Project on the Bibliography of

Tense, Verbal Aspect, Aktionsart, and Related Areas


©Robert I. Binnick, 2002

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Abe, Y. 2001. "Direct Perception Constraint."

Abe, Yasuaki. 1998. "Quantifier Scope and Aspect Interpretation." Kanda University of International Studies, International Workshop, November 18-19.

_____. nd. "An Outline of the Interface Theory of Tense and Aspect." Kanda University of International Studies; available at

Abraham, Werner. 1996. "The Aspect-Case Typology Correlation: Perfectivity Triggering Split Ergativity." Folia Linguistica 30.5-34.

Abraham, Werner and Jac Conradie. 2001. Präteritumschwund und Discursgrammatik: Präteritumschwund in gesamteuropäischen Bezügen--areale Ausbreitung, heterogene Entstehung, Parsing sowie diskursgrammatische Grundlagen und Zusammenhänge. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Abusch, Dorit. 1996. "The Now-parameter in future contexts." Context Dependency in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning.

Aksan, Yesim and Mustafa Aksan. 2001. "Postpositions in Turkish: Adverbial Use and Aspectual Properties." To appear in the proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Bogaziçi University.

Alarcos, E. 1949. "Sobre la estructura del verbo espaõol"." [On the structure of the Spanish verb.] Boletín de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo 31.108-39.

_____. 1975. "Otra vez sobre el sistema verbal espaõol." [One more time on the Spanish verbal system.] Homenaje a la memoria de Don Antonio Rodríguez Moõino, 9-26.

Alcazar, Asier. 2002. "Verb Classes and Aspectual Interpretation in Basque." Presented at ConSole XI,December, University Of Padua, Italy. Web site:

Alexiadou, Artemis. 2001. "PARTICIPIAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND INCHOATIVE FORMATION." Intyernational Workshop on Participles, Tübingen, 17-18.04.01.

Aliaga, F. and E. de Bustos. 2002. "Mental spaces and epistemic attitudes: on the Spanish subjunctive/indicative alternation." From words to discourse.

Aljovic, Nadira. 2002. "La syntaxe de l'imperfectif: le cas des inaccusatifs serbo-croates ." [The syntax of the imperfective: the case of Serbo-Croatian inaccusatives.] Temps et aspect.

Almeida, Manuel. 1997. "Organización temporal del espaõol: el principio de isocronía." Revista de filología románica 14.29-40.

Alonoso-Ovalle, L. 2002. "Aspect and situations: a situation semantics account of the semantic variability of Spanish "al-clauses"." From words to discourse.

Altenberg, Bengt. 2003. "Expressing past habit in English and Swedish." Presented at Grammatik i Fokus, Lund, February 2003. Abstract is at:

AMBAR, MANUELA, MANUELA GONZAGA, and ESMERALDA NEGRÌO . 2002. "TENSE, QUANTIFICATION AND CLAUSE STRUCTURE IN EP AND BP: EVIDENCE FROM A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON SEMPRE." Presented at Going Romance 2002--XVI Symposium on Romance Linguistics, University of Groningen, November. Abstract at

Amiot, Demy. 1997. L'antériorité tempirelle dans la préfixation en français. Villeneuve d'Ascq: PU Septentrion.

Amovick, Leslie K. 1990. The Development of future constructions in English: The pragmatics of modal shall and will in Middle English. New York: P. Lang.

Appel, Daniela. 1996. Textsortenbedingter Aspekt-Tempus-Gebrauch im Russisdchen. Otto Sagner.

Arosio, Fabrizio. 2002. "Temporal Homogeneity and the Italian Tense System." Presented at ConSole XI,December, University Of Padua, Italy. Web site:

Arslan, C. Zeyda. 2001. "The "Perfect " in Turkish." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Artstein, Ron. 1997. "Group Events as Means for Representing Collectivity." MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 31.41-51.

_____. 2003. "Quantificational arguments in temporal adjunct clauses."

Artstein, Ron and Nissim Francez. 2003. "Plural times and temporal modification." Proceedings of the Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium, 63-68.

Asher, Nicholas. 2000. "Computation and Storage in Discourse Interpretation."

_____. 2001(?). "Deictically and Anaphorically Anchored Presuppositions of Definites." AG 10: Informationsstruktur und der referentielle Status von sprachlichen Ausdrücken.

Asic, Tijana. 2000. "Présent perfectif en serbe, Le : temps, mode ou puzzle? ." Inférences directionnelles, représentation mentales et subjectivités, 275-94 .

Asic, Tijana . 2003. "L'expression de la relation temporelle de croisement (over-crossing) dans certaines langues ." Temporalité et causalité, 221-35.

Atawneh, Ahmad. 2000. "Contrastive study of aspect in English and Arabic." Hebron University, APETAU FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 28-30 AUGUST 2000, AMMAN - JORDAN.

Avrutin, Sergey and Eric Reuland. 2002. "Backward Anaphora and Tense Interpretation." Ms., Utrecht University. To appear in L. Verbitskaya (ed.), St. Petersburg University Anniversary volume.

Babko-Malaya, Olga. 1999. "Zero Morphology: a Study of Aspect, Argument Structure, and Case." PhD thesis, Rutgers University.

Bach, Emmon. 2001. "EVENTUALITIES, GRAMMAR, AND LANGUAGE DIVERSITY." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.; also available at

Bailey, Guy and Cynthia Schnebly. 1988. "Auxiliary deletion in the Black English vernacular." Language change and contact.

Bailey, Guy and Natalie Maynor. 1986. "The Verbal -s Inflection in Early Black English." Southeastern Conference on Linguistics at South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Atlanta, Georgia.

Baker, Mark C. 2003. "The Tense-Aspect Structure of Kinande meets Morphosyntactic Theory." Presented at WOCAL4 (4th World Congress of African Linguistics).

Baker, Will. 2002. "English Past Simple & Present Perfect in Relation to Thai Learners."

Bakker, E. J. 2002. "Futura zonder toekomst." Lampas, 199-214.

Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen. 1998. "Examining the role of task in tense/aspect research." Crosslinguistic Research on the L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect: Discourse, Semantics, and Morphosyntax, symposium at Pacific Second Language Research Forum, March, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo. Abstract at:

_____. 2002. "Tracking the Illusive Imperfect in Adult L2 Acquisition Ê : Refining the Hunt." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Barr, Donald F. 1983. "Realis-irrealis distinction in Da'a." Notes on Linguistics 27.17-23.

Bascom, Burton. 1994. "La conjugación de conjunciones en el tepehuán del norte." Encuentro de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Memorias 1, 109-19.

Baudot, Daniel. 1994. "Die Rolle von Ko- und Kontext in der Interpretation der Aspektualität der formal ambigen Partizip-Gruppe." Partizip und Partizipialgruppen im Deutschen, 133-48.

Bearth, Thomas. 1986. L'articulation du temps et de lÕaspect dans le discours toura. Berne: Peter Lang.

Beaver, David and Brady Clark. 2002. ""Always" and "Only": Why not all focus sensitive operators are alike."

_____. 2002a."Observations on Focus Sensitivity." "Position Paper, One Day Only, Amsterdam, May 10 2002."

Beaver, David and Cleo Condoravdi. 2003. "A Uniform Analysis of Before and After." To appear in proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XIII.

Beck, Gabriele. 1987. Verb, Satz, Zeit: zur temporalen Struktur der Verb in Französischen. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Bedia, Ana Maria and Lucinda Díaz de Martínez. 1995. Pretéritos perfectos en la interacción verbal. San Salvador de Jujuy: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy.

Bello, Andrés. 1972. Análisis ideológica de los tiempos de la conjugación castellana. Caracas.

Bende-Farkas, çgnes. 1999. "Stative Verbs and Past Tenses in Romanian."

Benson, Janice. 1996. "El aspecto perfectivo en la narrativa del quechua de Huamalíes." Estudios etno-lingüísticos III .

Benveniste, ƒmile. 1922. "Les futurs et subjonctifs sigmatiques du latin archaïque." Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 23.32-63.

Berthouzoz, Cathy. 2000. "Modèle Directionnel d'Interprétation du Discours, Le ." Inférences directionnelles, représentation mentales et subjectivités, 101-46.

Bertinetto, Pier Marco. 1998. "Verso una definizione della perifrasi 'continua' ('andare / venire + Gerundio')." do-ra-qe pe-re, 87-101.

_____. 2001. "On a frequent misunderstanding in the temporal-aspectual domain: The 'Perfective = Telic Confusion'." Semantic Interfaces [Reference, Anaphora and Aspect]. Previous version, 2000, in Quad. Lab. Ling. SNS (n.s.) 1.

_____. 2001a."Le proprietà tempo-aspettuali dell'Infinito italiano." Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica della SNS (n.s.).

_____. 2001b."'Propulsive' tenses in modern Italian fictional prose." Current Studies in Italian Syntax, 97-115.

_____. To appear. "On describing tense and aspect systems: A review-article." Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica.

Bertocchi, A. nd. "Anaphor and tense in Latin." Papers on Grammar II.

Bickel, Balthasar. 1992. "Meaning beyond closed paradigms." Swahili Language and Society 9.35-45. Review article of Göbelsmann (1988).

_____. 1996. "Tense-aspect-mood in Nepali: a preliminary synopsis." Ms., University of Zürich.

_____. 1998. "Review article, König and Haspelmath, Converbs in cross-linguistic perspective." Linguistic Typology 2.381-97.

Binnick, Robert I. To appear. "Aspect and aspectuality." Handbook of English Linguistics.

