Osnova predmetu PV179
Milestone 3
Milestone 3 Requirements:
- Create admin-specific endpoints in MVC for database data modification.
- Include endpoints to edit Product, Category, Manufacturer, Order.
- Include endpoint to reset user passwords.
- Ensure MVC directly connects to the Business Layer, not using API endpoints.
- Develop a Search feature for Products, Categories, Manufacturers.
- Implement search functionality similar to Alza's search input field.
- Add pagination for Products.
- Implement Caching in the application.
- Cache frequently accessed data, like categories in the navbar.
- Minimize the differences in features between the API and the MVC.
- Ensure both API and MVC offer similar functionalities.
- Exception: Different authentication methods allowed for API.
- Optimize code to minimize redundant database calls.
- Allow users to view their Orders with payment status.
Change Requests:
- Change Request: Modify Category x Product relationship to many-to-many.
- Set a single primary category for each product.
- Display primary category on the product detail page.
- Change Request: Implement request logging in MVC using existing API middleware.
- Distinguish and label logs from API and MVC sources.
- Change Request: Implement a Gift Card:
- In Admin section you will be capable of creating new Gift Cards
- Gift Cards will be applied in the Shopping Cart and only a single gift card can be applied for a shopping card (by using the coupon code).
- Each Gift Card has:
- a specific price reduction (e.g. 200CZK)
- `n` different coupon codes.
- each of the coupon codes has a single use.
- each gift card has a validity from date X to date Y.
- Admin can see whether the coupon code was used in any order and if so, in which order.
- Milestone 3 -
18.12.2024=> 31.12.2024 - Milestone 3 Review -
22.12.2024=>04.01.2025=> 05.01.2025 - Final Submission - 15.1.2025