○ => we need to efficiently represent graphs ● Graph G = (V, E) is usually modelled as ○ set of nodes (vertices) V, |V| = n ○ set of (directed) edges E = (v1,v2), v1,v2V, |E| = m ● Basic operations: ■ finding the neighbors of a node, ■ checking if two nodes are connected by an edge, ■ updating the graph structure, … ○ => we need efficient graph operations ○ What data structure to use? Basic Terminology 7 Data Structure: Adjacency Matrix ● Two-dimensional array A of n ⨉ n Boolean values ○ Indexes of the array = node identifiers of the graph ○ Boolean value Aij indicates whether nodes i, j are connected ● Variants: ○ Directed graphs, ○ Weighted graphs, … 8 Adjacency Matrix: Properties ● Pros: ○ Checking if 2 nodes are connected ○ Adding/removing edges ● Cons: ○ Quadratic space: O(n2) ○ We usually have sparse graphs ○ Retrieval of all the neighboring nodes takes linear time: O(n) ○ Adding/Deleting nodes is expensive 9 Data Structure: Adjacency List ● A set of lists, each enumerating neighbors of one node ○ Vector of n pointers to adjacency lists ● Undirected graph: ○ An edge connects nodes i and j ○ => the adjacency list of i contains node j and vice versa ● Often compressed ○ Exploiting regularities in graphs 10 Adjacency List: Properties ● Pros: ○ More compact representation of sparse graphs ○ Getting the neighbors of a node ○ Cheap addition of nodes ● Cons: ○ Checking if there is an edge between two nodes ■ Optimization: sorted lists => logarithmic scan, but also logarithmic insertion 11 Data Structure: Incidence Matrix ● Two-dimensional array of bools ● n rows and m columns ○ Each row represents a node ■ All edges that are connected to the node ○ Each column represents an edge ■ Nodes that are connected by a certain edge ■ Directed graphs: ■ -1 – edge ej leaves the node ni ■ +1 – edge ej enters the node ni ○ Weighted graphs 12 Incidence Matrix: Properties ● Pros: ○ Representation of hypergraphs ■ where one edge connects an arbitrary number of nodes ● Cons: ○ Requires n ⨉ m bits (for most graphs, m ⋙ n) ○ Listing neighborhood is slow 13 Data Structure: Laplacian Matrix ● Two-dimensional array of n ⨉ n integers ○ Similar structure as adjacency matrix ○ Diagonal of the Laplacian matrix indicates the degree of the node ○ The rest of positions are set to ○ -1 if the two vertices are connected, ○ 0 otherwise 14 Laplacian Matrix: Properties All features of adjacency matrix ● Pros: ○ Analyzing the graph structure by means of spectral analysis ■ Calculating the number of spanning trees ■ Approximation of the sparsest cut of the graph ■ Calculate eigenvalues of the matrix ○ A good summary: Wikipedia 15 A Bit of a Theory Selected graph algorithms 16 Basic Graph Algorithms ● Access all nodes reachable from a given source: ○ Breadth-first Search (BFS) ○ Depth-first Search (DFS) ● Shortest path between two nodes ● Single-source shortest path problem ○ BFS (unweighted), ○ Dijkstra (nonnegative weights), ○ Bellman-Ford algorithm ● All-pairs shortest path problem ○ Floyd-Warshall algorithm 17 Improving Data Locality ● Performance of the read/write operations ○ Depends also on physical organization of the data ○ Objective: Achieve the best “data locality” ● Spatial locality: ○ if a data item has been accessed, the nearby data items are likely to be accessed in the following computations ■ e.g., during graph traversal ● Strategy: ○ in graph adjacency matrix representation, exchange rows and columns to improve the disk cache hit ratio ○ Specific methods: BFSL, Bandwidth of a Matrix, ... 18 Data Locality: Example This matrix has better data locality, more efficient traversal 19 Breadth First Search Layout (BFSL) ● Input: vertices of a graph ● Output: a permutation of the vertices ○ with better cache performance for graph traversals ● BFSL algorithm: 1. Select a node (at random, the origin of the traversal) 2. Traverse the graph using the BFS alg. ■ generating a list of vertex identifiers in the order they are visited 3. Take the generated list as the new vertices permutation 20 Breadth First Search Layout (2) ● Let us recall: Breadth First Search (BFS) ○ FIFO queue of frontier vertices ● Pros: optimal locality for traversal from the root ● Cons: starting traversal from other nodes ○ The