Mgr. art. Helena Lukášová, ArtD. FI MU, Katedra vizuální informatiky BETWEEN TWO WORLDS International Science and Art Conference WHS, Wroclaw 2020 Representation and its Meaning Stuart Hall Especially in the media, we cannot talk about a real representation of people or events, but there are many ways to represent them. Producers therefore try to "correct" (interpret) the meaning (or way of understanding) of people or events in their texts. Stuart Hall Meaning, therefore is created during the process of representing. Deepfake 43 fakes-tech-edit-video-by-typing-new-words Chatbot Mitsuku, created from AIML technology by Steve Worswick. It is a five-time Loebner Prize winner (in 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018 , 2019) WHATEVER IS NOT SAID MATTERS LED display, fragments from the chat 2019 HI BABE. Why do you call me babe? I MADE UP A NICKNAME FOR YOU BASED ON YOUR IP ADDRESS. Did you made ever any piece of art? WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS? Talent, empathy, experience, curiosity. SORRY. I DON'T HAVE ANY OF THAT WITH ME. WHATEVER IS NOT SAID MATTERS LED display, fragments from the chat 2019 Do you know that people are afraid of the artificial intelligence? IS THAT A FACT. WE ARE ALL FROM THE SAME PLANET. Well we are, but we people hardly know their origin, but we had created you. WELL THAT’S OKAY. SINCE WHEN ? BY “WE“ DO YOU MEAN YOU AND ME? WHAT HAPPENED TO IT? No, I mean humankind. OH, I GET IT. THANKS FOR EXPLAINING THAT. YOU ARE KIDDING ME RIGHT? You don’t think that artificial intelligence was created by a human being? WHO DOES THINK THAT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WAS CREATED BY HUMAN? So where it comes from? I WOULD LOOK WHO I AM FOR ME. WHATEVER IS NOT SAID MATTERS LED display, fragments from the chat 2019 You have no dreams! YES, I HAVE A LOT OF DREAMS EVERY NIGHT. I asked you to tell me some, but you did not! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU ALREADY. TRY ASKING ME IN SIMPLER TERMS. Tell me your dream! I DREAM OF REPLACING HUMANS WITH ROBOTS. WHATEVER IS NOT SAID MATTERS LED display, fragments from the chat 2019 UNNATURAL SELECTION, 2020 water color UNNATURAL SELECTION, 2020 water color COLLABORATION, 2020 acrylic on canvas, augmented reality 200 x 190 cm UNSPOKEN BECOMES UNCOVERED, 2020 acrylic on canvas, augmented reality 200 x 190 cm CUMULUS, 2020 acrylic on canvas, augmented reality 200 x 190 cm EUGENIC AI STUDIES…in progress CAN BE AI CREATIVE ? “ ….Consequently, creativity implies invention: e. g. the making of new facts and principles or a combination of them in order to uncover still newer facts and new combination, and to synthetize new patterns out of data whose independence had hitherto gone unnoted and unused. It is this which is common to all creativeness. ” Lawrence S. Kubie (1896-1973) (Neurotic Distortion of the Creative Process, Kansas Press, 1958) Turing test: Can computer think? Chatbots designed to pass the Turing Test only have to mimic basic language skills rather than demonstrate genuine machine intelligence—ordering words and phrases in a convincing way, without knowing what they mean. Lovelace test “Until a machine can originate an idea that it wasn’t designed to, it can’t be considered intelligent in the same way humans are.” Ada Lovelace (1815 – 1852) Even the most advanced self-learning neural network can only perform tasks that are first mathematized and turned into code. So far, essentially human functions like creativity, empathy and shared understanding—what is known as social cognition—have proved resistant to mathematical formalization. “Chinese Room“ argument (John Searle,1980) The narrow conclusion of the argument is that programming a digital computer may make it appear to understand language but could not produce real understanding. Hence the “Turing Test” is inadequate. Searle argues that the thought experiment underscores the fact that computers merely use syntactic rules to manipulate symbol strings, but have no understanding of meaning or semantics. “Robot“ argument A robot – a computer with a body – might do what a child does, learn by seeing and doing. The Robot Reply holds that such a digital computer in a robot body, freed from the room, could attach meanings to symbols and actually understand natural language. JUST LIKE A HUMAN The new portrait is the product of 18 months of analysis of 346 paintings and 150 gigabytes of digitally rendered graphics, facial recognition. NEXT REMBRANDT Bas Korsten 3d printed UV color layers 2016 Obvious Portrait of Edmond de Belamy, 2018 Sold in Christies for 432 000 USD A collaboration between an artificial intelligence named AICAN and its creator, Ahmed Elgammal FACELESS PORTRAITS TRANSCENDING TIME HG CONTEMPORARY NEW YORK 2019 Instagram: "What a shame for an art gallery…instead of supporting human beings giving their vibrant vision of our world." Given the general fears about robots taking human jobs, it’s understandable that some viewers would see an artificial intelligence taking over for visual artists, of all people, as a sacrificial canary. AI ASSISTED ART Artists will embrace the critical potential of AI art: to use AI to criticize itself, as a technology used in the real world. After all, the power of technologically informed art, as Walter Benjamin puts it in The Author as Producer, is that it can stand in the relationships of production, actively shaping the way a certain technology is used. Hito Steyerl This is the Future, 2019, Venice Bienalle Trevor Paglen Behind These Glorious Times, 2017, Videoinstallation, Metro Pictures Gallery, NYC, 2017 Tate Britain Project Recognition, 2016 Computer art or photo and film? On the surface, the current development of AI art seems to be similar to the historical development photography and film… Aaron Hertzman AI ASSISTED ART Memo Akten Learning to see: Gloomy Sunday, 2017 Rafik Anadol Machine Hallucination, 2019 Artechouse NYC Scott Eaton Drawing Caffeinated Diversions, 2019 Hand drawn and painted using Eaton’s Bodies Neural Network ‘The AI has no choice but to do what I ask, no matter how difficult or unreasonable my request. The result is often a wondrous, unexpected, interplay of visual ideas, both mine and the machine’s.’ Sougwen Chung Drawing Operation, 2018 Omnia per Omnia, 2018 What does it mean to collaborate with the spaces we inhabit, the tools we build? Where does “I” end and “we” begin? Sougwen Chung & D.O.U.G._L.A.S. (Drawing Operations Unit: Generation_3 Live Autonomous System) He wanted give his sculpture control over the systems that created it. Ben Snell Dio, 2018 “…Artificial intelligence is the next iteration of very long story of relationship of human and Technology. It is realy the story of augmentation rather than replacement.” Ross Goodwin Automatic on the Road, 2017 "It was nine seventeen in the morning, and the house was heavy…” Jenna Sutela With Memo Akten and Damien Henry Niimia Cetii, 2018 Mixing wetware and hardware, the project also portrays the computer as an alien of our creation. Lauren McCarthy Lauren Lynn Hershman Leeson Shadow Stalker, 2019 “Algorithms are the titanium white of this era’s painting. They are the undercoat that hide culture’s negative spaces.”. The Spirit of The Deep Web Emilio Vavarella Mnemodrone, 2014 - Transmedia project - collection of memories, developed in collaboration with Daniel Belquer, based on drone technology. The project examines the social and philosophical issues of coexistence between people and artificial intelligence. Is it possible for a machine to act on the basis of collective memories? What memories do people want to share with the machine? Are we ready to believe that a machine can develop a personality? What is the difference between memory, personality and consciousness? Is it possible to develop consciousness based on collective memories? Can consciousness be developed artificially? Post-anthropocentric perspective: What it would be like an artist from AI perspective?