PV198 - UART II One-chip Controllers Daniel Dlhopolček, Marek Vrbka, Jan Koniarik, Oldřich Pecák, Tomáš Rohlínek, Ján Labuda, Jan Horáček, Matúš Škvarla, Ondřej Bleha, Martin Klimeš, Adam Valt Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University 10/2024 Introduction Intro Switch the branch to Week_10! No homework for week 10. ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 2 / 8 UART II Introduction Sometimes you cannot or don’t have to program the MCU yourself Instead control from other MCU or computer Usually custom, device specific communication protocol ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 3 / 8 UART II AT-Commands Protocol for controling other MCUs Not standardized but shares some common structure and core set of commands accross different devices Originally used for modems Nowadays mostly GSM/GPRS modules and other wireless communication modules ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 4 / 8 UART II Goal Control a MCU over UART from Python using AT-Commands ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 5 / 8 UART II Wiring and configuration You will need ESP32-C6 DevKit and USB-UART bridge Connect 5V, GND, RX, TX (don’t forget to swap RX and TX) UART uses 115200 bauds/s, 1 stop bit, no parity and 8-bit data ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 6 / 8 UART II Task 1. Reset the board with at_reset.py script from study materials 2. Use Python to communicate with board and ensure that commands are suffixed with ’\r\n’ 3. Verify connection using the test command 4. Check status of Wi-Fi, scan the surronding networks and connect to "PV198" with password "lDo53b8xp6aR" 5. Request contents of webpage located on https://www.fi.muni.cz/~xrohlin/ AT-Commands documentation can be found here. ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 7 / 8 UART II Bonus Task 1. MQTT: Connect to "mqtt://test.mosquitto.org" and send and receive messages to and from "PV198" topic 2. PWM: Connect the devkit to LED using breadboard and genereate PWM ·PV198 - UART II ·10/2024 8 / 8