VOCABULARY REVISION – master studies exam Linking words Complete the sentences. It's a great city. However, It's a great city. In addition, He's very good looking. In addition, He's very good looking. However, He's very good looking. Therefore He went to America. In addition, He went to America. However, He went to America. Therefore it has good public transport. he visited Canada. he has no trouble finding girl-friends. he didn't like it very much. accommodation is terribly expensive. he's not very intelligent. he lost contact with his family in Europe. he is good natured. Conjunctions Complete the sentences with your own ideas: 1. Children are allowed to use the swimming pool provided… 2. I´m playing tennis tomorrow unless… 3. He passed the exam although… 4. I´ll draw a map for you in case… 5. She accepted the job in spite of… 6. We will be late unless… 7. Since I was hungry… Collocations Choose the correct collocation: 1. The author raises/rises some key questions. 2. The figures set/provide evidence of the bank´s claim. 3. We can´t take/draw any conclusion from what she said. 4. Some schools lay/establish a heavy emphasis on school achievement. 5. She has carried out/acknowledged research into renewable energy sources. 6. Let us examine this idea in heavier/greater detail. 7. You must take/give their age into consideration. 8. We can arrange a course to fill/meet your requirements exactly. Personality Description What do you call some who: - enjoys others´ company - takes pleasure in others´ pain - is relaxed in attitude to self and others - is not polite to others - tells the truth - is unhappy if others have what one does not have oneself - able to wait or accept difficulties without becoming angry OK Writing a summary Original Passage: The door opens. Dr. Michael DeBakey enters and walks quickly to the operating table. His assistants have already opened the patient’s chest and removed the diseased heart. With the skill and precision of a master, DeBakey transplants a healthy donor heart into the patient’s chest. It takes about an hour. When DeBakey finishes, he leaves the operating suite and goes to the scrub room. He takes off his operating clothes, scrubs down, and puts on clean, sterilized clothes. In a matter of minutes, he enters another operating suite, and the whole process starts over. In a normal working day, DeBakey operates on five to nine patients. He normally spends 12-15 hours a day, seven days a week, in the hospital and performs as many heart operations in one month as most surgeons do in a year. There is one more thing you should know about DeBakey. He is over 80 years old (San Diego Tribune, November 27, 1987). There are two primary reasons Dr. Michael DeBakey functions so successfully in such a potentially stressful environment. The first is that he appraises these situations—doing complicated heart transplants—as challenges rather than as threats. The advantage of challenge appraisals is that they help a person focus on making particular decisions or solving particular problems. In turn, problem-focused coping brings out positive feelings and emotions, such as excitement and eagerness, which help reduce stress levels. In contrast, threat appraisals elicit negative emotional feelings, such as fear or anxiety, which raise levels of stress. Because emotion-focused coping is directed at managing negative emotional feelings, the person isn’t motivated to solve his or her problem. A second reason DeBakey functions so well is that he has a winning combination of personality factors that help him perform under great stress. Specifically, he has what is known as a hardy personality. (307 words) From Introduction to Psychology, 5e, by Ron Plotnick Complete the Sample Summary: Ron Plotnick __________ two reasons why Dr. Michael DeBakey, a heart surgeon in his eighties, can work twelve-hour days every day. ___________, the doctor views his work of transplanting hearts as a challenge instead of a threat. Because he focuses on solving problems, he enjoys good feelings that relieve stress. People who perceive a circumstance as a threat focus on bad emotions, ____________, they create tension and do not improve the situation. ____________, Dr. DeBakey has a “hardy personality” or several emotional traits that allow him to withstand the stress of his difficult occupation. (94 words) Parts of a summary: Topic Sentence = Central point. This is the main idea of the passage. Transition Words = First, / Next, / Finally etc. Use these words in your summary. Reason = Major Support. This is a claim or opinion for believing the central point. Explanation and Example = Minor Support.