Project on the Bibliography of

Tense, Verbal Aspect, Aktionsart, and Related Areas


Articles and Abstracts Available on the Web

©Robert I. Binnick, 2002-2004

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There are problems of formatting on this page and especially difficulties with diacritics. Eventually these problems will be corrected in the data base entries and the output page.

Eventually, too, I would like to have clickable links here.

Meanwhile, please bear with me.--RIB

Abe, Yasuaki. nd. "An Outline of the Interface Theory of Tense and Aspect." Kanda University of International Studies; available at

Aksan, Yesim and Mustafa Aksan. 2001. "Postpositions in Turkish: Adverbial Use and Aspectual Properties." To appear in the proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Bogaziçi University.

Alcazar, Asier. 2002. "Verb Classes and Aspectual Interpretation in Basque." Presented at ConSole XI,December, University Of Padua, Italy. Web site:

Altenberg, Bengt. 2003. "Expressing past habit in English and Swedish." Presented at Grammatik i Fokus, Lund, February 2003. Abstract is at:

Alturo, Núria. 2001. "La terminologia lingüística en les gramàtiques catalanes del 1891 al 1933." Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 14.62-97.

AMBAR, MANUELA, MANUELA GONZAGA, and ESMERALDA NEGRÃO . 2002. "TENSE, QUANTIFICATION AND CLAUSE STRUCTURE IN EP AND BP: EVIDENCE FROM A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON SEMPRE." Presented at Going Romance 2002--XVI Symposium on Romance Linguistics, University of Groningen, November. Abstract at

Arosio, Fabrizio. 2002. "Temporal Homogeneity and the Italian Tense System." Presented at ConSole XI,December, University Of Padua, Italy. Web site:

Arslan, C. Zeyda. 2001. "The "Perfect " in Turkish." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Artstein, Ron. 1997. "Group Events as Means for Representing Collectivity." MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 31.41-51.

_____. 2003. "Quantificational arguments in temporal adjunct clauses."

Artstein, Ron and Nissim Francez. 2003. "Plural times and temporal modification." Proceedings of the Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium, 63-68.

Avrutin, Sergey and Eric Reuland. 2002. "Backward Anaphora and Tense Interpretation." Ms., Utrecht University. To appear in L. Verbitskaya (ed.), St. Petersburg University Anniversary volume.

Bach, Emmon. 2001. "EVENTUALITIES, GRAMMAR, AND LANGUAGE DIVERSITY." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.; also available at

Baker, Will. 2002. "English Past Simple & Present Perfect in Relation to Thai Learners."

Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen. 1998. "Examining the role of task in tense/aspect research." Crosslinguistic Research on the L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect: Discourse, Semantics, and Morphosyntax, symposium at Pacific Second Language Research Forum, March, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo. Abstract at:

_____. 2002. "Tracking the Illusive Imperfect in Adult L2 Acquisition   : Refining the Hunt." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Beaver, David and Brady Clark. 2002. ""Always" and "Only": Why not all focus sensitive operators are alike."

_____. 2002a."Observations on Focus Sensitivity." "Position Paper, One Day Only, Amsterdam, May 10 2002."

Beaver, David and Cleo Condoravdi. 2003. "A Uniform Analysis of Before and After." To appear in proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XIII.

Binnick, Robert I. To appear, 2004. "Habitual aspect in English." To appear in Festschrift for Háj Ross.

BITTNER, DAGMAR. 2003. "Aspectual interpretation of early verb forms." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Blaszczyk-Szabat, Agnieszka. 2003. "the relationship between inherent aspect and past tense in the acquisition of Polish learned as L2 ."

Bohnemeyer, Jürgen. 1997. "Yucatec Mayan lexicalization patterns in time and space." Proceedings of the CLS Opening Academic Year 1997-1998, 73-106. Abstract at

_____. 1998. "Temporal Reference from a Radical Pragmatics Perspective: Why Yucatec does not need to express 'after' and ÔbeforeÕ." Cognitive Linguistics 9.239-82. Abstract at

_____. 1998a."Time Relations in Discourse: Evidence from a comparative approach to Yukatek Maya." PhD dissertation, Tilburg University (Katholieke Universiteit Brabant). Abstract at Related paper presented 1997 at the 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July.