_____. To appeara."Tense and aspect." Handbook of Pragmatics.

_____. To appear, 2004. "Habitual aspect in English." To appear in Festschrift for Háj Ross.

Birkmann, Thomas. 1987. Präteritopräsentia: morphologische Entwicklungen einer Sonderklasse in den altgermanischen Sprachen. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

BITTNER, DAGMAR. 2003. "Aspectual interpretation of early verb forms." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Bleses, Dorthe. 1998. The Role of input, productivity and transparencty in Danish children's acquisition of past tense morphology. Odense: Odense .

Bobzin, Hartmut. 1974. Die 'Tempora' im Hiobdialog. Marburg: Philipps-Universität.

Bodomo, Adams. B. 2001. "Temporal systems of Dagaare and Dagbane: Re0-appraising the Philsophy of Linguistic Relativity." Journal of Cultural Studies.

Bogdan, David R. 1998. "Discourse Functions of Tense and Aspect in Polish and Japanese Narrative." PhD thesis, University of Florida.

Bogner, Stephen. 1994. Periphrastische Futurformen im Frühneuhochdeutschen. Wien: Praesens.

Boguslawski, Andrzej. 1975. "On the Status of Temporal Expressions." Charakterystyka temporalna wypowiedzenia.

Bohnemeyer, Jürgen. 1996. "La coherencia temporal y la conceptualización de las relaciónes temporales." [Temporal coherence and the conceptualization of temporal relations.] Lecture given at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, November 12. Same or related paper presented under title "Temporale Kohärenz und die Konzeptualisierung temporaler Relationen", 1996, at the "Linguistikwerkstatt" [linguistics workshop], linguistics department, Cologne University, June.

_____. 1997. "Yucatec Mayan lexicalization patterns in time and space." Proceedings of the CLS Opening Academic Year 1997-1998, 73-106. Abstract at

_____. 1998. "The Pitfalls of getting from here to there: Bootstrapping the syntax and semantics of motion event expressions in Yucatec Maya." Paper presented at the staff seminar of the Research Group Language and Models of Grammar, Tilburg University, December

_____. 1998a."Temporal Reference from a Radical Pragmatics Perspective: Why Yucatec does not need to express 'after' and ÔbeforeÕ." Cognitive Linguistics 9.239-82. Abstract at

_____. 1998b."Temporale Relatoren im hispano-yukatekischen Sprachkontakt: Temporal connectives in Spanish-Yukatekan language contact." Convergencia e Individualidad, 195-241. Paper presented 1996 at the conference "Konvergenz und Individualität. Die Mayasprachen zwischen Hispanisierung und Indigenismus"[Convergence and individuality: the Mayan languages between hispanization and indigenous identity activism], Bremen, July.

_____. 1999. "The Coding of Complex Events across Languages." Workshop "Event Representation in Language and Cognition". Nijmegen, December.

_____. 1999a."Invisible time lines in the fabric of events: Temporal coherence in Yukatek narratives." Presidential Symposium "Telling time: temporal coherence in narrative", 98th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association. Chicago, November.

_____. 1999b."The Primitives of time." 4th Rasmus Rask Colloquium on Language and Communication (The Anna Wierzbicka Festival).Odense, Denmark; March.

_____. 2000. "Constraints on Motion Event Coding: Vectors or Path Shapes?." Workshop "Axes and Vectors in Language and Space", Lincoln (U.K.); July. "Commentary" delivered 2001 under title "Constraints on Motion Event Encoding in Spoken and Signed Languages: An Inquiry into the Cognitive Embedding of the Language Faculty" at the Nijmegen Lectures 2001. Nijmegen, The Netherlands; December.

_____. 2000a."Event order in language and cognition." Linguistics in the Netherlands, 17, 1-16. Abstract at

_____. 2000b."Inferring from What?: The Impact of the Grammaticalization of Aspectual Operators on the Derivation of Temporal Inferences in Discourse." Workshop "Temporal Reasoning in Discourse: Linguistic Variation and Cognitive Structure". Lyon, France; February. Related to (2000), "Where do pragmatic meanings come from?"(?).

_____. 2000c."Where do pragmatic meanings come from?: The source of temporal inferences in discourse coherence." Samenhang in diversiteit, 137-53. Related to (2000), "Inferring from What?"(?).

_____. 2001. "Argument and Event Structure in Yukatek Verb Classes." University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics: the semantics of underrepresented languages in the Americas 25.8-19. Presented at SULA: Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas. Northampton, MA; April.

_____. 2001a."Principles of Event Representation: The Case of Motion Events." University of HawaiÕi at Manoa. Honolulu, HW; March; University of Rochester. Rochester, NY; January; 2000, Amsterdam Center for Language and Cognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; November.

_____. 2001b."Prinzipien der Ereignisrepresentation am Beispiel von Bewegungsereignissen." [Principles of event representation, with reference to motion events.] Jahrbuch 2001, 359-63. Same or related paper presented as "Principles of Event Encoding: The Case of Motion Events" at ALTIV: Fourth Biennial Meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology. Santa Barbara, CA: July.

_____. 2002. "Doing Semantic Typology: Crosslinguistic Explorations in the Construal of Motion Events." Colloquium, University at [sic] Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y.; March.

_____. 2003. "Relative tense vs. aspect: The case reopened." SULA 2: Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas, Vancouver; March.

Bohnemeyer, Jürgen and Mary Swift. To appear. "Event realization and default aspect."

BOLAND, ANNERIEKE. 2003. "Marked uses of aspect-tense morphology and situation type." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Bonomi, Andrea. 1980. "Determinismo e semantiche per logiche temporali." Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Logica, 1-5 ottobre 1979.

_____. 1994. Lo Spirito della Narrazione. Milan: Bompiano.

_____. 1998 (?). "Tempi, eventi e condizionali di verità." [Tenses, events and truth conditionals.]

Bonomi, Andrea and Paolo Casalegno. 1993. "Only: Association with Focus in Event Semantics." Natural Language Semantics 2.1-45.

Boos, David. 1984. "The Historical present in John's Gospel." Selected Technical Articles Related to Translation 11.17-24.

Borer, Hagit. 2002. "Some Notes on the Syntax and Semantics of Quantity Ê ." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Borik, O. and P. Gonzalez. 2001. "Comparing aspectual systems." Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001, 13-26. =Link 12.13-19?

Borik, Olga. 2001. "A Closer Look at Perfectivity and Terminativity." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Bravo, Ann. 2001. "On the Internal Structure of Aspectual Constructions in Romance Languages." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Brinton, Laurel J. 1985. "The Iconic Role of Aspect in Shakespeare's Sonnet 129." Poetics Today 6.447-59.

_____. 1989. "Episode Boundary Markers in Old English Discourse." Historical Linguistics 1989, 73-89.

_____. 1991. "The Mass/Count Distinction and Aktionsart: the Grammar of Iteratives and Habituals." Belgian Journal of Linguistics 6.47-69.

_____. 1992. "The Historical Present in Charlotte Brontë's Novels: some Discourse Functions." Style 26.221-44.

_____. 1998. "Aspectuality and Countability: a Cross-categorial Analogy." English Language and Linguistics 2.37-63.

_____. 2002. "Grammaticalization versus Lexicalization Reconsidered: on the 'late' Use of Temporal Adverbs." English Historical Syntax and Morphology.

Brisard, Frank. 1991. "The Probledm of temporality: tense and time in cognitive grammar." Antwerp papers in linguistics.

_____. 2001. "Be going to: an exercise in grounding." Journal of linguistics 37.251-85.

_____. 2002. "The english present." Grounding, 251-97.

BRUN, DINA AND MARIA BABYONYSHEV. 2003. "On the Acquisition of Statives in Child Russian." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Bull, Brian E. 1984. "Aspect formation of San Jerónimo Mazatec verbs." SIL Mexico Workpapers 6.93-117.

Burkhardt, Doris. 1990. Modale Funktion des Verbalaspekts im Russischen?. O. Sagner.

Bustos Gisbert, José Manuel. 1995. "Temporalidad en espaõol La: análisis intencional." [Temporality in Spanish: intentional analysis.] Lingüística Espaõola Actual 17.143-66.

Butler, Jonny. 2003. "The Phrase Structure of Tense." Given at MIT workshop on phases/EPP, January 2003, under title "Phrase Structure is Event Structure." To appear in proceedings, in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. .

_____. 2003a."Sequence of Tense Phenomena and Non-Eventivity." Abstract at

Butt, Miriam. 2001. "The Treatment of Tense." Proceedings of the LFG01 Conference .

Butt, Miriam and Gillian Ramchand. 2001. "Complex Aspectual Structure in Hindi/Urdu." Oxford Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics 6.1-30.

Caenepeel, Mimo. 1997. "Putting 'while' in context ." Abstract at; text at

Caid, Leila. 2003. Etude comparée des systèmes verbaux en créole réunionnais et en créole mauricien. Editions Septentrion. PhD thesis, University of Provence, 2000. Brief abstract is at

Callaghan, Catherine A. 1985. "Proto Miwok Tense and Aspect." International Journal of American Linguistics 51.356-58.

Campos, Maria Henriqueta Costa. 1997. Tempo, Aspecto e Modalidade: Estudos de Lingüística Portuguesa. [Tense, Aspect and Modality: Studies of Portuguese Linguistics.] Porto: Porto Editora.

Carlson, Gregory N. 1980. Reference to Kinds in English. (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics.)New York: Garland.

Cartagena, Nelson. 1994. "La estructura del complejo verbal en los tecnolectos del espaõol y del alemán." Revista de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada 5.175-93.

Casadio, C. 1984. "Generic Interpretation." Lingua e Stile 24.175-98.

Castaneda, Hector-Neri. 1985. "Aspectual Action and Davidson's Theory of Events." Actions and Events.

Caudal, Patrick. 2002. "Stage Structure and Stage Salience for Event Semantics ." Alternative presentation, NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Caudal, Patrick and Laurent Roussarie. 2000. "Event structure vs. stage structure and abstracr aspectual relations." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society.

