Seminární skupina 01, 02 předmětu Základy odborného stylu

Slova, kterým je lepší se vyhnout

V akademickém psaní je dobré se vyhnout slovům, která jsou:

  • hovorová nebo nespisovná,
  • slangová,
  • nicneříkající,
  • rádobyvědecká.

Příklady z posledních dvou kategorií:

  • good/bad
  • simple/difficult
  • notion, issue
  • essential, crucial, vital - pokud je takových věcí víc než jedna

Prompt: Give examples of the so-called corporate-speak nouns, adjectives, and verbal phrases. Propose a replacement for each. 


Clear Alternative
"Bandwidth""Capacity" or "Time"
"Core competencies""Key strengths"
"Value proposition""Benefit" or "Selling point"
"Low-hanging fruit""Quick win" or "Easy goal"
"Paradigm shift""Major change"
"Actionable insights""Useful information"


Corporate-Speak AdjectiveClear Alternative
"Best-in-class""Top-rated" or "Highest quality"
"Game-changing""Transformative" or "Innovative"
"Disruptive""Innovative" or "Challenging norms"


Corporate-Speak Verbal PhraseClear Alternative
"Circle back""Follow up"
"Drill down""Examine closely"
"Take this offline""Discuss this later"
"Align on priorities""Agree on priorities"
"Facilitate engagement""Encourage participation"
"Move the needle""Make progress"
"Gain traction""Become popular" or "Make progress"
"Think outside the box""Be creative"

How to Replace Corporate-Speak

  1. Simplify language: Replace vague or fancy-sounding terms with plain, actionable words.
  2. Be specific: Whenever possible, provide concrete examples or details.
    Instead of "We aim to leverage synergies between departments," write "We aim to help departments collaborate better on shared projects."
  3. Use active voice: Avoid passive constructions to sound more direct.
    Replace "Actionable insights will be delivered to the team" with "The team will receive useful information."