_____. 2000. "Event order in language and cognition." Linguistics in the Netherlands, 17, 1-16. Abstract at

_____. 2002. Grammar of time reference in Yukatek Maya. München: Lincom. Abstract available from

Bohnemeyer, Jürgen and Mary Swift. 2001. "Default aspect: the semantic interaction of aspectual viewpoint and telicity." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. Proceedings/bohnemeyer.pdf.

BOLAND, ANNERIEKE. 2003. "Marked uses of aspect-tense morphology and situation type." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Bonomi, A. 1998. "Semantical remarks on the progressive reading of the imperfective." Presented at Conference on Syntax and Semantics of Tense and Mood Selection, University of Bergamo, July 2-4.

Bonomi, Andrea. 1998 (?). "Tempi, eventi e condizionali di verità." [Tenses, events and truth conditionals.]

Borer, Hagit. 2002. "Some Notes on the Syntax and Semantics of Quantity   ." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Borik, Olga. 2001. "A Closer Look at Perfectivity and Terminativity." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Bravo, Ann. 2001. "On the Internal Structure of Aspectual Constructions in Romance Languages." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

BRUN, DINA AND MARIA BABYONYSHEV. 2003. "On the Acquisition of Statives in Child Russian." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Burton, Ernest De Witt. 1898. Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark. 3rd edition. Available at

Butler, Jonny. 2003. "The Phrase Structure of Tense." Given at MIT workshop on phases/EPP, January 2003, under title "Phrase Structure is Event Structure." To appear in proceedings, in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. .

_____. 2003a."Sequence of Tense Phenomena and Non-Eventivity." Abstract at

Butt, Miriam and Gillian Ramchand. 2001. "Complex Aspectual Structure in Hindi/Urdu." Oxford Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics 6.1-30.

Caenepeel, Mimo. 1997. "Putting 'while' in context ." Abstract at; text at

Caid, Leila. 2003. Etude comparée des systèmes verbaux en créole réunionnais et en créole mauricien. Editions Septentrion. PhD thesis, University of Provence, 2000. Brief abstract is at

Caudal, Patrick. 2002. "Stage Structure and Stage Salience for Event Semantics ." Alternative presentation, NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Chang, Nancy. 1997. "A Cognitive Approach to Aspectual Composition." Ms., UC Berkeley Computer Science Division and International Computer Science Institute. Report ICSI TR 97-034.

Chang, Nancy, Daniel Gildea and Srini Narayanan. 1998. "A Dynamic model of aspectual composition." Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society COGSCI-98. Madison; A longer, older version is "A motor- and image-schematic analysis of aspectual composition", ICSI report, at

CHEN-WILSON, JOSEPHINE. 2003. "An Analysis of Mandarin speakers' marking of the progressive aspect in naturalistic data." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Claire Grover, Janet Hitzeman and Marc Moens. nd. "The Implementation of the Temporal Portion of the Discourse Grammar." Deliverable D.2.Temporal, ESPRIT Basic Research Project LRE-61-062, "Towards a Declarative Theory of Discourse." Available from

Clarke, Melody. 2001. "Aspect, negation, and adjunct phrases." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Condoravdi, Cleo. 2001. "Will." Presented atr Workshop on Temporality and Discourse Context, University of Dundee, Scotland, July 30.

Copley, Bridget. 2001. "Perfectivity on Auxiliaries and Light Verbs." Alternative speaker, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

da Costa e Sousa, Otilia. 2003. "Imperfectivity and "Aktionsart" in children narratives." Poster session, Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Dahl, Östen. 2001. "Tense and Aspect: the View from Language Typology." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

de Swart, Henriëtte. 2001. "Discourse properties of the Perfect and related tenses in French, English and Dutch." Making Sense, 195-212. Abstract at

Dechaine, Rose-Marie and Victor Manfredi. 2000. "Interpreting Null Tense." Table ronde internationale: Syntaxe du temps et de l'aspect, Université de Paris 7, 15-18 November 2000. Summary available from

Decker, Rodney J. 1994. "The Poor Man's Porter: A condensation and summarization of Verbal Aspect in the Greek of the New Testament, with Reference to Tense and Mood, by Stanley E. Porter (New York: Peter Lang, 1993)." On Porter (1989), 2nd edition (1993).

_____. 2001. Temporal Deixis of the Greek Verb in the Gospel of Mark with Reference to Verbal Aspect. (Studies in Biblical Greek, 10.)New York: Peter Lang. Th.D. dissertation, Central Baptist Seminary (Minneapolis), 1998. Support page at includes synopsis, notes, etc.