_____. 2002. "Aspectual viewpoints, speech act functions and discourse structure." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. pdf/CaudalRoussariepaper.pdf.

Caudal, Patrick, Laurent Roussarie, and Carl Vetters. 2002. "Un traitement conjoint du conditionnel, du futur et de l'imparfait: les temps comme fonctions d'actes de langage." Chronos V, Groningen.

_____. 2003. "L'imparfait, un temps inconséquent." Langue Française 138.61-74. Review article.

Chang, Nancy. 1997. "A Cognitive Approach to Aspectual Composition." Ms., UC Berkeley Computer Science Division and International Computer Science Institute. Report ICSI TR 97-034.

CHEN-WILSON, JOSEPHINE. 2003. "An Analysis of Mandarin speakers' marking of the progressive aspect in naturalistic data." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Chittaro, Luca and Carlo Combi. 2001. "Representation of Temporal Intervals and Relations: Information Visualization Aspects and their Evaluation." TIME 2001, 13-20.

Chlebnikova, Irina B. 1973. Oppositions in morphology as exemplified in the English tense system. Mouton.

Christophorov, Nadia. 1972. L'emploi de l'aoriste et du parfait en bulgare moderrne. Amsterdam: Hakkert.

Chuquet, H. 1994. Le présent de narration en anglais et en français. Paris: Ophrys.

Cipria, A. 2002. "Tensed complements of perception verbs: issues in their temporal interpretation." From Words to Discourse.

Claire Grover, Janet Hitzeman and Marc Moens. nd. "The Implementation of the Temporal Portion of the Discourse Grammar." Deliverable D.2.Temporal, ESPRIT Basic Research Project LRE-61-062, "Towards a Declarative Theory of Discourse." Available from

Clarke, Melody. 2001. "Aspect, negation, and adjunct phrases." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Clements, J. Clancy. 2003. "The Tense-Aspect System in Pidgins and Naturalistically Learned L2." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 17.245-81.

Cloud, Frank Levis. 1910. Use of the perfect tense in the Attic orators. Norristown.

Cocchiarella, Nino. 1966. "Modality within Tense Logic." Journal of Symbolic Logic 31.690f..

_____. 1966a."Tense Logic: A Study of Temporal Reference." Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA.

_____. 1974. "La Semantica della Logica del Tempo." [The Semantics of Tense Logic.] La Logica del Tempo, 318-47. "IItalian translation of the third chapter of the...Ph. D. Thesis [1966]."

Cockiewicz, W. 1992. Aspekt na tle systemu slowotwórczego polskiego czasownika i jego funkcyjne odpowiedniki w jezyku niemieckim. Cracow: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego.

Colombo Airoldi, Fulvia. 1998. "Tiempos verbales y expresiones de tiempo en la norma culta mexicana." Atti del XXI Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza 2.187-93.

Comrie, Bernard. 1997. "Obsàcàaja teorija glagol«nogo vida." [General theory of verbal aspect.] Trudy aspektologi eskogo seminara Filologi eskogo fakul«teta MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova 1.115-21.

Copley, Bridget. 2001. "Perfectivity on Auxiliaries and Light Verbs." Alternative speaker, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Cornips, Leonie. 1998. "Habitual doen in Heerlen Dutch." DO in English, Dutch and German. History and present-day variation, 83-101.

Csató, ƒva çgnes. 2000. "Zur Phrasenstruktur ungarischer Aktionalphrasen." Probleme der Interaktion von Lexik und Aspekt, 75-89.

Cuvalay, Martine. 1995. "The E-structure in FG: towards a consistent treatment of Tense, Mood, Aspect and Illocutionary Force."

Cygan, J. 1966. "Czas i aspekt w jezyku angielskim i polskim." Jezyki obce w szkole 6.138-44. Cf. Cygan (1972).

Czochralski, Jan. 1972. Verbalaspekt und Tempussystem im Deutschen und Polnischen: eine konfrontative Darstellung. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.

d'Huslt, Yves. 2002. "Le développement historique des propriétés temporelles du conditionnel français et italien: ." [The historical development of temporal properties of the conditional in French and Italian.] Temps et aspect.

da Costa e Sousa, Otilia. 2003. "Imperfectivity and "Aktionsart" in children narratives." Poster session, Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Dagyeli, Y. 1987. Die Zeiten im Türkischen und die Konjugation türkischer Verben. Frankfurt: Dagyeli Verlag.

Dahl, …sten. 2001. "Languages without Tense and Aspect." Aktionsart and Aspectotemporality in Non-European Languages, 159-73.

_____. 2001a."Tense and Aspect: the View from Language Typology." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Dalrymple, Mary. 1988. "The Interpretation of Tense and Aspect in English." Proceedings of the 26thAnnual Meeting of the ACL, 68-74.

David, Jean and Robert Martin. 1980. La notion d'aspect. [The notion of aspect.] Paris: Klincksieck.

Dayton, Elizabeth. 1981. "The Social context of be done: a Black English tense/aspect marker?." 10th annual conference on New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English (NWAVE-X). Philadelphia, PA.

De Armond, Richard C. 1994. "Proposition Structure and Linking of Russian Tense and Aspect." Read, Bratislava.

_____. 1995. "Tense and Space in Natural Language ." IJCAI-95 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Montreal, QU, August. "This work has been modified in 'The Argument Structure of Tense and Aspect in Russian.'

_____. 1996. "The Argument Structure of Tense and Aspect in Russian." Presented at the Slavic Linguistics and Poetics Conference in Honour of Roman Jakobson's 100th Birthday in Sofia, Bulgaria, 24-26th of May.

de Haan, Ferdinand. 2001. "The Place of Inference within the Evidential System." International Journal of American Linguistics 67.193-219.

de Swart, Henriëtte. 2001. "Discourse properties of the Perfect and related tenses in French, English and Dutch." Making Sense, 195-212. Abstract at

De Swart, Henriette and Arie Molendijk. 2002. "Le passé composé narratif: une analyse discursive de L'ƒtranger de Camus ." [The narrative 'PassŽ ComposŽ': a discourse analysis of Camus' "L'Etranger".] Temps et aspect.

de Swart, Henriëtte and Arie Molendijk. 2003. "In pursuit of the 'perfect' perfect." ACLC colloquium, Amsterdam, March, 21.

Decker, Rodney J. 1994. "The Poor Man's Porter: A condensation and summarization of Verbal Aspect in the Greek of the New Testament, with Reference to Tense and Mood, by Stanley E. Porter (New York: Peter Lang, 1993)." On Porter (1989), 2nd edition (1993).

_____. 2001. "Verbal Aspect in Recent Debate: Objections to Porter's Non-Temporal View of the Verb." Presented at Evangelical Theological Society Eastern Region Annual Meeting, 3/30, Philadelphia Biblical University, Langhorne, PA. Edited adaptation of pp. 38-49 of Decker (2001).

Deianova, Mariia. 1966. Imperfekt i aorist v slavianskite ezitsi. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite.

Delfitto, Denis and Pier Marco Bertinetto. 2000. "Word order and quantification over times." Speaking of Events, 207-43. Previous version, 1995, in Quad. Lab. Ling. SNSÊ9.

Demirdache, Hamida and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria. 2002. "Aspect and Temporal Modification Ê ." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Dendale, Patrick. 1999. "'Devoir' au conditionnel: valeur évidentio-modale et origine du conditionnel." [Devoir in the conditional: evidential-modal value and the origin of the conditional.] Cahiers Chronos 4, 7-28.

_____. 2001. "Le Futur conjectural versus devoir épistémique: différences de valeur et restrictions d'emploi." [The conjectural future versus epistemic devoir: differences in meaning and restrictions on use.] Le Français Moderne 69.1-20.

Dendale, Patrick and Carl Vetters. 2001. "Bibliographie spécialisée sur le conditionnel en français." [A bibliography on the conditional in French.] Le conditionnel en français, 365-74.

Dendale, Patrick and Daniedlle Coltier. 2001. "Discours rapporté et évidentialité: Comparaison du conditionnel épistémique et des constructions en selon SN." International colloquium ÒLe discours rapporté dans tous ses états : questions de frontièresÓ, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 8-11 November. Proceedings to appear, Bruxelles, Duculot.

Dentler, Sigrid. 1997. Zur Perfektmeuerung im Mittelhochdeutschen: die Erweiterung des zeitreferentiellen Funktionsbereichs von Perfektfügungen. Gothenburg: Acta Universitatis Gothenburgensis.

Desclés, Jean-Pierre and Ewa Gwiazdecka. 2001. "Towards a topological value of Polish perfectivized preverb Perspectives on Aspect ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Desclés, Jean-Pierre and Zlatka Guentchéva. 1980. "Construction formelle de la catégorie grammaticale de l'aspect (essai)." [Formal construction of the grammatical category of aspect (attempt).] La notion d'aspect.

_____. 1995. "IS THE NOTION OF PROCESS NECESSARY?" Temporal Reference, Aspect, and Actionality, vol. I, Semantic and Syntactic Perspectives, 55-70.

_____. 1996. "Convergences et divergences dans quelques modèles du temps et de l'aspect." [Convergences and divergences in some models of tense and aspect .] Semantyka a konfrontacija jezykowa.

_____. 1997. "Aspect et modalités d'action: représentations topologiques dans une perspective cognitive." [Aspect and modalities of action: topological representations in a cognitivev perspective.] ƒtudes cognitives II.

_____. To appear. "Comment déterminer les significations du passé composé par l'exploration contextuelle?" [How to determine the meanings of the passŽ composŽ by contextual exploration?.] Langue française .

_____. To appeara."Imparfaits bulgare et français: Confrontation sur une valeur sémantique." Catégories grammaticales et problèmes cognitifs.

Dhorne, France. 1981. "Le temps et l'aspect en japonais." Thèse de 3e cycle, Université Paris VII.

