Seminar 4: Interactive Data Visualization with D3 - Part 1
Interactive web-based data visualizations with D3 (Data-Driven Documents) javascript library.
You will need Node.js and npm
(Node package manager, usually comes with Node.js installation) to set up the application with local server. You
can check Node and npm version with:
- node –v
- npm –v
As a code editor/IDE we recommend Visual Studio Code.
Download the project
template, unzip and open the folder in your editor of choice, e.g. VS Code:
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Note: On school PCs save it on drive
J or local drives, do not use
network drives (\\
To start the application, navigate to the project folder (D3_tutorial_start) and from the terminal run the following:
- npm install (install dependencies)
- node index.js (start the server)
In the web browser open: localhost:3000
Follow the task in myD3app.js in the project.