_____. 2001a."Verbal Aspect in Recent Debate: Objections to Porter's Non-Temporal View of the Verb." Presented at Evangelical Theological Society Eastern Region Annual Meeting, 3/30, Philadelphia Biblical University, Langhorne, PA. Edited adaptation of pp. 38-49 of Decker (2001).

Demirdache, Hamida and Myriam Uribe Etxebarria. 2000. "Tenses, Aspects and Time Adverbs as Spatio-Temporal Predicates." Presented at International Round Table `The Syntax of Tense and Aspect', Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, 5-18 November 2000. Cf. Demirdache and Uribe Etxebarria (2002).

Demirdache, Hamida and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria. 2002. "Aspect and Temporal Modification   ." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Desclés, Jean-Pierre and Ewa Gwiazdecka. 2001. "Towards a topological value of Polish perfectivized preverb Perspectives on Aspect ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Di Sciullo, Anna and Roumyana Slabakova. 2001. "Quantification and aspect." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. Proceedings/DiScullio.pdf.

Dorr, Bonnie J. and Mari Broman Olsen. 1997. "Deriving Verbal and Comnpositional Lexical Aspect for NLP Applications." Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Erguvanly Taylan, Eser and Ayhan Aksu Koç. 2001. "Role of adverbs in aspectual interpretation in Turkish, The ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Eynde, F. van. 1987. "Iteration, habituality and verb form semantics." Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Faller, Martina. 2000. "Evidential force in Quechua." Presentation at Sinn und Bedeutung V, 2000 in Amsterdam. Handout at

_____. 2002. "Evidential Implicatures in Cuzco Quechua." Talk at Max Planck Institute, November. Powerpoint slides available at

_____. 2002a."Remarks on Evidential Hierarchies." The Construction of Meaning. Available at:

_____. 2003. "Evidentiality in Cuzco Quechua, a two-level analysis." Functional Grammar Colloquium, UvA, May. Related talks given 2002 at Forschungsseminar, Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf., July, under title "Evidentiality in Quechua - A speech act account." and Semantics Colloquium, KUN, April, under title "Evidentiality in Quechua - Some implications for theories of meaning." "Evidentiality in Quechua" (dissertation proposal presentation) presented May 2001 at Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop Stanford University; available at

Faller, Martina T. 2002. "Semantics and Pragmatics of Evidentials in Cuzco Quechua." PhD dissertation, Stanford University. Abstract and text available from

_____. 2003. "The evidential and validational licensing conditions for the Cusco Quechua enclitic -mi." Belgian Journal of Linguistics 16.7-21. Available from Related to "Type of information and the Quechua enclitic -mi" (2000), presentation at Discourse Particles, Brussels. Handout at

Filip, Hana. 1996. "Quantification, Aspect and Lexicon." Proceedings of the ESSLLI '96 Conference on Formal Grammar, 43-56.

_____. 2001. "Aspect, Eventuality Types and NP Semantics in Slavic Languages ." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

_____. 2001a."On Accumulating and Having it All." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect.

Flilip, Hana. 1994 (1997). "Integrating Telicity, Aspect and NP Semantics: The Role of Thematic Structure ." Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, 3, The College Park Meeting 1994, 61-96. Presented at a symposium on Aspect: Current Perspectives sponsored by the University of California at Los Angeles Center for European and Russian Studies and Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, May 1994.

Folli, Raffaella and Gillian Ramchand. 2001. "PREPOSITIONS AND RESULTS IN ITALIAN AND ENGLISH: AN ANALYSIS FROM EVENT DECOMPOSITION ." "This is the prepublication version of a paper coauthored with Raffaella Folli.... This paper is to appear in the Kluwer volume that is being published based on the Aspect Conference in Utrecht in December 2001."

Folli, Raffaella and Heidi Harley. 2002. "Consuming Results in Italian & English : Flavors of v." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Fong, Vivienne. 2000. "'Into doing something': Where is the Path in event predicates? ." Paper presented at the Workshop on Paths and Telicity in Event Structure, ESSLLI 2000, University of Birmingham. 7-11 August. or

_____. 2003. "Unmarked already: Aspectual expressions in two varieties of English ." Ms.,

_____. To appear. "Resultatives and Depictives in Finnish." Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics. Available at

Gagarina, Natalia. 2001. "Aspectuality and its acquisition in Russian ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

_____. 2003. "Language-specific influence on the acquisition of aspect: (ZAS Project: work in progress)." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Gagnon, Michel. 2001. "A Compositional Approach for the Interpretation of Temporal Adjuncts." Presented at Eighth Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation - WoLLIC 2001.