_____. 1994. "Aspect et temps en japonais." PHD thesis, Université Paris VII.

_____. 1997. "Question de temps." Ebisu.

Dicks, Joseph E. 1995. A Comparative study of acquisition of FRench verb tense and aspect in early, middle, and late French immersion. Ottawa: National Library of Canada.

Diewald, Garbriele Maria. 1991. Deixis und Textsortehn im Deutschen. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Dobinda-Dejean, Natalia. 2000. "Référents évolutifs et représentations mentales : vers une ontologie des référents évolutifs ." Inférences directionnelles, représentation mentales et subjectivités, 219-39.

Dobler, Eva. 2002. "Aspekt und Direktionalität in der gi-Konstruktion im Vorarlbergischen." [Aspect and directionality in the gi-Construction in Vorarlbergian.] Presented at Workshop "Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle", Friday, 6 December, 30. …sterreichische Linguistiktagung, Universität Innsbruck.

Dobrovie Sorin, C. and B. Laca. 1997. "La généricité entre la référence à l'espèce et la quantification générique." Langues et grammaire, Paris.

Dokic , J. and M.T. Guasti. 1992. "Logical Form of Adverbial Phrases and the Nature of Events." Lingua e Stile 27.183-98.

Dorr, Bonnie J. and Mari Broman Olsen. 1997. "Aspectual Modifications to an LCS Database for NLP Applications." LAMP TR-007, UMIACS TR-97-003, CS-TR-3763. College Park: University of Maryland.

_____. 1997a."Deriving Verbal and Comnpositional Lexical Aspect for NLP Applications." Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Dorr, Bonnie J. and Therea Gaasterland. 1992. "Reflecting time in generated text: Tense, aspect, and temporal connecting words." Technical Report CS-TR-2950, University of Maryland at College Park.

Du, Juliet Wai-hong. 1997. "Imperfective aspect of te-iru in Japanese." Presented at 12th Meeting of Southeast Association of Teachers of Japanese.

_____. 1999. "Imperfective aspect in Korean, Chinese and English: an interaction with participants in the event." Presented at Conference on Korean Linguistics in 1999 Linguistic Institute at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

_____. 1999a."Locative inversions and temporal aspects in Chinese." Proceedings of the Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society.

Dwyer, Arienne. 2000. "Direct and indirect experience in Salar." Evidentials, 45-60.

Edwards, Walter. 2001. "Aspectual d\n in African American Vernacular English in Detroit." Journal of Sociolinguistics 5.413-27.

Egg, Markus. 2003. "Intergressivprädikate: Stiefkinder der Aspektsemantik ." Aspekt und Aktionsart im heutigen Deutsch (Eurogermanistik). Also invited talk, Kolloquium zur Agrégation 2003, Universität Dijon, September, 2003.

Ehrich, V. 1987. "The Generation of tense." Natural Language Generation.

Eide, Kristin M. 2003. "Universal and non-universal properties of tense." Poster presentatrion, CASTL Kick-Off Conference, October. Abstract at

Eisele, John C. 1999. Arabic verbs in time: tense and aspect in Cairene Arabic. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Ejele, P. 1986. "Transitivity, Tense and Aspect in Esan (Ishan)."

Emms, Martin. 2001. "A Realist Semantics of Verb Collocations." Presented at "CONTEXT '01 Workshop: Temporality and Discourse Context".

Erguvanly Taylan, Eser and Ayhan Aksu Koç. 2001. "Role of adverbs in aspectual interpretation in Turkish, The ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Erteschik-Shir, Nomi and Tova Rapoport. 2000. "Aspectual Focus." Presented at GLOW 2000 Ð Focus Workshop, The University of Deusto, Bilbao, April 19.

Escandell-Vidal, V. and M. Leonetti. 2002. "Coercion and the stage/individual distinction." From words to discourse.

Euler, Wolfram. 1994. Modale Aoristbildungen und ihre Relikte in den alteuropäischen Sprachen. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.

Evans, B. 1999. "A Non-Coercing Account of Event Structure in Pular."

Eynde, F. van. 1987. "Iteration and quantification." Proceedings of the Sixth Amsterdam Colloquium , 43-64.

_____. 1987a."Iteration, habituality and verb form semantics." Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

_____. 1988. "Analysis of tense and aspect in Eurotra." Proceedings of he 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 699-704.

_____. 1989. "The Discourse representation model for the semantic analysis of temporal expressions." Worlds behind words, 119-29.

_____. 1991. "The Semantics of tense and aspect." Natural Language Processing, 158-84.

_____. 1998. "Tense, aspect, and negation." Linguistic Specifications for Typed Feature Structure Formalisms, 209-80.

_____. 2000. "A Constraint-based semantics for tenses and temporal auxiliaries." Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG, 231-49.

_____. 2001. "Rules or constraints: Two ways of treating the syntax/semantics interface for temporal expressions." Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-4, 97-117.

_____. In press. "An Interlingual treatment of tense and aspect." Essays in Honour of B. Vauquois, 56-88.

Eyrnde, F. van. 1995. "A Sign-based approach to the translation of temporal expressions." Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, 67-86.

Faller, Martina. 1999. "Evidentiality and Tense in Quechua." Presentation at the 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Stockholm.

_____. 2000. "Evidential force in Quechua." Presentation at Sinn und Bedeutung V, 2000 in Amsterdam. Handout at

_____. 2000a."Uso de los evidenciales quechuas en las inferencias El." [The use of Quechua evidentials in inferences.] Actas del I Congreso de Lenguas Indígenas de Sudamérica.

_____. 2002. "Evidential Implicatures in Cuzco Quechua." Talk at Max Planck Institute, November. Powerpoint slides available at

_____. 2002a."Remarks on Evidential Hierarchies." The Construction of Meaning. Available at:

_____. 2003. "Evidentiality in Cuzco Quechua, a two-level analysis." Functional Grammar Colloquium, UvA, May. Related talks given 2002 at Forschungsseminar, Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf., July, under title "Evidentiality in Quechua - A speech act account." and Semantics Colloquium, KUN, April, under title "Evidentiality in Quechua - Some implications for theories of meaning." "Evidentiality in Quechua" (dissertation proposal presentation) presented May 2001 at Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop Stanford University; available at

_____. 2003a."Spatio-Temporal Deixis and Evidentiality in Cuzco Quechua." Presented at SULA 2, UBC, Vancouver, March.

Faller, Martina T. 2002. "Semantics and Pragmatics of Evidentials in Cuzco Quechua." PhD dissertation, Stanford University. Abstract and text available from

_____. 2003. "The evidential and validational licensing conditions for the Cusco Quechua enclitic -mi." Belgian Journal of Linguistics 16.7-21. Available from Related to "Type of information and the Quechua enclitic -mi" (2000), presentation at Discourse Particles, Brussels. Handout at

Farahani, Khomeijani. 1990. "A Syntactic and semantic study of the tense and aspect system of modern persian." PhD thesis, Leeds.

Farron, Steven. 1973. "The Imperfect indicative tense in Latin narrative." PhD dissertation, Columbia University.

Fasold, Ralph W. 1969. "Tense and the form be in Black English." Language 45.763-66.

Fennell, T. G. 1975. La morphologie du futur en français moyen. Geneva: Droz.

Ferreres Masplá, Federico. 1998. "Les temps du subjonctif esp. et fr. dans le roman moderne." Atti del XXI Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza 2.283-96.

Fickett, Joan. 1972. "Tense and aspect in Black English." Journal of English Linguistics 6.17-19.

Filip, H. and G. Carlson. 2001. "DISTRIBUTIVITY STRENGTHENS RECIPROCITY, COLLECTIVITY WEAKENS IT." Linguistics and Philosophy 24.417-66.

Filip, Hana. 1989. "Nominal reference and aspect: aspectually determined sort-shifting in Czec h." Presented at Annual Meeting of the LSA, Washington, December.

_____. 1991. "Aspect and individuation." Presented at Second International Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference, The University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, July.

_____. 1991a."The Role of 'Incremental Theme' in the Constitution of Aspect Semantics." he Fifth Annual Cognitive Linguistics Workshop. The University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, May.

_____. 1992. "Aspect and interpretation of nominal arguments." Proceedings of the Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society.

_____. 1992a."Event structure and semantics of nominal expressions." Presented at Conference on The Relationship between Linguistic and Conceptual Representation organized by the Max-Planck Institute, Nijmegen, and the Linguistic Society of Belgium. Antwerp, Belgium, November.

_____. 1992b."Verbal Aspect and Nominal Argument Interpretation." Presented at Linguistics Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Texas ay Austin, May.

_____. 1992c."Verbal aspect and object case marking: a comparison between Czech and Finnish." Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Western Conference on Linguistics, 43-59. Presented at The Twenty-Second Western Conference on Linguistics, The University of Arizona at Tucson October and at Cognitive Linguistics Workshop, University of California at San Diego and University of California at Berkeley. La Jolla, November.

_____. 1993. "Habitual and generic sentences: a case study in Czech." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Presented also at Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Los Angeles, January, 1993.

_____. 1993a."On Genericity: A Case Study in Czech." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 19.125-42.

_____. 1994. "Integrating telicity, aspect and NP semantics: the role of thematic structure." Presented at a symposium on Aspect: Current Perspectives sponsored by the University of California at Los Angeles Center for European and Russian Studies and Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. May, and at The Third Annual Workshop on Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, University of Maryland, College Park, May.

_____. 1996. "Aspect and lexical quantification." Presented at University of Massachusetts at Amherst, April.

_____. 1996a."Quantification, Aspect and Lexicon." Proceedings of the ESSLLI '96 Conference on Formal Grammar, 43-56.

_____. 1997. "Aspect and Aktionsart in Slavic Languages." Workshop on Events as Grammatical Objects, From the Combined Perspectives of Lexical Semantics, Logical Semantics and Syntax. 1997 Summer Institute, Linguistic Society of America, Cornell University.

