English Exam

Written Part

If you fail the Use of English part, you have to retake the whole exam. If you fail the Formal Writing Part, you need to retake only the respective part of the exam.

Use of English (58 points)
Listening (15 questions in total)

Task 1: True/False (7 questions)
Students listen to a 3-minute recording and mark the sentences True or False.
Task 2: Sentence completion (8 questions)
Students listen to a 3-minute recording and fill in some words.

Reading (20 questions in total)

Task 3: Cloze based on an IT text (7 questions)
Students complete a gapped text with a correct word (often an IT-related term).
Task 4: Error correction (8 questions)
Students study the lines of a text and find an extra word which should not be there.
Task 5: Gapped sentences (5 questions)
Students complete a text with missing sentences by choosing from a jumbled list.

Grammar and vocabulary (23 questions in total)

Task 6: Key word transformations (8 questions)
Students complete a sentence using a key word so that it means the same as the lead-in sentence.
Task 7: Word formation (6 questions)
Students form missing words from a text by changing the stem of the word given.
Task 8: Open cloze (9 questions)
Students complete a gapped text with a correct term. Any type of word may be omitted.

Formal Writing (12 points)

Task 9: Writing an email
Students write an email on a given topic with a minimum and maximum word limit.

The passing score for each part is 60%.
The passing score for part 1 is 35 points out of 58.

The passing score for part 2 is 7 points out of 12.