Gagnon, Michel, Elena Godoy, and Rogério de Oliveira. 2001. "An Implementation of DRT for a compositional interpretation of the Portuguese progressive form." Presented at Fourth International Workshop on COMPUTATIONAL SEMANTICS,January 2001, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Available at

Geuder, Wilhelm and Shin-Sook Kim. 2001. "On the Expression of Resultant States : Between Aspect and Lexical Content." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Giannakidou, Anastasia. 2002. "UNTIL, Aspect, and Negation: A Novel Argument for Two Untils ." Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XII.

Glavina-Ivanus, Sania. 1995. "Aspekte und Aktionsarten als Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung des temporalen Ausdrucks in der Sprache: dargestellt am Beispiel slawischer Sprachen." [Aspects and Aktionsarten as possibilities for the support of temporal expression in language, represented by the example of Slavic languages .] Universität Gesamthochschule Essen, Hauptseminar: Zeit und Tempus in der deutschen Sprache, 5/12.

Gonzalez, Paz. 2001. "Comparing aspectual systems : L2 perspectives." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Goodwin, W. W. 1894. A Greek Grammar: Revised and Enlarged. Boston and New York: Ginn. Available at

Harley, Heidi. 1996. "Events, agents and the interpretation of VP-shells." Ms. Available at or at

Harrison, Rick. 2002. "Verb Aspect."

Hasegawa, Yoko. 1999. "Tense-Aspect Controversy Revisited: The -TA and -RU forms in Japanese." Pragmatics in 1998.

Hay, Jen, Chris Kennedy, and Beth Levin. 1999. "Scalar Structure Underlies Telicity in Degree Achievements." Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory IX. Available from

Heinecke, Johannes. 1999. "Imperfektivität im Bretonischen." [Imperfectivity in Breton.] Akten des Zweiten deutschen Keltologensymposium. Presented 1997 at Zweiten Deutschen Keltologensymposium, Universität Bonn, 2.-4. April. Handout at

_____. 1999a.Temporal Deixis in Welsh and Breton. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. Abstract at

_____. 2003. "The Temporal and aspectual system of English and Welsh." The Celtic Englishes III. Read 2001 at Celtic Englishes III, Potsdam. Powerpoint slides available at

Heusinger, Klaus von. 2002 (?). "Focus Particles, Sentence Meaning, and Discourse Structure." Making Sense.

Higginbotham, James. 2001. "Why is Sequence of Tense Obligatory?" Stanford Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop: The Construction of Meaning, February 16, 2001. Abstract at

Hitzeman, Janet. 1991. "Aspect and Adverbials." Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory I. Also in Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics 10.107-26 (1991). Available from

_____. 1994 (1995). "A Reichenbachian Account of the Interaction of the Present Perfect with Temporal Adverbials." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Northeastern Linguistic Society 25.239-53. Available from

_____. 1995. "Text Type and the Position of a Temporal Adverbial within the Sentence." Deliverable R1.3.2b, ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6665, "Discourse Functions and Discourse Representation: An Empirically and Linguistically Motivated, Interdisciplinarily-Oriented Approach to Natural Language Texts (DANDELION)." Available from

_____. nd. "A Constraint-Based Grammar of English Temporal Connectives." Deliverable R2.3.3, ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6665, "Discourse Functions and Discourse Representation: An Empirically and Linguistically Motivated, Interdisciplinarily-Oriented Approach to Natural Language Texts (DANDELION)." Available from

_____. nda."A Constraint-Based Grammar of English Temporal Connectives - Executable Specification in Workbench Terms." Deliverable P2.3.3, ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6665, "Discourse Functions and Discourse Representation: An Empirically and Linguistically Motivated, Interdisciplinarily-Oriented Approach to Natural Language Texts (DANDELION)." Available from

Hitzeman, Janet, Marc Moens and Claire Glover. 1995. "Algorithms for Analyzing the Temporal Structure of Discourse." Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland. Available from

HODGSON, MIREN. 2003. "The Acquisition of Spanish Perfective Aspect: a study on children's production and comprehension." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Horrocks, Geoff and Melita Stavrou. 2001. "Actions and their Results in Greek and English: the Complementarity of Morphologically Encoded Aspect and Syntactic Resultative Predication." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Hoyt, Fred. 2003. "Incremental Telicity and Extra-lexical Thematic Licensing in English Intransitive Resultative Constructions." University of Texas Department of Linguistics Collooquium, March 17. Abstract at http://www.utexas. edu/depts/linguistics/col/abstracts/hoyt.html.

