PA199 Game Engine Develpoment 1: Introduction, Organization Notes Marek Trtík, Jiří Chmelík Semester: Autumn 2024 Goal of the Course Deepen knowledge and experience with game development: ►Advanced theory at lectures ►More “low level” approach to game programming ►Individual term project Organization ►Lectures – gamedev theory – engines, math, physics, etc. ►Seminars – consulations for projects ►Home work – on term project ►Participation: ►lectures – not mandatory, recorded (not this year) ►seminars – mandatory, allowed up to two unexcused absences ►Grading based on: ►term project ►oral exam Organization – Grading ►Base requirements: ►Implement all base requirements of the term project. ►Pass the oral exam. Failing in any of these requirements will result in grade F. ►Grade: based on the number of „bonus“ points: ►A: 4+ ►B: 3 ►C: 2 ►D: 1 ►E: 0 ► Bonus Points Sources: ►Mid-term Milestone: 0—1 ►Project: 0—5 ►Exam: 0—2 ► ►Today ►Organization, project intro (jch) ►Templates metaprogramming (MT) ►Game Engine Architectures (jch) ►Rotations and quaternions (MT) ►Particle system dynamics (MT) ►Solving differential equations (MT) ►Unconstrained motion of rigid body (MT) ►Constrained motion of rigid body(MT) ►Forward and inverse kinematics (MT) ►Fluid simulation (MT) ►Virtual environments and interaction techniques (jch) ►Exam topics - preparation to the exam, consultations Order can change... Lectures Topics Organization – Semestral Project ►Goal ►implement your own game engine (stub of it) from the scratch (not really) ►Implement simple game (inspired by „Breakout“) in your own engine ►Full semester project, individual work beyond seminars expected ►See assignment in IS for details. 1.Setup of GIT repos and the template. Math if time... 2.Math 3.Camera 4.Camera 2 5.Building geometry 1 6.Building geometry 2 7.Texturing and lighting Milestone 8.Physics 1 - basic motions, basic collisions 9.Physics 2 – collisions 10.Physics 3 11.Above minimum features 12.... 13.... Possible Seminars Schedule