Seminar on Design and Architecture Patterns
Kušniráková: Architecture Design II
Lesson outline:
- Students create an initial component model. Components should (roughly) correspond to packages, provided interfaces should correspond to "external" interfaces from the class diagram.
- Follow the guidelines explained during the seminar, with the Presentation Layer, Bussiness Logic Layer (Service Layer + Domain Model Layer) and Resource Access Layer, as well as the Utilities Layer
- Students elaborate component models to complete a compact reasonable component system. Add missing interfaces (provided or required) as well as new meaningful components.
- The component diagram shall be submitted as a result of this seminar.
- Homework vault: 09 - Architecture design 2 until Thursday 28.11.2024 midnight (23:59)
- Software Architecture Guidelines - Design Fundamentals at MSDN
- To define specifications (if needed) - Object Constraint Language (OCL)
- Tutorial on Visual Paradigm (required/provided interfaces) - How to Draw Component Diagram
Until the next seminar
- Find an example of real system that can be your inspiration for elaboration of the architecture that you will be discussing during the seminar next week
Study materials
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