_____. 1997a."An constraint-based approach to aspect shift and coercion." Proceedings of the Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society.

_____. 2001. "Aspect, Eventuality Types and NP Semantics in Slavic Languages ." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

_____. 2001a."Interaction of Genericity, I-level vs. S-level Predicate Distinction and Case Morphology." Invited speaker at the workshop on Genericity, Köln University, Germany.

_____. 2001b."On Accumulating and Having it All." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect.

_____. 2001c."Perspectives on aspect." Presented at Utrecht University.

_____. 2002. "Individual-Level Predicates as Restrictors in Generic Quantification." Linguistics Colloquium. Department of Linguistics. Stanford University, January.

_____. To appear, 2004. "Prefixes and the delimitation of events." Journal of Slavic Linguistics.

Filip, Hana and Greg Carlson. 1997. "Sui Generis Genericity." Penn Working Papers in Linguistics.

Finch, Shannon. 2001. "COPULAR ELEMENTS IN BENGALI AND THE STAGE-/INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL DISTINCTION." Presented at South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of Konstanz,, October.

Fintel, Kai von and Sabine Iatridou. 2001. "Simultaneous Readings." Sinn und Bedeutung 6, Universität Osnabrück, October 10.

Flilip, Hana. 1994 (1997). "Integrating Telicity, Aspect and NP Semantics: The Role of Thematic Structure ." Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, 3, The College Park Meeting 1994, 61-96. Presented at a symposium on Aspect: Current Perspectives sponsored by the University of California at Los Angeles Center for European and Russian Studies and Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, May 1994.


Folli, Raffaella and Gillian Ramchand. 2001. "PREPOSITIONS AND RESULTS IN ITALIAN AND ENGLISH: AN ANALYSIS FROM EVENT DECOMPOSITION ." "This is the prepublication version of a paper coauthored with Raffaella Folli.... This paper is to appear in the Kluwer volume that is being published based on the Aspect Conference in Utrecht in December 2001."

Folli, Raffaella and Heidi Harley. 2002. "Consuming Results in Italian & English : Flavors of v." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Fong, Vivienne. 1998. "Lexical Aspect and Locative Predication." The Proceedings of the 16th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 191Ð205.

_____. 1998a."Space and Time in the Semantics of the Finnish Case System." Discourse and Cognition.

_____. 2000. "'Into doing something': Where is the Path in event predicates? ." Paper presented at the Workshop on Paths and Telicity in Event Structure, ESSLLI 2000, University of Birmingham. 7-11 August. or

_____. 2001. "An Aspectual Typology in Optimality Theory." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. Proceedings/Fong.pdf.

_____. 2003. "Unmarked already: Aspectual expressions in two varieties of English ." Ms.,

_____. To appear. "Resultatives and Depictives in Finnish." Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics. Available at

Fotich, Tatiana Zurunitch. 1950. The Narrative tenses in Chrétien de Troyes: A study in syntax and stylistics. Washington: Catholic University of America Press.

François, Jacques. 1983. "La résurgence des catégories aristotéliciennes energei /kinesis dans les discussions actuelles sur le mode d'action télique." DRLAV 28.79-96.

_____. 1996. "Reference to space and time through local adpositions and local cases: beyond the proposals of C. de Groot, J. H. Connolly, and J. L. Mackenzie."

Frank, Helga. 1994. Untersuchungen zur verbalen Zeit- und Handlungsstruktur im Russischen: am Beispiel der mit "raz-" präfigierten Verben. Regensburg: Roderer.

Friedman, Victor A. 2000. "Confirmative/nonconfirmative in Balkan Slavic, Balkan Romance, and Albanian with additional observations on Turkish, Romani, Georgian, and Lak." Evidentials, 329-66.

Fritz, Thomas A. and A. Wahr-Sagen. 2000. Futur, Modalität und Sprecherbezug im Deutschen. Hamburg: Buske.

Fum, D., P. Giangrandi, and C. Tasso. 1989. "Tense generation in an intelligent tutor for foreign language teaching: Some issues in the design of the verb expert." Proceedings of the Fourth European Meeting of the ACL, Manchester, UK, April 10-12, 1989, 124-29.

Gagarina, Natalia. 2001. "Aspectuality and its acquisition in Russian ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

_____. 2003. "Language-specific influence on the acquisition of aspect: (ZAS Project: work in progress)." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Gagnon, Michel. 2001. "A Compositional Approach for the Interpretation of Temporal Adjuncts." Presented at Eighth Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation - WoLLIC 2001.

Gagnon, Michel, Elena Godoy, and Rogério de Oliveira. 2001. "An Implementation of DRT for a compositional interpretation of the Portuguese progressive form." Presented at Fourth International Workshop on COMPUTATIONAL SEMANTICS,January 2001, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Available at

García Calvo, Agustín. 1993. Contra el tiempo. [Against time.] Madrid: Lucina. Second edition, 2001.

Garcia Csrdob, R.J. 2002. "The Shifted reading of the Spanish simple past as dependent on presuppostion accommodation." From words to discourse.

Garrett , Edward John. 2001. "Evidentiality and Assertion in Tibetan." PhD dissertation, UCLA.

Gelderen, Elly van. 2001. "Evidentials and aspect." Making Sense, 54-74.

Gennari, S. 2002. "Spanish past and future tenses: less (semantics) is more." From Words to Discourse.

Geuder, Wilhelm and Shin-Sook Kim. 2001. "On the Expression of Resultant States : Between Aspect and Lexical Content." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Giannakidou, Anastasia. 2001. "Puzzles of UNTIL: stativity, negation, and the perfect." LOT-NWCL Summer school, July.

_____. 2002. "UNTIL, Aspect, and Negation: A Novel Argument for Two Untils ." Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XII.

Gieryga, E. 1980. "The Acquisition of Tense and Aspect in Polish: Some Syntactic Considerations.Ê ." M.A. Thesis, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.


Göbelsmann, Claus. 1988. Textanalysen zu Tempus, Aspekt und Modalität im Swahili. Köln. Review article by Bickel (1992).

Goldberg, A. E. 1991. "It Can't Go Down the Chimney Up: Paths and the English Resultative." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 17.368-78.

Goldfajn, Tal. 1998. Word order and time in Biblical Hebrew narrative. New York: Oxford University Press.

Gonzalez, Paz. 2001. "Comparing aspectual systems : L2 perspectives." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Goossens, Louis. 1996. English modals and functional models: a confrontation. (Antwerp papers in linguistics, 86.)Antwerpen: Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.

_____. 2000. "Two English perfects, content syntax and FG." Presented at 9th International Conference on Functional Grammar, Madrid 20-23 september 2000.

_____. 2000a.""Zal de hazelnoot u smaken, ... schuw dan niet den bast te kraken'': noot over modale werkwoorden en modaliteit in het WNT." Met taal om de tuin geleid, 193-202.

Götze, Albrecht. 1938. The tenses of Ugaritic. New Haven: American Oriental Society.

Granicka, I. 1967. "English Past Tenses and Polish Aspect: A Contribution to the Linguistic Theory of Translation." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Lodz.

Green, Lisa. 1998. "Aspect and Predicate Phrases in African American Vernacular English." Natural Language Semantics 8.1-25.

_____. 1998a."Remote Past and States in African American English." American Speech 73.115-38.

_____. 2000. "Aspectual Be-Type Constructions and Coercion in African American English." Natural Language Semantics 8.1-25.

Green, Michael. 1987. The Coptic share pattern and its Ancient Egyptian ancestors: a reassessment of the aorist pattern in the Egyptian language. Warminster: Aris and Phillips.

Green, Peter. 1979. "Co-existent aspect-marking phenomena in Tagbanwa of Palawan Island." Pacific Linguistics A 50.69-90.

Gren-Eklund, Gunilla. 2000. "Evidentiality and typology: grammatical functions of particles in Burmese and the early stages of Indo-European languages." Evidentials, 367-82.

Groth, Christa. 1988. "Modo y aspecto en el discurso canamari." Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Etnolingüísticos 5.51-72.

Grzegorczykowa, R. 1997. "Nowe spojrzenie na kategorie aspektu w perspektywie semantyki kognitywnej." Semantyczna struktura slownictwa i wypowiedzi, 25-38.

Guentcheva, Zlatka. 1978. "Spécificité de l'aspect en bulgare: Interaction entre aspect et détermination." [Specificity of aspect in Bulgarian: interaction between aspect and determination.] Revue des ƒtudes Slaves 51.115-20.

Guentchéva, Zlatka. 1981. "A propos d'une valeur de l'imperfectif en bulgare." [A propos of a value of the imperfective in Bulgarian.] Cahiers balkaniques 1.79-97.

_____. 1982. "A propos of the derived Imperfect verbs in Bulgarian." General Linguistics 22.226-44.

_____. 1983. "Po vaetprosa za vtoricetnata imperfectivizacija v baetlgarskija ezik." Actes du Ier Congrès International des ƒtudes Bulgares (Sofia - Bulgarie, 21 mai-3 juin 1981) 2.262-83.

_____. 1987. "Fonctions discursives: imparfait et passé simple." [Discourse functions: imparfait and passŽ simple.] Le texte comme objet philosophique, 111-37.

_____. 1988. "L'aspect et le fonctionnement de l'imparfait imperfectif en bulgare." [Aspect and the functioning of the imperfect imperfective in Bulgarian.] Revue des ƒtudes Slaves 60.398-404.

_____. 1989. "Un modèle topologique pour le temps et l'aspect." [A topological model for tense and aspect.] Poetica et Analytica 6.25-43.

