Introduction to Academic Writing

Course Policy and Class Conduct


-          Be familiar with course assessment and all the deadlines.

-          Plan ahead regarding the course assignments and deadlines

-          Actively participating in the class (this includes taking notes!)

-          If handouts are provided in advance, you must have them either as a print out or on a laptop/tablet; phones are NOT allowed as a tool for viewing class handouts

-          Late submission policy:

  • Late submissions are accepted and should be uploaded into the folder dedicated for Late Submissions (found in the Course Objectives section).
  • One late submission per semester is allowed if announced before the deadline of the given submission. This submission will not be penalized and it is expected to be completed within a few days after the deadline.
  • Each class assignment must be submitted; students who do not submit all the relevant assignments will automatically receive an “incomplete” grade (either “X” or “-“).
  • Multiple late submissions (of homework, additional assignments, or draft submissions) may result in you getting a fail grade ("N") before getting the credit ("Z").


1)      Do I have to write down the answers to the class assignments?
Yes, make sure to write down the answers even if you think it's too easy. This speeds up all the class work substantially and also helps you with the retention of topics covered in class.

2)      Can I use my phone to look at the handout during class?
Unfortunately, phones are not really suitable for any extensive work, as they make writing and editing text a chore. Either print out the handouts or bring your laptop/tablet/e-reader. However, using your phones to look up meaning of a word/phrase, for example, is completely fine.

3)      Do I have to do any of the in-class assignments? Can I do my coding homework instead? After all, I am here just for the feedback.
This is not how the course works. We need to practice various areas in the class so that you can identify and employ different writing concepts. As a result, engagement and active participation with the course material is expected.

4)      Can I submit assignments in a different format than .docx or .pdf?
No, do not submit your work as an image or in plain text format.

5)      Can I submit assignments by email?
Emailing assignments may sound intuitive, but there is a folder for each kind of submission. Always make sure to find the appropriate folder for whatever you are submitting, because submitting your assignment in the right folders makes it easier for me to find and evaluate your submissions.

6)      Can I submit assignments after the deadline by email?
See above. Submissions after the original deadline have their own folder.

7)      When submitting assignments into the LATE SUBMISSION folder, can I use a generic file name (e.g. assignment.docx)?
Since the folder is used for various kinds of assignments, you have to make sure to label the file so that I know which assignment you are submitting. If you are submitting multiple assignments, make sure to submit each assignment in a separate file and indicate which assignment is which.

8)      Can I miss more than two classes even though I have a doctor’s note for both absences?

No. Contact me as soon as possible to discuss your attendance.