Huovila, Kimmo. 1999. "Towards a Theory of Aspectual Nesting for New Testament Greek." Pro gradu (M.A.) thesis, University of Helsinki. Available at

Huumo, Tuomas. 2001. "When Aspect Reflects Subjective Conceptualization: the Riddle of Finnish quasi-resultative Constructions." Alternative speaker, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Hyams, Nina. 2002. "Child Non-Finite Clauses and the Mood-Aspect Connection : Evidence from Child Greek." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Ifantidou, Elly . 2001. Evidentials and Relevance. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 86.)Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Announced in

Jackson, Janet and Lisa Green. 2001. "Tense and Habitual Aspect i n Child African American English." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Jahn, Manfred. 1999. "Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative." "Part III of Poems, Plays, and Prose: A Guide to the Theory of Literary Genres. English Department, University of Cologne." Version 1.7, 2003.

Jarkey, Nerida. 2002. "Subjectivity and the 'Accusative': -te aru Construction in Japanese." Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society.

JESCHULL, LIANE. 2003. "What particle verbs have to do with grammatical aspect in early child English." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Jimenez, Isabel P. 2003. "The Central role of aspectual notions in the lexicon-syntax interface." Poster presentatrion, CASTL Kick-Off Conference, October. Abstract available from;=0.

Kabakciev, Krasimir. 2000. Aspect in English: A `Common-Sense' View of the Interplay between Verbal and Nominal Referents . (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 75.)Dordrecht: Kluwer. Based on earlier (1992) Bulgarian edition. Abstract at

Kadowaki, Makoto. 2002. "Event Distributivity and Telicity Requirement." NELS, MIT, November, poster session. nels/Posters/kadowaki.pdf.

Katz, Graham. 2001. "Perfectivity, Imperfectivity and Typological variation ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

KAZANINA, NINA and COLIN PHILLIPS. 2003. "Temporal Frames-of-Reference in Development of Aspect." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Kehler, Andrew. 1994. "Temporal relations: reference or discourse coherence?." Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-94), Student Session, 319-21. Available at and

_____. 1999. "Identifying temporal relations from tense and coherence." Presented at Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Handout available at

Kempff, Juergen. 1993. "Time and Its Boundaries: A Question of Speaker-Perspective." Romance Languages Annual 5.441-44. Abstract at

Kiebzak-Mandera, Dorota. 2003. "Tense and Aspect in Child Russian." Poster session, Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Kiparsky, Paul. 2002. "Event structure and the perfect." The Construction of Meaning. Abstract at

_____. 2002a."On the architecture of Panini's grammar." Three lectures delivered at the Hyderabad Conference on the Architecture of Grammar, Jan. 2002, and at UCLA, March 2002.

KNIPSCHILD, BETTINA. 2003. "The Link between V-to-T raising and the progressive aspect reading: evidence from early German/English bilingual acquisition." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Koornwinder, Oele. 2001. "From path structure to aspect ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Koornwinder, Oele and Anna Mlynarczyk. 2001. "On the relation between perfectivity and terminativity ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Kozlowska-Macgregor, Martyna. 2002. "Divergent and Incomplete Competence in L2 Acquisition of Polish Aspects ." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Kramer, Christina. 2000. "Language Contact, Grammaticalization Theory and the Albanian Future." Presented at 12th Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Kansas, Lawrence, May 4-6, 2000. Abstract at

Krifka, Manfred. 2001. "The Mereological Approach to Aspectual Composition." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Kusumoto, Kiyomi. 2001. "Two Types of Result Verbs ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Lascarides, A. and N. Asher. 1993. "A Semantics and Pragmatics for the Pluperfect." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 250-59.

Lascarides, Alex. 1990. "Knowledge, Causality and Temporal Representation." Research Paper HCRC/RP-8, University of Edinburgh. Cf. Lascarides (1992).

_____. 1991. "The Progressive and the Imperfective Paradox." Synthese 87.401-47.

Lascarides, Alex and Nicholas Asher. 1993. "Temporal Interpretation, Discourse Relations and Commonsense Entailment." Linguistics and Philosophy 16.437-93.

