Seminar on Design and Architecture Patterns
Ošlejšek: Brainstorming II
Lesson details (similar to the previous week):
- Teams brainstorm on explained patterns and make joint notes (anywhere).
- Teams describe the application of selected patterns more formally using the template file below. To do that, it is necessary to study patterns in the original book!
- Inventory and Accounting: Describe the application of the Account or Transaction pattern, i.e., find out terms for which summary of something (current state) is important and also for which we need to know the history of changes. Consider the perspective of a customer (who uploads code and measures the quality of his SW project) and an operator of the QualityIS system (who wants to know about customers). Feel free to add functionality that is beyond the official specification.
- Planning: Describe the application of the Proposed and Implemented Action pattern. Focus on the description of states and their content.
- Observations for Corporate Finance: Describe the application of the Enterprise Segment pattern by providing examples of meaningful enterprise segments (at least four). Consider the perspective of a customer (who uploads code and measures the quality of his SW project) and an operator of the QualityIS system (who wants to know details about customers and their projects). Feel free to add functionality that is beyond the official specification.
- Inventory and Accounting: Describe the application of the Account or Transaction pattern, i.e., find out terms for which summary of something (current state) is important and also for which we need to know the history of changes. Consider the perspective of a customer (who uploads code and measures the quality of his SW project) and an operator of the QualityIS system (who wants to know about customers). Feel free to add functionality that is beyond the official specification.
Required output:
- Proposal of patterns application submitted to the 03 - Analysis patterns brainstorming II homework vault (odevzdávárna). Update and submit your previous file (i.e., the submitted file will include 6 patterns). Update the patterns from the previous lesson based on the feedback of the tutor.