Guentcheva, Zlatka. 1990. "Le parfait et la valeur inférentielle: l'exemple du bulgare." [The perfect with inferential value: the example of Bulgarian.] Modèles linguistiques 11.75-107. Related to "Le parfait et la valeur inférentielle en bulgare", 1988, Communications de la délégation française au IXe congrès international des slavistes français (Sofia, sept. 1988), Paris: Institut d'ƒtudes Slaves.

Guentchéva, Zlatka. 1991. "Valeur inférentielle et valeur 'admirative' en bulgare." [Inferential value and 'admirative' value in Bulgarian.] Contrastive Linguistics 15.47-52.

_____. 1995. "La catégorie grammaticale du médiatif et les mécanismes perceptifs." [The grammatical category of the mediative and perceptive mechanisms .] Langues et langage (Problèmes et raisonnement en linguistique).

_____. 1995a."Voprosy vzaimodejsvija perfekta s vidom v bolgarskom jazyke." [Questions of the interaction of the perfect and aspect in the Bulgarian language.] Semantika i struktura slavjanskogo vida.

Guentcheva, Zlatka. 2001. "Réflexions sur le futur en bulgare." [Reflections on the future in Bulgarian.] Etudes de linguistique générale et contrastive, 187-98.

Guentchéva, Zlatka. 2002. "Evidentials in linguistics." Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.

_____. To appear. "Point de vue critique sur l'utilisation de la notion de 'borne' dans le traitement de l'aspect en sémantique formelle." [A critical perspective on the use of the notion of 'bound' in the treatment of aspect in formal semantics.] ƒtudes cognitives V.

_____. To appeara."Pourquoi y a-t-il un imparfait perfectif en bulgare?" [Why is there a perfective imperfect in Bulgarian?.] Temps et temporalité.

Guentcheva, Zlatka. To appear. "Remarks on the interaction between voice and aspect in the slavic domain." Verb Categories and Sentence Structure.

Guéron, Jacqueline. 2002. "Sur la syntaxe de l'aspect: ." [On the syntax of aspect.] Temps et aspect.

Guerrero Medina, Pilar. 2001. "Reconsidering aspectuality: interrelations between grammatical and lexical aspect." Presented at 9th International Conference on Functional Grammar, Madrid 20-23 september 2000.

Gutiérrez Araus, María Luz. 1995. Formas temporales del pasado en indicativo. Madrid: Arco Libros.

Harley, Heidi. 1996. "Events, agents and the interpretation of VP-shells." Ms. Available at or at

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Harrison, Rick. 2002. "Verb Aspect."

Hasegawa, Yoko. 1999. "Tense-Aspect Controversy Revisited: The -TA and -RU forms in Japanese." Pragmatics in 1998.

Hashemi, Seyyed Mohammad Reza. 1997. "A Contrastive Study of English and Persian Tense and Aspect Systems with Reference to Translation Practice." PhD Thesis, Department of Language Engineering, UMIST.

Hedin, Eva. 1980. "Oi xronoi sthi dhimotikhi." [Tense in demotic Greek.]

_____. 1992. "The Marking of Future Time Reference in Modern Greek." EUROTYP Working Papers. Series VI. No. 3.

_____. 1992a."Present with Future Time Reference in Modern Greek." EUROTYP Working Papers. Series VI. No. 1.

Heinecke, Johannes. 1992. "Tempus und Aspekt im Neukymrischen." Magister Arbeit, Universität Heidelberg.

_____. 1999. "Imperfektivität im Bretonischen." [Imperfectivity in Breton.] Akten des Zweiten deutschen Keltologensymposium. Presented 1997 at Zweiten Deutschen Keltologensymposium, Universität Bonn, 2.-4. April. Handout at

_____. 1999a."Temporal Deictic System of Welsh." Celtic Connections. Presented 1995 at the 10th International Congress of Celtic Studies, University of Edinburgh, 23-29 July.

_____. 2003. "The Temporal and aspectual system of English and Welsh." The Celtic Englishes III. Read 2001 at Celtic Englishes III, Potsdam. Powerpoint slides available at

Hess, Michael. 1989. "Reference and Quantificationin Discourse." Habilitationsschrift, University of Zürich.

_____. 1991. "Recent Developments in Discourse Representation Theory."

Heusinger, Klaus von. 2002 (?). "Focus Particles, Sentence Meaning, and Discourse Structure." Making Sense.

Hewson, J. and D. Nurse. 2000. "Chronogenetic staging of tense in Ruhaya." Studies in African Linguistics 29.33-56.

Hewson, John. 1990. "What is a present?" Papers from the ... Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association 13.50-56.

_____. 1990a."What is a subjunctive?" Actes de langue française et de linguistique 3.157-68.

Higginbotham, James. 2001. "Why is Sequence of Tense Obligatory?" Stanford Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop: The Construction of Meaning, February 16, 2001. Abstract at

Hitzeman, Janet. 1995. "Text Type and the Position of a Temporal Adverbial within the Sentence." Deliverable R1.3.2b, ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6665, "Discourse Functions and Discourse Representation: An Empirically and Linguistically Motivated, Interdisciplinarily-Oriented Approach to Natural Language Texts (DANDELION)." Available from

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_____. 2000. "Querying Temporal Databases Using Controlled Natural Language." Proceedings of COLING 2000. Available from

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Rose, Sarah, Christa Beaudoin-Lietz, and Derek Nurse. 2002. A Glossary of Terms for Bantu Verbal Categories, With special Emphasis on Tense and Aspect. (LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics, 55.)Munich: LINCOM Europa.

Roussarie, Laurent. To appear. "Towards a formal treatment of tenses at semantic-pragmatic interface."

Rozwadowska, Bozena. 2001. "Initial Boundary and Telicity in the Semantics of Perfectivity ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

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Sadler, Louise. 1997. "English Auxiliaries as Tense Inflections." Also in Essex Research Reports.

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_____. 1998c."The Development of past tense morphology among L2 adult learners across languages." Crosslinguistic Research on the L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect: Discourse, Semantics, and Morphosyntax, symposium at Pacific Second Language Research Forum, March, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo. Abstract at:

_____. 1998d."Levels of compositionality in tense-aspectual morphology." Hispanic Linguistics 10.1-38.

_____. 1999. "The Development of English past tense morphology among classroom adult learners." Proceedings of the 3rd. Pacific Second Language Research Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 139-50.

_____. 1999a."The Development of past tense verbal morphology in classroom L2 Spanish." Applied Linguistics 20.151-78.

_____. 1999b."Introduction to the Colloquium on The acquisition of tense-aspect morphology: Description and explanation." American Association of Applied Linguistics AAAL Annual Meeting, Stamford, CT.

_____. 1999c."The Use of past tense verbal morphology across levels of proficiency." 19th Second Language Research Forum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. The listing for 2001 at is apparently an error.

_____. 2000. "The Acquisition of English Past tense in an instructional setting." System 28.135-52.

_____. 2000a.The Development of Past Tense Morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

_____. 2001. "Using Lexical and Grammatical Aspect Data to Trace Second Language Development." Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS) 2001. The listing for 2001 at is apparently an error.

_____. 2002. "Tense and aspect in the selection of past tense verbal morphology." Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition.

_____. To appear. "The Selection of L2 Spanish past tense endings in texts with different distributions of lexical aspectual classes." Hispania.

_____. To appeara."El uso de las distinciones aspectuales del espaõol en tres actividades con diferentes grados de control: datos preliminares." Estudios sobre la adquisición del espaõol.

Salaberry, Rafael (with Silvina Montrul). To appear. "The Development of tense-aspect morphology in L2 Spanish: the state of the science." Studies in Spanish Second Language Acquisition.

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Schiffman, Harold F. 1999. "The Role of Metaphor in the Grammaticalization of Aspect in Tamil." Panel on Spatial Metaphors in Language, American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November.

Schilder, Frank. 1995. "Aspect and Discourse Structure: Is a Neutral Viewpoint Required?." Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

SCHMIEDTOVA, BARBARA. 2003. "The Expression of temporal simultaneity and the use of aspect in second language acquisition of Czech." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Schmitt, Cristina. 2002. "Semi-Copulas: Event Composition and Aspect Composition." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

Schmitt, Cristina J. 1996. "Aspects and the syntax of noun phrases." PhD dissertation, University of Maryland College Park.

Schramm, Andreas. 2001. "Aspect and Focus in Texts : A Psycholinguistic Study of Causal Inference Generation in the Comprehension of Narratives." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Schroeder, Christoph. 2000. "Between resultative, historical and inferential: non-finite -mIsM forms in Turkish." Evidentials, 115-44.

Schweizer, Ulrico. 1974. Die Erzählenden Vergangenheitstempora im Altfranzösischen (Chanson de Roland) und im Altspanischen (Poema de Mio Cid): ein Vergleich. Zürich: Juris-Verlag.

Sensine, Henri. 1963. Les emploi des temps en français: Ou, le méchanisme du verbe. Paris: Payot.

SHIRAI, Y. and Y. Nishi. 2002. "Lexicalization of aspectual structures in English and Japanese." Typology and second language acquisition, 267-90. Related paper presented 2000 under title, "Lexicalization of aspectual structures: A case study on English and Japanese", at the 9th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Lahti, Finland, Aug. 24. Related paper presented 2000 under title "Universals and variations in the lexicalization of aspectual structures: A case study on English and Japanese" at Second International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese, San Francisco State University, April 1.

SHIRAI, Y. with Y. Nishi. 2003. "The Semantics of -teiru in conversation: An examination of the two-component theory of aspect." Presented at the Third International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese, San Francisco State University, March.

Shirai, Yasuhiro. 1991. "Primacy of aspect: Simplified input and prototype." Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics, New York, NY, March 22.

_____. 1993. "Daini gengo syuutoku ni okeru tensu to asupekuto no syuutoku katei." [The process of acquiring tense and aspect in second language acquisition.] Invited lecture, New English Teacher's Association Seminar.  Urawa, Saitama, Dec. 12.