further, the worse 21 Matrix Bandwidth: Motivation ● Graph represented by adjacency matrix 22 Matrix Bandwidth: Formalization ● The minimum bandwidth problem ○ Bandwidth of a row in a matrix = the maximum distance between nonzero elements, where one is left of the diagonal and the other is right of the diagonal ○ Bandwidth of a matrix = maximum bandwidth of its rows ● Low bandwidth matrices are more cache friendly ○ Non zero elements (edges) clustered around the diagonal ● Bandwidth minimization problem: NP hard ○ For large matrices the solutions are only approximated 23 A Bit of a Theory Graph partitioning 24 Graph Partitioning ● Some graphs are too large to be fully loaded into the main memory of a single computer ○ Usage of secondary storage degrades the performance ○ Scalable solution: distribute the graph on multiple nodes ● We need to partition the graph reasonably ○ Usually for a particular (set of) operation(s) ■ The shortest path, finding frequent patterns, BFS, spanning tree search 25 Example: 1-Dimensional Partitioning ● Aim: Partition the graph to solve BFS efficiently ○ Distributed into shared-nothing parallel system ○ Partitioning of the adjacency matrix ● 1D partitioning of Adjacency Matrix: ○ Matrix rows are randomly assigned to the P nodes (processors) in the system ○ Each vertex (and its edges) are owned by one processor 26 27 Starting BFS traversal at node 1: 1. (at black) 1 -> 10, 11 visit green server 2. (at green) 10, 11 -> a. 1, back to black b. 6, visit red c. 7,9, visit blue d. 10, 11, myself (green) 3. (at red) 6 -> 7 visit blue 3. (at blue) 7,9 -> a. 3, back to black … b. 6, back to red c. 8 -> 2,3, back to black d. 10,11,12, back to green Traversing Graph ● Traversing with 1D partitioning (e.g., BFS) 1. Each processor keeps information about frontier vertices 2. ...and also list of neighboring vertices in other processors 3. Messages are sent to other processors… ● 1D partitioning leads to high messaging ○ => 2D-partitioning of adjacency matrix ○ … lower messaging but still very demanding Efficient sharding of a graph is very difficult ● and thus graph DBs are often centralized 28 Graph Databases 29 Types of Graphs ● Single-relational graphs ○ Edges are homogeneous in meaning ■ e.g., all edges represent friendship ● Multi-relational (property) graphs ○ Edges are typed or labeled ■ e.g., friendship, business, communication ○ Vertices and edges maintain a set of key/value pairs ■ Representation of non-graphical data (properties) ■ e.g., name of a vertex, the weight of an edge 30 Graph Databases ● A graph database = a set of graphs ● Types of graph databases: ○ Transactional = a large set of small graphs ■ e.g., chemical compounds, biological pathways, … ■ Searching for graphs that match the query ○ Non-transactional = few numbers of very large graphs ■ or one huge (not necessarily connected) graph ■ e.g., Web graph, social networks, … 31 ● Types of Queries ○ Subgraph queries ■ Searches for a specific pattern in the graph database ■ Query = a small graph ● or a graph, where some parts are uncertain, e.g., vertices with wildcard labels ■ More general type: allow sub-graph isomorphism Transactional DBs: Queries 32 ○ Super-graph queries ■ Search for graphs whose whole structure is contained in the query graph Transactional DBs: Queries (2) ○ Similarity (approximate matching) queries ■ Finds graphs which are similar to a given query graph ● but not necessarily isomorphic ■ Key question: how to measure the similarity 33 ● Extract certain characteristics from each graph ○ And index these characteristics for each G1,..., Gn Indexing & Query Evaluation ● Query evaluation in transactional graph DB 1. Extraction of the characteristics from query graph q 2. Filter the database (index) and identify a candidate set ■ Subset of the G1,..., Gn graphs that should contain the answer 3. Refinement - check all candidate graphs 34 1. Mining-based Graph Indexing Techniques ○ Idea: if some features of query graph q do not exist in data graph G, then G cannot contain q as its subgraph ○ Apply graph-mining methods to extract some features (sub-structures) from the graph database members ■ e.g., frequent sub-trees, frequent sub-graphs ○ An inverted index is created for each