Presentation Assessment Criteria Write a grade to each assessment criterion and add comments if necessary: (GRADE SCALE: 6 –unacceptable 5- poor 4 – average 3- good 2- very good 1- excellent) 1. Preparedness (audience analysis, notes, body language…) 2. Organisation -title - introduction - purpose statement - main body - key points - logical sequence - sing-posting language - ending - conclusion - closure - timing 3. Content - topic coverage - relevant to academic audience - informative - understandable - interesting - entertaining 4. Language - appropriate to audience - explanation of jargon - voice - speed - volume - clarity - intonation - grammatical accuracy - correct pronunciation of key words 5. Body language - eye contact - use of notes - stance, enthusiasm 6. Visuals - appropriate - supportive - clear 7. Questions - handling of the discussion - clear, appropriate responses 8. Complex impression – the best feature/part/characteristics - one feature that should be changed/avoided/improved