PV226: Lasaris Seminar Introduction Martin Macák macak@mail.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University September 26, 2024 Lasaris Seminar First two weeks: introduction to our research https://lasaris.fi.muni.cz/ The rest of the semester: Presentations of lab members or their associates Presentations of students (future lab members?) Student presentations After the second seminar, you will choose a topic related to our lab. We will provide you with some initial set of topics (book chapter, set of papers) You can choose your own topic You will perform a small presentation What can this seminar get you? Deepen your knowledge in the computer science area you choose Hone your presentation skills Discover your thesis topic Become a lab member and enjoy several benefits Earn 2 credits for engaging in an enjoyable and productive experience Upcoming social activities Lunch Lasaris trip