feature 2. Non Mining-Based Graph Indexing Techniques ○ Indexing of the whole constructs of the graph database ■ Instead of indexing only some selected features Subgraph Query Processing 35 Mining-based Technique ● Example method: GIndex [2004] ○ Indexing “frequent discriminative graphs” ○ Build inverted index for selected discriminative subgraphs 36 Non Mining-based Techniques ● Example: GString (2007) ○ Model the graphs in the context of organic chemistry using basic structures ■ Line = series of vertices connected end to end ■ Cycle = series of vertices that form a close loop ■ Star = core vertex directly connects to several vertices 37 Non Mining-based Techniques ● GDIndex (2007) ○ all connected and induced subgraphs of a given graph are enumerated (at most 2n) ○ due to isomorphisms, there are much fewer subgraphs. ■ if all labels are identical, a complete graph of size n is decomposed into just n+1 subgraphs. 38 Graph Databases Non-transactional Databases 39 Non-transactional Databases ● A few very large graphs ○ e.g., Web graph, social networks, … ● Queries: ○ Nodes/edges with properties ○ Neighboring nodes/edges ○ Paths (all, shortest, etc.) ● Our example: Neo4j 40 Basic Characteristics ● Different types of relationships between nodes ○ To represent relationships between domain entities ○ Or to model any kind of secondary relationships ■ Category, path, time-trees, spatial relationships, … ● No limit to the number and kind of relationships ● Relationships have properties ○ E.g., since when did they become friends? 41 Relationship Properties: Example Source: Sadalage & Fowler: NoSQL Distilled, 2012 42 Graph DB vs. RDBMS ● RDBMS designed for a single type of relationship ○ “Who is my manager” ● Adding another relationship usually means a lot of schema changes ● In RDBMS, we model the graph beforehand based on the traversal we want ○ If the traversal changes, the data will have to change ○ Graph DBs: the relationship is not calculated but persisted 43 Neo4J: Basics & Concepts 44 Neo4j: Basic Info ● Open source graph database ○ The most popular ● Initial release: 2007 ● Written in: Java ● OS: cross-platform ● Stores data as nodes connected by directed, typed relationships ○ With properties on both nodes and relationships 45 Neo4j: Basic Features ● reliable – with full ACID transactions ● durable and fast – disk-based, native storage engine ● scalable – up to several billion nodes/relationships/properties ● highly-available – when distributed (replicated) ● expressive – powerful, human readable graph query language ● fast – powerful traversal framework ● embeddable - in Java program ● accessible – simple REST interface & Java API 46 Data Model: Nodes ● Fundamental unit: node ● Nodes have properties ○ Key-value pairs ○ null is not a valid property value ■ nulls can be modelled by the absence of a key ● Nodes have labels ○ labels typically express "type of node" 47 Data Model: Properties Type Description boolean true/false byte 8-bit integer short 16-bit integer int 32-bit integer long 64-bit integer float 32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number double 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number char 16-bit unsigned integer representing a Unicode character String sequence of Unicode characters DateTime temporal types… 48 Data Model: Relationships ● Directed relationships (edges) ○ Incoming and outgoing edge ■ Equally efficient traversal in both directions ■ Direction can be ignored if not needed by the application ○ Always a start and an end node ■ Can be recursive 49 What How get who a person follows outgoing follows relationships, depth one get the followers of a person incoming follows relationships, depth one get who a person blocks outgoing blocks relationships, depth one What How get the full path of a file incoming file relationships get all paths for a file incoming file and symbolic link relationships get all files in a directory outgoing file and symbolic link relationships, depth one get all files in a directory, excluding symbolic links outgoing file relationships, depth one get all files in a directory, recursively outgoing file and symbolic link relationships 50 Access to Neo4j ● Embedded database in Java system ● Language-specific connectors ○ Libraries to connect to a running Neo4j server ● Cypher query language ○ Standard language to query graph data ● HTTP REST API ● Gremlin graph traversal language (plugin) ● etc. 51 Neo4J: Native Java API & Graph Traversal 52 Native Java Interface: Example Node irena = graphDb.createNode(); irena.setProperty("name", "Irena"); Node jirka = graphDb.createNode(); jirka.setProperty("name", "Jirka"); Relationship i2j = irena.createRelationshipTo(jirka, FRIEND); Relationship j2i = jirka.createRelationshipTo(irena, FRIEND); i2j.setProperty("quality", "a good one"); j2i.setProperty("since", 2003); ● Undirected edge: ○ Relationship between the nodes in both directions ○ INCOMING and OUTGOING relationships from a node 53 ● Path = specific nodes + connecting relationships ○ Path can be a result of a query or a traversal Data Model: Path & Traversal ● Traversing a graph = visiting its nodes, following relationships according to some rules ○ Typically, a subgraph is visited ○ Neo4j: Traversal framework in Java API, Cypher, Gremlin 54 Traversal Framework ● A traversal is influenced by ○ Starting node(s) where the traversal begins ○ Expanders – define what to traverse ■ i.e., relationship direction and type ○ Order – depth-first / breadth-first ○ Uniqueness – visit nodes (relationships, paths) only once ○ Evaluator – what to return and whether to stop or continue beyond current position Traversal = TraversalDescription + starting node(s) 55 Traversal Framework – Java API ● org.neo4j...TraversalDescription ○ The main interface for defining traversals ■ Can specify branch ordering breadthFirst() / depthFirst() ● .relationships() ○ Specify the relationship types to traverse ■ e.g., traverse only edge types: FRIEND, RELATIVE ■ Empty (default) = traverse all relationships ○ Can also specify direction ■ Direction.BOTH ■ Direction.INCOMING ■ Direction.OUTGOING 56 Traversal Framework – Java API (2) ● org.neo4j...Evaluator ○ Used for deciding at each node: should the traversal continue, and should the node be included in the result ■ INCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE: Include this node in the result and continue the traversal ■ INCLUDE_AND_PRUNE: Include this node, do not continue traversal ■ EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE: Exclude this node, but continue traversal ■ EXCLUDE_AND_PRUNE: Exclude this node and do not continue ○ Pre-defined evaluators: ■ Evaluators.toDepth(int depth) / Evaluators.fromDepth(int depth), ■ Evaluators.excludeStartPosition() ■ … 57 Traversal Framework – Java API (3) ● org.neo4j...Uniqueness ○ Indicates under what circumstances a traversal may revisit the same position in the graph ● Traverser ○ Starts actual traversal given a TraversalDescription and starting node(s) ○ Returns an iterator over “steps” in the traversal ■ Steps can be: Path (default), Node, Relationship ○ The graph is actually traversed “lazily” (on request) 58 Example of Traversal TraversalDescription desc = db.traversalDescription() .depthFirst() .relationships( Rels.KNOWS, Direction.BOTH ) .evaluator(Evaluators.toDepth(3)); // node is ‘Ed’ (Node[2]) for (Node n : desc.traverse(node).nodes()) { output += n.getProperty("name") + ", "; } Output: Ed, Lars, Lisa, Dirk, Peter 59 Access to Nodes ● How to get to the starting node(s) before traversal 1. Using internal identifiers (generated IDs) ■ not recommended - Neo4j generates IDs for memory objs and reuses IDs 2. Using properties of nodes ■ one of the properties is typically “ID” (user-specified ID) ■ recommended, properties can be indexed ● automatic indexes 3. Using “labels” ■ group nodes into “subsets” (named graph) ■ a node can have more than one label ● belong to more subsets 60 Neo4J: Cypher Language 61 Cypher Language ● Neo4j graph query language ○ For querying and updating ● Declarative – we say what we want ○ Not how to get it ○ Not necessary to express traversals ● Human-readable ● Inspired by SQL and SPARQL ● Still growing = syntax changes are often 62 Cypher: Clauses ● MATCH: The graph pattern to match ● WHERE: Filtering criteria ● RETURN: What to return ● WITH: Divides a query into multiple parts ○ can define starting points in the graph ● CREATE: Creates nodes and