Lecarme, Jacqueline. 1996. "Tense in the Nominal System: the Somali DP." Studies in Afroasiatic Grammar.

Lefeuvre, Florence and David Nicolas. 2002. "La phrase nominale existentielle et la distinction aspectuelle telique/atelique." Lattice, Séances de travail sur la phrase averbale, October.

Lemanaite, Greta. 2003. "The Aspect and the types of action relation in Lithuanian children narrative discourse." Poster session, Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Levin, Beth and Malka Rappaport Hovav. 1999. "Two Structures for Compositionally Derived Events." Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory IX. Available from

Lin, Jo-wang. 2000. "On the Temporal Meaning of the Verbal -le." Language and Linguistics 1.109-33. Abstract at

_____. 2003. "Temporal Reference in Mandarin Chinese." Journal of East Asian Linguistics 12.259-311. Abstract at

Maienborn, Claudia. 2002. "Against a Davidsonian Analysis of Copula Sentences: The Case of German sein and Spanish ser/estar ." Presented at Sémantique et syntaxe, September, Université de Nancy. nels/Talks/maienborn.pdf.

Malchukov, Andrej L. 2001. "Tungusic converbs and a typology of relative tense ." Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistics Europaea, Leuven, August. Abstract at

MANNINEN, Satu. 2001. "A Minimalist Analysis of Stage Level and Individual Level Predicates." Department of English in Lund Working Papers in Linguistics.

Marín Galvez, Rafael. 1996. "Las propriedades aspectuales de las oraciones reducidas absolutas." MA thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. A short English version is Marín (1996), "Aspectual properties".

Marín, Rafael. 1996. "Aspectual Properties of Spanish Absolute Small Clauses." Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 5.183-212. Short English version of MA thesis (1996). Available at

_____. 2000. "El componente aspectual de la predicación." [The aspectual component of predication.] PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (in three pdf files).

Marin, Rafael. 2003. "Ésser o estar: una qüestió d'aspecte." [Ésser (to be) or estar (to be): a question of aspect.] Revista de Catalunya 181.13-22.

Marín, Rafael and Marta Pino. 2000. "las construcciones de participio con verbo auxiliar: algunas restricciones aspectuales." [Participial constructions with auxiliary verb: some aspectual restrictions.] Cien aõos de investigación semántica 1.681-95.

Martin, Fabienne. 2001. "Psychological events and the French progressive : être en train de." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Martinot, Claire, Maja Andel and Sunil Kumar. 2003. "Acquisition of verbal aspect in French and Croatian." Poster session, Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

MATSUO, AYUMI. 2003. "Effects of Syntactic Complexity and Aspectual Class on Past Tense Production." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Mattausch, Jason. 2001. "On the Semantics and Pragmatics of the Pluperfect." Presented atr Workshop on Temporality and Discourse Context, University of Dundee, Scotland, July 30.

McEnery, Anthony and Zhonghua Xiao. 2002. "Domains, text types, aspect marking and English-Chinese translation." Languages in Contrast 2.211-29. Available at

McLennan, Sean. 1999. "Homogeneous Events: The Domain of have-en, be-ing, and te-iru." "This paper was written for L700 - "Tense and Aspect" - a seminar class taught by Robert Botne at Indiana University, Winter Semester, 1999." Related to McLennan (nd), "A COGNITIVE AND STRUCTURAL APPROACH TO DESCRIBING EVENTS."

Menéndez-Benito, Paula. 2001. "Aspect and adverbial quantifiers in Spanish ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Michaelis, Laura A. 1998. Aspectual Grammar and Past-Time Reference. London: Routledge. Abstract at

_____. 2002 (?). "Unification-based Model of Aspectual Type-shiftng." Ms.

_____. forthcoming. "Type Shifting in Construction Grammar: An Integrated Approach to Aspectual Coercion." Cognitive Linguistics. Ms.

_____. forthcoming, 2004. "Entity and Event Coercion in a Symbolic Theory of Syntax." Construction Grammar(s): Cognitive and Cross-Language Dimensions. Ms.

_____. To appear, 2004. "Entity and Event Coercion in a Symbolic Theory of Syntax." Construction Grammar(s): Cognitive and Cross-Language Dimensions.

Mlynarczyk, Anna. 2001. "Verb Classification for Polish A." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Moeschler, Jacques. 1997. "Inférences en avant et inférences en arrière." Ms., available from

_____. 1997a."Inférences en avant et inférences en arrière." Ms., available from

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