_____. 1993a."Semantic universals and the acquisition of tense/aspect morphology." 6th Meeting of the International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Trieste, Italy, July 22. Same or related paper presented 1992 as iinvited paper for the workshop on "the Acquisition of Argument Structure" at the 10th Annual Meeting of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Tokyo Institute of Foreign Studies,  Nov. 7, under title "Semantic universals and the acquisition of verbal morphology in Japanese". Same or related paper also presented 1997 as invited lecture, CUNY Psycholinguistics Supper, CUNY Graduate Center, Dec., under title "Semantic universals and the acquisition of tense-aspect morphology in first and second language". Related to 2001, "Semantic universals...."

_____. 1995. "On the internal structure of the Japanese imperfective marker: An experimental study." 4th Conference of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, July.

_____. 1995a."Tense-aspect marking by L2 learners of Japanese." Proceedings of the 19th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Presented, November, 1994.

_____. 1996. "The Acquisition of tense/aspect in Japanese and English." Invited paper, J-CHAT Workshop 96, Keio University, Tokyo, Aug. 2.

_____. 1996a."The Acquisition of tense/aspect morphology in English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean." Invited paper, CUHK Workshop on Language Acquisition 1996, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23.

_____. 1996b."Anti-frequency effect in the acquisition of English regular past." Poster presented at the 23rd Annual UWM Linguistics Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 19.

_____. 1996c."Early tense/aspect morphology in English and Japanese: Similarities and differences." Presented at the workshop "The emergence of tense-aspect morphology: Is it driven by input or universal predisposition?" at the 7th Meeting of the International Congress for the Study of Child Language,  Istanbul, Turkey, July 17

_____. 1997. "The Acquisition of tense-aspect morphology in Japanese: A grammaticization perspective." Workshop on First Language Acquisition of East Asian Languages, LSA Summer Institute,  Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., July 23.

_____. 1997a."Do past tense markers indicate acquisition of the concept of temporal displacement in children's cognitive development?" Presented at the workshop "Developmental patterns in current research on Japanese child language acquisition" at SRCD (Society for Research on Child Development) Biennial Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2.

_____. 1997b."Emergence of tense-aspect marking and MLU in the acquisition of Japanese." Invited paper , Third Annual Meeting of JCHAT/CHILDES,  Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Aug. 2.

_____. 1997c."The L2 acquisition of Spanish and the Aspect Hypothesis." Discussion paper presented at the colloquium "The acquisition of aspect in natural and academic L2 Spanish" at the 17th Annual Second Language Research Forum, Michigan State University, Oct. 17.

_____. 1998. "The Prototype hypothesis of the tense-aspect acquisition ." The L2 acquisition of tense-aspect morphology, 451-74. Presented 1998 at Crosslinguistic Research on the L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect: Discourse, Semantics, and Morphosyntax, symposium at Pacific Second Language Research Forum, March, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo. Abstract at:

_____. 1999. "The Grammaticization process of progressive marking." Paper presented at the 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, University of Stockholm, Sweden, July 15.

_____. 1999a."Zyookyoo asupekuto, siten asupekuto, imiteki huhensee to tensu-asupekuto no syuutoku." [Situation aspect, viewpoint aspect, and semantic universals in the acquisition of tense-aspect.] Invited lecture, Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics, Sophia University, Tokyo, Jan. 14.

_____. 2000. "The Aspect Hypothesis: A universal of SLA?." Paper presented at the 20th Second Language Research Forum, University of Wisconsin, Madison, September 9

_____. 2000a."Daini gengo syuutoku ni okeru asupekuto kasetu to nihongo syuutoku." [The aspect hypothesis in second language acquisition and the acquisition of Japanese.] Invited paper, 11th National Meeting of Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, December 17.

_____. 2001. "The aspect hypothesis: A universal of SLA, or L1 transfer?." Invited paper for the colloquium on Japanese as a Second Language, 4th Pacific Second Language Research Forum, University of Hawaii at Manoa, October 5.

_____. 2001a."Imperfective aspect in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English, and other Asian languages." Invited talk, JSLunch Talk, Ochanomizu University, Nov. 16 and invited talk, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University, Oct. 29 and invited talk (in English?), under the title "Imperfective aspect in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English, and other Asian languages: A typological study", at Department of Japanese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Oct. 12; same talk given as invited talk at Asia Research Group, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, May 18.

_____. 2001b."Nihongo ni okeru tensu asupekuto no syuutoku: kenkyuu seika kadai to kyooiku heno ooyookanoosei ." [The acquisition of tense and aspect in Japanese: Research so far, future research, and application to instruction.] Plenary talk, Annual Meeting of the Society for Research and Language and Culture, Ochanomizu University, December 8.

_____. 2001c."Semantic universals and the acquisition of tense and aspect in first and second language: The case of English and Japanese." Invited talk, Society for International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University, Oct. 29. Related to 1993, "Semantic universals...."

_____. 2001d."The Universals of tense-aspect acquisition and the acquisition of English." Linguistics Colloquium, Department of English, Miyagi Gakuin Univeristy, Oct. 30.

_____. 2001e."The Universals of tense-aspect acquisition and the acquisition of Japanese." Invited talk, Department of Japanese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Oct. 12 and invited talk, Department of Japanese and Korean Studies, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, May 10.

_____. 2002. "The Acquisition of tense-aspect morphology: A cross-linguistic perspective." Invited plenary, Cognitive Science Society of Korea, Pusan National University, May 18. Related to 1992 invited lecture, Linguistics Society of Hong Kong Seminar, Hong Kong Polytechnic, April 1, under title "Acquisition of tense/aspect morphology: The state of the art".

_____. 2002a."The Aspect Hypothesis in SLA and the acquisition of Japanese." Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language 5.42-61. Invited rev iew article.

_____. 2002b."Daini gengo syuutoku kenkyuu to daini gengo kyooiku: Tensu asupekuto o tyuusin ni." [Second language acquisition research and second language teaching: With particular reference to tense-aspect.] Invited talk, Nagoya University, August 5.

_____. 2002c."Grammaticization of imperfective markers across languages." Invited talk, Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University, May 16.

_____. 2003. "The Acquisition of tense-aspect morphology and the regular-irregular debate." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

_____. 2003a."An Explanatory account of the Aspect Hypothesis." Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, VA, March 22.

Shirai, Yasuhiro (with C. Harris). 1995. "Schema consistency in L2 acquisition of the English past tense." SLRF (Second Language Research Forum) 95, Cornell University,  Ithaca, NY, October 1.

Shirai, Yasuhiro (with Y. Nishi). 2002. "Asupekutozi teiru no imi: kaiwa koopasu no bunseki kara." [The semantics of the aspectual marker -teiru: A conversational corpus analysis.] Paper presented at the 2nd Symposium on Spoken Language, Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 22.

Silva-Corvalán, Carmen. 1999. "Ahora: From temporal to discourse deixis."

_____. 1999-2000. "Aspecto verbal: de la oración al discurso." Boletín de Filología de la Universidad de Chile.

Sims, Andrew. 1986. "The Use of tense and aspect in foregrounding and backgrounding in Ketengban narrative discourse." Workpapers in Indonesian Languages and Cultures 2.1-36.

Slabakova, Roumyana. 2001. "Aspectual shifts in L2 acquisition." Talk.

_____. 2001a."Object Interpretation in Perfective and Imperfective Sentences : What Do Russian Native Speakers Think?." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Slobin, Dan I. 1995. "Converbs in Turkish child language: The grammaticalization of event coherence." Converbs in cross-linguistic perspective:, 349-71.

Smiech, W. 1971. Funkcje aspektów czasownikowych we wspólczesnym jezyku polskim. Lodz.

Smith, Carlota. 2001. "Discourse modes: Aspectual and tense interpretation." Cahiers de Grammaire 26 .

_____. 2002. "Perspective and point of view." Information Structure in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, 63-79.

_____. 2002a."Tense and aspect." Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.

Smith, Carlota S. 1999. "Activities: Events or States?." Linguistics and Philosophy 22.479-508.

_____. 2001. "Temporal information in sentences of Mandarin." New Views in Chinese Syntactic Research.

_____. 2003. "Aspectual entities and tense in discourse." The Syntax, Semantics, and Acquisition of Aspect. Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa, 2002. Available at

Smith, Carlota S. and Mary S. Erbaugh. 2001. "Temporal information in sentences of Mandarin." New Views in Chinese Syntactic Research.

_____. 2002. "Temporal Interpretation in Mandarin Chinese." Submitted for publication. Available at

Smollett, Rebecca. 2001. "Count Nouns don't limit after all ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

_____. 2001a."Why can you 'eat up' an apple but not Òconsume upÓ an apple?" Annual Meeting, Northeastern Linguistic Society.

Soh, Hooi Ling and Jenny Yi-Chun Kuo. 2001. "Perfective Aspect and Accomplishment Situations in Mandarin Chinese." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. articles/aspect-final.pdf.

Song, Mean-Young. 2002. "Predicate types and the tense marker -ess in Korean." Language research.

Souissi, Taleb. 1982. Sind Tempora zeitlos?: †berprüfung von Harald Weinreichs Tempus-Theorie. Bern: Peter Lang.

Spencer, Andrew. 1998. "Middles and genericity."

_____. 2000. "Analytic tenses in Slavic." Proceedings of the First Conference on Generative Linguistics in Poland, 147-55. Superseded by Spencer (2001), "Word-andParadigm Approach".

_____. 2001. "The word-and-Paradigm approach to morphosyntax." Transactions of the Philological Society 99.279-313. Supersedes Spencer (2000), "Analytic tenses in Slavic."

_____. nd. "Paradigm-based lexicalism: Negation in Japanese."

Spencer, Andrew and Marina Zaretskaya. 1999. "Inherently generic predicates in Russian."