relationships. ● DELETE: Remove nodes, relationships, properties ● SET: Set property values 63 Cypher: Creating Nodes (Examples) CREATE (n); (create a node, assign to var n) Created 1 node, returned 0 rows CREATE (a: Person {name : 'David'}) RETURN a; (create a node with label ‘Person’ and ‘name’ property ‘David’) Created 1 node, set 1 property, returned 1 row 64 Cypher: Creating Relationships MATCH (a {name:’John’}), (b {name:’Jack’}) CREATE a-[r:Friend]->b RETURN r ; (create a relation Friend between John and Jack) Created 1 relationship, returned 1 row MATCH (a {name:’John’}), (b {name:’Jack’}) CREATE p = a-[:Friend {name: + '->' + }]->b RETURN p (set property ‘name’ of the relationship) Created 0 nodes, set 1 property, returned 1 row 65 Cypher: Queries MATCH (user: Person {name: 'Andres'})-[:Friend]->(buddy) RETURN, (find all ‘Friends’ of 'Andres') MATCH (p: Person) WHERE p.age >= 18 AND p.age < 30 RETURN (return names of all adult people under 30) 66 Cypher: Queries (2) MATCH (andres: Person {name: 'Andres'})-[*1..3]-(node) RETURN andres, node ; (find all ‘nodes’ within three hops from ‘Andres’) MATCH p=shortestPath( (andres:Person {name: 'Andres'})-[*]-(david {name:'David'}) ) RETURN p ; (find the shortest connection between ‘Andres’ and ‘David’) 67 Neo4J: Behind the Scene 68 Neo4j Internals: Indexes ● Since Neo4j v.2, indexes are used automatically ○ Can be specified explicitly (which index to use) MATCH (n:Person) USING INDEX n:Person(surname) WHERE n.surname = 'Taylor' RETURN n CREATE INDEX ON :Person(name); (Create index on property name of nodes with label Person) Indexes added: 1 69 Neo4j Internals: Transactions ● Transactions in Neo4j ○ Support for ACID properties ○ All write operations must be performed in a transaction ○ Default transaction isolation level: Read committed ■ Operation can see the last committed value ■ Reads do not block or take any locks ■ If the same row is retrieved twice within a transaction, the values in the row can differ ○ Higher level of isolation can be achieved ■ By explicit acquiring the read locks 70 Neo4j Internals: High Availability ● Master-slave replication ○ Several Neo4j slave databases can be configured to be exact replicas of a single Neo4j master database ● Speed-up of read operations ○ Enables to handle more read load than a single node ● Fault-tolerance ○ In case a node becomes unavailable ● Transactions are still atomic, consistent and durable, but eventually propagated to the slaves 71 Graph Databases: When (not) to Use 73 Graph DBs: Suitable Use Cases ● Connected Data ○ Social networks ○ Any link-rich domain is well suited for graph databases ● Routing, Dispatch, and Location-Based Services ○ Node = location or address that has a delivery ○ Graph = nodes where a delivery has to be made ○ Relationships = distance ● Recommendation Engines ○ “your friends also bought this product” ○ “when buying this item, these others are usually bought” 74 Graph DBs: Modeling Issues ● Node modeling: ● tradeoff between placing all attributes and properties in a single node, ● and separating each attribute into an individual node. ● Relationship modeling: ○ “unlabeled” all, ■ e.g., person connected_to person/address/product ○ versus semantic meaning encoded labels ■ e.g., person peters_work_colleague person, person peters_home_address address 75 Graph DBs: When Not to Use ● If we want to update all or a subset of entities ○ Changing a property on many nodes is not straightforward ■ e.g., analytics solution where all entities may need to be updated with a changed property ■ No BLOBs (large binary objects) in byte arrays. ● Some graph databases may be unable to handle lots of data ○ Distribution of a graph is difficult 76 Questions? 77 References ● I. Holubová, J. Kosek, K. Minařík, D. Novák. Big Data a NoSQL databáze. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. 288 p. ● RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D. MMF UK course NDBI040: Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases ● Sherif Sakr - Eric Pardede: Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications ● Sadalage, P. J., & Fowler, M. (2012). NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence. Addison-Wesley Professional, 192 p. ● 78