Marko Řeháček & Megi Kejstová Transformations Week 2 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING colors background(color) clear() fill(color) noFill() fill(120); //gray: 0-255 fill(100,125,255); //r, g, b: 0-255 fill(255, 0, 0, 50); //r, g, b, alpha fill('red'); //color string fill('#ccc'); //3-digit hex fill('#222222'); //6-digit hex fill const mycolor = color(0, 0, 255); //p5.Color object stroke(color) strokeWeight(weight: number) noStroke() colorMode(MODE) // HSB, RGB colorMode(MODE, maxValue: number) // default for HSB colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1.0) // change default for RGB colorMode(RGB, 100) // HSB is preferred // RGB used for specific calculations JS let empty_arr = []; const empty_object = {}; Recap program structure // runs once when program starts function setup(){ createCanvas(800, 600); // width, height in pixels // can use windowWidth, windowHeight // switch to full screen anytime (also in draw()) fullscreen(boolean) } // run continuously after setup function draw(){ // rendering loop } globals windowWidth / windowHeight // of browser window width / height // of canvas mouseX / mouseY // current horizontal / vertical mouse position non-visual feedback print(); console.log(msg, …); geometry point(x, y) line(x1, y1, x2, y2) circle(x, y, radius) ellipse(x, y, width, height) square(x, y, side_length) rect(x, y, width, height) rectMode(MODE) // CENTER, CORNERS arc(x, y, width, height, start, stop) triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) p5.js docs GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Map() INTRODUCTION TO P5 Convert (/transform/map) number from one range to another. Example Use height of the mouse to control the color of a shape. height 0 255 0 new_color = map( mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255 ); canvas GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Map() cont. INTRODUCTION TO P5 height 0 255 0 withinBounds: false (Default) withinBounds: true mouseX, mouseY 36 22.95* *where height == 400 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING map(value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2,[withinBounds]) Map() recap. INTRODUCTION TO P5 Take any number and scale it to a new number that is more useful. Example Use mouse position to control the size or color of a shape. Set HSB color mode, and map mouseX values in interval 0-width to 0-360 (hue). fill( map( mouseX, 0, width, 0, 360 ) ); value: number; the number to be converted start1: number; lower bound of the number’s current range stop1: number; upper bound of the number’s current range start2: number; lower bound of the number’s target range stop2: number; upper bound of the number’s target range withinBounds: boolean; constrain the number to the newly mapped range (Optional) p5 reference GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING millis() Simple animation INTRODUCTION TO P5 Returns the number of milliseconds since a sketch started running. sin(x) p5 reference Can also try to combine it with sinus for constrained motion: GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING How tf I draw this? → we decompose using functionsand this?? GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Transformations GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Translate TRANSFORMATIONS Move square 60 pixels down and right? GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Translate TRANSFORMATIONS Move square 60 pixels down and right? GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Translate TRANSFORMATIONS Built in function that shifts origin (point 0,0) of coordinate system translate(number, number) It is cumulative: translate(10, -10); translate(0, 50); is the same as translate(10, 40); Resets each draw cycle. GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Rotate coordinate system by an angle - always rotates around origin (0,0) - expects angle in radians - positive numbers rotate objects in a clockwise direction - accumulates as translate() rotate( angle_radians ) rotate( PI ) // HALF_PI the angle of rotation, specified in radians or degrees, depending on current angleMode angleMode( DEGREES ) // RADIANS, DEGREES rotate( 180 ) rotate( radians( degrees ) ) // also possibility Rotate TRANSFORMATIONS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMINGTRANSFORMATIONS Translation (60, 60) Rotation 90° Order matters GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING 1. Draw a square in the middle of canvas, by drawing it at origin (point 0,0) and moving it towards center using transformation. 2. Make it rotate. Try function millis() which returns number of milliseconds from start of sketch. 3. Switch: first rotate then translate, or first translate then rotate. 4. Make it slower, make it faster, make it stronger, make it better. 5. Play with framerate(). 6. Try sin(x) together with map(). #6 Move it TRANSFORMATIONS Finished example GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Stretches or shrinks coordinate system scale( float ) Scale TRANSFORMATIONS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING The push() function saves the current drawing style settings and transformations, while pop() restores these settings. When a new state is started with push(), it builds on the current style and transform information. Push & pop TRANSFORMATIONS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING #7: Moroccan night Draw an object consisting of circles, recursing. Use function to draw the object. Choose it nice color palette (coolors), I will use: '#924234', '#A64839', '#D37E5C', '#DFB281', '#DEE5CC', '#2F3170' Position the objects in grid to repeat as pattern. Use transformations for positioning (function should start drawing in origin. Sprinkle in some stars. INTRODUCTION TO P5 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Recreate Vera Molnar’s (Des)Ordres (1974) using transformations and recursion. (Des)Ordres TRANSFORMATIONS When done ● try different shapes ● experiment with color – handpick a nice color scheme or generate it ● use random() for shape positions, rotations, colors, and more ● don’t stop here omg! Hints 1. create a recursive function to draw a single element from the grid 2. use for loops to create a grid, then use transformations to draw the element where desired using the function; do not use push(), pop() or translate() more than once GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Interactive example GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Recursion art Bloom, Holger Lippmann GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Sketch as HTML/JS file GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Install extensions: 1. samplavigne.p5-vscode 2. zsakowitz.p5-resources Create project: Command palette: CTRL+Shift+P → search for “p5 create project” Open preview (must select index.html): Useful extension: Github Copilot (free for education, but need apply) Using VS Code GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Look at options: Let’s try! Using libraries GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Add UI elements using p5.gui: 1. download library source code to your project files, add in index.html 2. use UI TRANSFORMATIONS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Save to image keyPressed ( ) { if (key === “s”) { save(); } … } Check keyCode for special keys (LEFT_ARROW, BACKSPACE, ESC, … see more): if (keyCode === RETURN) … Use keyTyped() if you want to distinguish between lower and uppercase letters… INTRODUCTION TO P5 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Homework 1: Geometric patterns HW1 Your task is to create a sketch that generates a set of artworks of geometric pattern (for example, for a new desktop background). The emphasis of this project lies on the generative creation, i.e. your sketch is expected to create multiple artworks. This can be achieved by using randomness, input data, mathematical functions or user interaction such as mouse movement. There is no limitation to your ideas. Do not use libraries specialized for patterns. To export your artwork, use function save(). In case you are interested in artwork postprocessing, you can try vector format (SVG). Technical information regarding the submission and deadline are in interactive syllabus in IS. GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Tell me, what to do. Examples HW1 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Give me nice colors. Examples HW1 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING You can be a little bit fuzzy about it. I do like randomness. Examples HW1 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Or you can try just lines. Examples HW1 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING You can do a lot with me. A lot. Examples HW1 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Draw a shape. Maybe try it multiple times. In a grid. Or randomly? Assign it color, or multiple of them. Again randomly? Or parametrically? You say based on position? Sure. Also the size sounds cool! Sure, they can overlap. Yeah, go along and tweak it. Maybe redraw it with a new shape? Or just copy from your classmate. But you can also just ask anyone to give you a tip. Examples HW1 And now it’s you and geometric patterns GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING We will have a competition for the best homework!!! The winner gets a large print of his artwork. Voting will be anonymous and held at the beginning of the following class through discord. You will have 2 votes, and each teacher will have 4. Have fun creating your sketches! PS HW1