VV045 PHOTOGRAPHY PORTRAIT+DOCUMENT+ INDEPENDENT PROJECT Tomáš Škoda PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY The basis of quality portrait photography is a combination of wellmastered technique, work with light and, last but not least, work with the portrait subject. STUDIO PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY Studio lights: soft boxes, directional light, snoot, gels 1 light vs multiple lights How to choose a backdrop Different angles points and lighting positions evoke different psychological states. DOCUMENT PHOTOGRAPHY Documentary photography requires fast handling of the camera and quick choice making. Fast reaction to freeze a moment, to catch a fleeting moment ACTION “If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough” Robert Capa Back to the beginning ...just for a while... What is: Aperture Shutter speed ISO how these parameters are affected to each other EXPOSURE TRIANGLE TIP EXIF/ISO TIP EXIF/SHUTTER SPEED TIP EXIF/APERTURE TIP EXIF/APERTURE Lets start talk about technique Which lens are for portrait? Which setting for portrait? What is essence for good portrait? FULL FRAME vs APS-C I like the intimate situation, so it always has to be forward. When you use a long glass, you get away from the situation, you are not there and it shows. I always had 28 millimeters Antonín Kratochvíl Basic rules, dont afraid breake the rules Shutter speed min. 1/125 Use min. aperture to f8 50-3200 ISO What is bokeh...? LENS Zoom lens - 18-55mm, 24-70mm etc Prime lens - 24mm, 50mm, 85mm etc Prime lenses have large max apertures, present few structural complications, and are the top choice for many portrait photographers – but they have a fixed focal length. Zoom lenses have variable focal lengths which make them versatile. You can make a great portrait with any lens if you know what you want to photograph and what your intention is. The basic focal length for a portrait starts at 35mm and ends at 105mm Don't be afraid to try different lenses in your creation REQUIREMENTS TO COMPLETE THE MODULE PLEASE DO NOT MISS MORE THEN TWO CLASSES PER SEMESTR COMPLETE AND SUBMIT 3 PHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGMENTS* IN THE PDF FORMAT (explained in the next slide) and individual photographs jpgs pdf naming Last name_First name_Assignment title_Module_Date (mo/day/year) F.e. Skoda_Tomas_SHADOWS_VV045_08252024) F.e. Skoda_Tomas_SHADOWS_VV045_08252024_001) PHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES PDF FORMAT + JPG FORMAT PDF guidelines pdf naming Last name_First name_Assignment title_Module_Date (mo/day/year) F.e. Skoda_Tomas_SHADOWS_VV045_08252024) pdf structure Title / name of the author, name of the assignment, name of the module Text / Description of your creative process, inspirations, references etc. Font + layout / Font and layout choice is up to you *Pls don’t forget to include page numbering * Have fun with it! Description can be: haiku, image captions, joke…surprise us! JPG guidelines - The size of the individual JPGs should be under 7MB - Photos used in the pdf will be submitted as jpgs with following title: Last name_First name_Assignment title_Module_Date (mo/day/year)_number of the photo in the sequence F.e. Skoda_Tomas_SHADOWS_VV045_08252024_001) YES WE CAN! Further exploration of photography Ability to think in complex series Ability to explain creative process in words Ability to produce finished work Graphic design layout practise Understanding natural and artificial light, colours and shadows to utilize in 2D and 3D environments Identification of specific problems for dissertation thesis Assignment 1 Portrait with natural light Work in couples– one photographer, one model, each takes turn Submit 3-5 images Find natural light around the FI building Submitting the images to IS: 1. Size of the individual JPGs under 5MB 2. Naming convention: Last name_First name_Assignment title_Module_Date (mo/day/year)_number of the photo in the sequence F.e. Skoda_Tomas__natportrait_VV033_08252022_001 Rinko Kawauchi Don't forget! -portrait photography is not only about face/body - it can be detail on eye, hand etc. -use backlight -use shadows -dont afraid to experiment Assignment 2 People parts Work in groups of 3 to create 3 images with 3 parts each Use three different aperture on each shot! Find natural light around the FI building or Studio Submitting the images to IS: 1. Size of the individual JPGs under 5MB 2. Naming convention: Last name_First name_Assignment title_Module_Date (mo/day/year)_number of the photo in the sequence F.e. Skoda_Tomas__peopleparts_VV033_08252022_001 Assignment 3 BODY ALPHABET Work in groups to create a word of your own selection WORK OUTDOORS AROUND FIMU buiding Submitting the images to IS: 1. Size of the individual JPGs under 5MB 2. Naming convention: Last name_First name_Assignment title_Module_Date (mo/day/year)_number of the photo in the sequence F.e. Skoda_Tomas_bodyalphabet_VV033_08252022_001 Final assignments 1) Document portrait of your friend/family/classmate/bf/gf/artist 2) Your own idea for a portrait set 3) Group (2-3): make a campaign for politics/artist/businessman Let's go make a perfect portraits!!!! Tomáš Škoda tomas.skoda@email.cz 737682939 VV045 2023 This presentation has been created for students of FIMU Brno and cannot be used or distributed without a consent of the author.