Katarína Furmanová PV251 / Seminar #2 Data Preprocessing and Visualization with Python Pi Transition Paths by Martin Krzywinski Today • Homework 2 assignment • Introduction to data pre-processing and visualization with Python • We will use python notebook in Jupyter Lab environment • Download the notebook and data from IS, put it all in the same folder • Load notebook into Jupyter Lab • Individual work on visualization tasks • Homework 1 feedback and consultation 2 Jupyter Lab • Open command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved the files • Windows + R -> cmd OR type "cmd" into the address bar of file explorer with your folder • On school PCs work on local drives, do not use network drives (\\ad.fi.muni...), we often have trouble with permissions etc. there • The folder should contain files Netflix_sem2.ipynb, countries.json, and netflix_titles.csv at the same level) • Type ‘jupyter lab’, hit Enter – Jupyter Lab will start in your browser • Once there, search for the .ipynb file from IS and open it 3 4 Homework 2 Assignment Five Design Sheets 5 • 1st sheet: Brainstorming • 2nd-3rd sheet: Potential designs • 5th sheet: Final design Homework 2: Design Sheet 2/3/(4) 1. Layout 2. Focus 3. Operations 4. Discussion 5. Information 6Sources: Accessibility Homework 2: Design Sheet 2/3/(4) 1. Layout – your vision of what the final visualization would look like. Sketch of the whole layout. 2. Focus – detailed sketches and notes on key components. 3. Operations – descriptions of how the user operates and interacts with the visualization. Controls of the user interface should also be included. 4. Discussion – discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the used visualization techniques. What do they support and what do they miss? 5. Information – title, author, tasks to support, … 7 Homework 2: Design Sheet 2/3 • 2 alternative designs = 2 separate design sheets • Use different visualization techniques, different interactions, and/or focus on different tasks that your project could support • Upload to Homework vault of your group in IS • Deadlines: • Group 02 and 04: Wednesday 16.10. • Group 01 and 03: Wednesday 23.10. 8 Dos and Don’ts: Provide Context and Navigation 9Source: Setlur et al., Heuristics for Supporting Cooperative Dashboard Design Dos and Don’ts: Avoid Dead Ends 10Source: Setlur et al., Heuristics for Supporting Cooperative Dashboard Design Dos and Don’ts: Highlight Takeaways 11Source: Setlur et al., Heuristics for Supporting Cooperative Dashboard Design Dos and Don’ts: Keep It Simple 12Source: Martin Krzywinski, https://www.youtube.com/... 13 Data Preprocessing and Visualization with Python Jupyter Lab • Open command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved the files • Windows + R -> cmd OR type "cmd" into the address bar of file explorer with your folder • On school PCs work on local drives, do not use network drives (\\ad.fi.muni...), we often have trouble with permissions etc. there • The folder should contain files Netflix_sem2.ipynb, countries.json, and netflix_titles.csv at the same level) • Type ‘jupyter lab’, hit Enter – Jupyter Lab will start in your browser • Once there, search for the .ipynb file from IS and open it 14 15 In This and the Following Seminar: Today: • Preprocessing, preparing dataframes • Preparing individual components • Additional visualization tasks (defined in the notebook) 16