PV198 - UART I One-chip Controllers Daniel Dlhopolček, Marek Vrbka, Jan Koniarik, Oldřich Pecák, Tomáš Rohlínek, Ján Labuda, Jan Horáček, Matúš Škvarla, Ondřej Bleha, Martin Klimeš, Adam Valt Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University 8/2024 Introduction UART FRDM-K66F UART Application Homework ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 2 / 14 Introduction Intro Switch the branch to Week_08! Discussion of HW7 ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 3 / 14 UART Embedded communication buses SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface I²C – Inter-Integrated Circuit UART – Universal asynchronous receiver / transmitter CAN – Controller Area Network 1-Wire RS-485 RS-232 ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 4 / 14 UART UART UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter Serial communication "Serial port" – old D-SUB 9 connector (UART = RS232 TTL) Application: intra-board communication sensors GPS bluetooth modems ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 5 / 14 UART UART Principles 2 wires 1. RX – receive 2. TX – transmit 1 to 1 communication No master nor slave, just 2 equal communication participants Works without clock signal Requires same UART configuration for both communicating devices (baud rate, parity, etc.) Asynchronous Full-duplex Device 1 Device 2 RX TX RX TX GND GND ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 6 / 14 UART UART Message BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 7 BIT 8START BIT STOP BIT START BIT ... 1 start bit 8-9 data bits 1-2 stop bits 0-1 parity bits ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 7 / 14 UART UART Settings Baud rate (typical 9600 baud/s – 115 200 baud/s) Number of data bits (8–9) Number of stop bits (1–2) Parity bit (disabled / odd / even) Note – Baudrate vs. bitrate Bitrate = bits per seconds. Baudrate = symbols per second. When bus allows more than 2 states (0/1) at one time, bitrate is higher than baudrate. E.g. bus with 4 voltage levels (2 bits at one time) with baudrate 1 kBaud/s has bitrate 2 kBits/s. ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 8 / 14 FRDM-K66F UART FRDM-K66F UART 5 UART modules RS-485 support Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) 9-bit UART support Interrupts DMA support TX/RX FIFO MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual – UART driver ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 9 / 14 FRDM-K66F UART USB to UART Bridge CP2102 We use it to connect MCU’s UART to PC. Specification ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 10 / 14 Application Seminar task I Create an application that reads data from UART and sends the data back to PC. Update your code to rotate received character +2. ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 11 / 14 Application Seminar task I – Step-by-step guide 1. Create an empty FRDM-K66F project. 2. Setup pins routing & peripherals for UART communication. PTB11 as UART3_TX, PTB10 as UART3_RX UART3 with 8 bit data, 1 stop bit, no parity, 115200 baudrate 3. Connect “USB to UART bridge” to a board (based on pins routing). Connect just RXD, TXD, GND. Do not forget to swap RX & TX. 4. Connect “USB to UART bridge” to you PC, new COM port appears in stdout of Windows CMD mode command. 5. Program desired functionality. MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual – UART driver 6. Open terminal application (e.g. PuTTy or Terminal view in MCUXpresso IDE) and connect to correct COM port with UART settings configured in MCU. Try programmed functionality. ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 12 / 14 Application Seminar task II Task II Write a PC application which communicates with your MCU. 1. Use same MCU program as in Task I. 2. Use Python, use import serial. In case pyserial is not available: python.exe -m pip install pyserial 3. Send string to the device. 4. Read "encrypted" string back. 5. Check if device correctly "encrypted" the string. Warning Do not name your file serial.py, this name is reserved for internal python package. ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 13 / 14 Homework Homework – RGB over UART On device side you will receive 3 bytes. These 3 bytes represent RGB values in order RGB. Your goal is to set RGB LEDs colors according to received values. Use PWM. Due to testing, set the Timer Output Frequency in the FTM peripheral to “262 144 Hz” ·PV198 - UART I ·8/2024 14 / 14