Sprenger, Ulrike. 1951 (1950?). Praesens historicum und Praeteritum in der altisländischen Saga: ein Beitrag zur Frage Freiprosa-Buchprosa. Basel: Schwabe.

Starren, Marianne. 2001. "Morphosyntactic doorways for the expression of Aspect in Dutch and French L2 : why aspect is acquired before tense." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Stechow, Arnim von. 1998. "German Participles II in Distributed Morphology." Presented at Bergamo Conference on Tense and Mood Selection, July.

_____. 2000. "ReMARKS ON KAMP-REYLE'S (1993) ANALYSIS Of the ENGLISH PERFECT." Ms. Max Planck Institut "Psycholinguistics", Nijmegen.

_____. 2002. "Gebundene Variablen haben keine semantischen Merkmale: Illustriert an Temporaladverbien und Temporalsätzen." [Bound variables have no semantic markers: illustrated by temporal adverbials and temporal clauses.] Presented at Workshop "Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle", Friday, 6 December, 30. …sterreichische Linguistiktagung, Universität Innsbruck.

Steedman, Mark. 2001. "Plans and temporal semantics." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Stefenelli-Fürst, Friederike. 1966. Die Tempora der Vergangenheit in der Chanson de geste. Wien: Braunmüller.

Stegen, Oliver. 2002. "Derivational Processes in Rangi." Studies in African Linguistics.

STEPHANY, URSULA, MARIA VOEIKOVA, AND ANASTASIA CHRISTOFIDOU. 2003. "On the Early Development of Aspect in Greek and Russian Child Language, a Comparative Analysis." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

Sthioul, Bertrand. 2000. "Aspect et inférences ." Inférences directionnelles, représentation mentales et subjectivités, 165-87.

Stirling, Leslie. 1985. "DISTRIBUTIVES, QUANTIFIERS AND A MULTIPLICITY OF EVENTS." Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Stoevsky, Andrei. 2001. "Aspect, perception and markedness ." Poster session, Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht.

Stojicevic, Aleksandr. 1951. Znacenje aorista i imperfekta u srpohrvatskom jeziku. Ljubljana.

Stoll, Sabine Erika. 1998. "The Role of Aktionsart in the acquisition of Russian aspect." First Language 18.351-78. Presented 1997 at Graduate Student Conference of the University of California Departments of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Los Angeles, February; and 1996 at VII. International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Istanbul, July.

_____. 1999. "The Acquisition of Russian aspect and Aktionsarten: a context-driven approach." University of Sidney, Department of Linguistics; Australian National University, Department of Linguistics, November.

_____. 1999a."Teaching Russian aspect: a case of grammatical harassment?." Berkeley Language Center Lecture Series, May.

_____. 2000. "Communicative context and cognitive development in the acquisition of Russian aspect: the ingressive vs. telic Aktionsart." Presented at 2nd Northwestern Conference on Slavic Linguistics. University of California, Berkeley, March.

_____. 2000a."On the desinence {-t(')} of the Early East Slavic imperfect." Russian Linguistics.

_____. 2000b."Tense in Slavonic with special emphasis on the past tense system." Invited Lecture, Cambridge/England, January.

_____. 2001. "The Acquisition of Russian Aspect." PhD thesis, UC Berkeley. Available at

_____. 2001a."Beginning and end in the acquisition of Russian aspect." Presented at International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Santa Barbara, July.

_____. 2001b."Kommunikativer Kontext und kognitive Entwicklung im Erwerb des russischen Verbalaspekts." Presented at 23rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics, Leipzig, March. To appear (2002) under title "Kognitive Entwicklung und Aspekterwerb."

_____. 2002. "The Acquisition of Russian aspect." Presented at University of Leipzig, June.

_____. 2002a."The Role of frequency in the acquisition of Russian aspect." Presented at UC Berkeley, May.

Stoll, Sabine Erika (with Katrin Lindner and Kerstin Täubner). 1994. "The Role of Aktionsart in the acquisition of verb inflection: a comparison of normal and SLI children learning German as their first language." First Language 18.351-78. Presented at European Symposium on Child Language Disorders, Garderen, The Netherlands, May; and Symposium on Research on Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI, June.

Stone, Matthew and Daniel Hardt. 1997. "Dynamic Discourse Referents for Tense and Modals." Proceedings of IWCS 2, 287-99. Revised version: Original version:

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Svenonius, Peter. 2001. "Case is uninterpretable aspect." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Swart, Henriëtte de. 2001. "Discourse properties of the perfect and related tenses in French, English, and Dutch." Making Sense, 195-212.

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Tatesov, Sergei. 2001. "Individual-level Grammatical Distinctions : Habituals in Nakh-Daghestanian." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available at

Tatevosov, Sergei. 2001. "Individual Level Grammatical Distinctions: Habitual-Future Ambiguity in Nakh-Daghestanian Languages." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. Proceedings/tatevosov.pdf.

Tenny, Carol. 1987. "Aspect and affectedness." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Northeastern Linguistic Society. Same or related talk given 1989 at Université du Québec à Montréal under same title.

_____. 1987a."Aspect and unaccusativity." Linguistic Society of America annual meeting, San Francisco.

_____. 1990. "Syntax, aspect and event structure." University of Pittsburgh talk.

_____. 1990a."Telicity and the measure of an event." Conference on Time in Language, MIT.

_____. 1991. "Aspectual roles." Conference on Lexical Specification, Utrecht.

_____. 2000. "Aspectual Roles, Modularity and Acquisition; with a discussion of Contact Locatives." Lexical Specification and Insertion. Ms., 1995.

Tenny, Carol and James Pustejovsky. 2000. "A History of Events in Linguistic Theory." Events as Grammatical Objects.

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ter Meulen, Alice and Hans Smessaert. 2001. "Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbs." TIME 2001, 28-34. Cf. ter Meulen and Smessaert (2000).

ter Meulen, Alice G. B. and Hans Smessaert. 2001. "Dynamic temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbs." Presented atr Workshop on Temporality and Discourse Context, University of Dundee, Scotland, July 30. Cf. terr Meulen and Smessaert (2001).

Terry, J. Michael. 2001. "The Simple Past and Present Perfect in African-American English." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. Proceedings/terry.pdf.

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Travis, Lisa deMena. 2002. "Articulated VPs and the Computation of Aktionsart." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

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Van Geenhoven, Veerle. 2001. "Aspect, Pluractionality, and Adverbial Quantification." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect. Proceedings/geenhoven.pdf.

van Hout, Angeliek. 2002. "Imperfect Imperfectives: On the Acquisition of Aspect in Polish." Presented at NSF-funded Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics & Acquisition of Aspect, University of Iowa. Available at

VARLOKOSTA, SPYRIDOULA and SOPHIA DELIDAKI. 2003. "Testing the defective tense hypothesis: the acquisition of aspect and tense in Greek." Presented at Workshop on the Acquisition of Aspect. Berlin, May. Meeting URL:

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Verdoolaege, S., M. Denecker and F. Van eynde. 2001. "Abductive reasoning with temporal information." Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-4, 351-66.

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Verkuyl, Henk J. 2001. "Aspectual Composition: Surveying the Ingredients." Presented at Perspectives on Aspect, December, Utrecht. Available from and at

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Wagner, Laura. 1997. "Syntactic and Semantic Development of Viewpoint Aspect." Presented at GALA '97áLanguage Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing, Edinburgh, April 4th-6th, 1997.

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Washio, Ryuichi. nd. "Secondary Predication in Mongolian." Kanda University of International Studies;

Watters, David E. 1999. "The Iconicity of direction marking in Kham." Notes on Tibeto-Burman 4.25-47.

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Weatherson, Brian. 2001. "Indicatives and Subjunctives." Philosophical Quarterly 51.200-16. homepages/weatherson/indsub.pdf.

Webber, Bonnie, Matthew Stone, Aravind Joshi, and Alastair Knott. 2001. "Anaphora and Discourse Structure."

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Weist, Richard M . 2003. "2000 Review of Ping Li and Y. Yasuhirfo Shirai, The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter." Journal of Child Language 30.237-51. Lengthy review.

Wenda, J. 1977. "Polish Perfective Verbs and Their English Equivalents." M.A. Thesis, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.

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Wiberg, Eva. 1997. Il riferimento temporale nel dialogo: un confronto tra giovani bilingui italo-svedesi e giovani monolingui romani. Lund: Lund University Press.

Wiedermann, Oskar. 1891. Litauische präteritum: ein beitrag zur verbalflexion der indogermanischen sprachen. Strassburg: Trübner.

Wiesemann, Ursula. 1986. "Aspect and mood as a nine-cell matrix." Language in global perspective, 471-506.

Wigger, Marianne. 1978. Tempora in Chrétiens "Yvain": eine textlinguistische Untersuchung. Frankfurt a/M: Lang.

Wilhelm, Andrea. 2003. "Quasi-telic perfective aspect in Dëne Suliné (Chipewyan)." Presented at Semantics and Linguistic Theory 13, University of Washington, May. Abstract at

Williams, Patrice D. 1991. "Tense-Aspect in African-Amercan English: a Sociolinguistic Perspective." PhD thesis, University of Florida.

Wilson, John D. 1999. "Scripture in an oral culture: the Yali of Irian Jaya." "Adapted from a dissertation presented to the Faculty of Divinity, of the University of Edinburgh...for the degree of Master of Theology 1988 (adapted 1999)."

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Wong, Shu-hui. 1997. "A Study of the Performance of English Tense and Aspect Forms Used by the Junior and Senior High School Students in Chia-yi Area, Taiwan." Abstract and table of contents at

Wu, Xiu-Zhi Zoe. 2000. "GRAMMATICALIZATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES IN CHINEse." PhD thesis, University of Southern California. Chapter 5 concerns resultative constructions; chapter 6 -le and aspect. Chapter 5 available at Chapter 6 available at

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