# This is a sample Python script. from click import pass_obj # Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code. # Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings. #Function for connecting to Redis storage VM available at given host IP address and port def init_db(host,port)->object: pass # Procedure that prints the number of classes in school (the entire redis db) def get_class_count(redis)->object: pass # Procedure that prints the number of students taught by the teacher stored in redis db def list_teacher_students_count(redis,teacher): pass # Procedure that list information about all classes in redis db def list_classes(redis): pass # Procedure that moves student from class from_class to class to_class in redis db def move_student(redis,student,from_class, to_class): pass # Function that returns the student with name student_name from class class_name in redis db def get_student(redis,student_name,class_name)->object: pass redis=init_db('', 6379) class_name = "class_003" student_name = "Student 1" from_class_id = "class_001" to_class_id = "class_083" #generate new student student = get_student(redis,student_name,from_class_id) get_class_count(redis) list_teacher_students_count(redis,"Teacher B") list_classes(redis) move_student(redis,student,from_class_id,to_class_id) list_classes(redis)