POHYBY DOLNÍCH KONČETIN Martina Novotná 2008® POHYBY KYČELNÍHO KLOUBU FLEXE - PREDNOŽENÍ EXTENZE - ZANOŽENÍ ABDUKCE - UNOŽENÍ ADDUKCE -PŘINOŽENÍl VNĚJŠÍ ROTACE VNITŘNÍ ROTACE 120° 0° Neutral FLEXION B 30° or less 0° Neutral EXTENSION 30° or less 0C Neutra j 90° 90c 0° Neutral ABDUCTION 0° Neutral ADDUCTION Prone Supine 90c Internal rotation [media 0° Neutral 90c 45' Externa rotation External rotation (lateral) nternal Externa rotation rotation ÍA 90° 90c Internal rotation ROTATION 80° - 90° FLEXE - PREDNOŽENÍ 110° -140 m. iliopsoas m. iliacus m. psoas major m. iliopsoas Psoas muscle Iliacus muscle .•^rs^^Ji r- js^****^~j£p ■ c^1^ — .-/jt _ .'-"I ^\ó$ ( ■' ■™^-^; siiSg^ BfW\ c ,__„ fglä Flexion External rotation 3 O, Lower borders of transverse processes of lumbor vertebr 1-5 (psoas maj and mi O, Inner surface of the ilium (iliacus) I, Lesser trochanter of femur and shaft just below liacus and psoas major) 0, Sides of the bodies of the iast thoracic (T12), all the lumbar vertebrae (LI-5}, intervertebral fibrocartilages, and base of sacrum (psoas major and minor) 1, Pectineal line and iSiopectineal eminence (psoas minor) m. sartorius Hip flexion External rotation Sartorius m. O, Anterior superior iliac spine and notch just below spine of ilium Anterior medial condyle of tibia Hip flexion Knee exten Rectus femoris Oy Anterior inferior iliac spine O, Groove (posterior above the acetabulum I, Superior aspect of the patella and patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity Hip flexion Tensor fasciae latae m. Hip abduction O, Anterior iliac crest and surface a f the ilium just below crest I, One-fourth of the way down the thigh into the iliotibial tract, which in turn inserts onto Gerdy's tubercle of the anterolatera tibial condyle Pectineus m, Internal rotation Adduction Flexion O, Space 1 inch wide on front of pubis above crest lf Rough line leading from lesser trochanter to linea aspera ________FLEXE__________ m. iliopsoas - sval bedrokyclostehenni m. rectus femoris -přímá hlava čtyřhlavého svalu stehenního m. pectineus - sval hřebenový m. sartorius - sval krejčovský m. gracilis - štíhlý sval stehenní m. glutaeus maximus m. biceps femoris m. semimembranosus m. semitendinosus Gluteus maximus Extension External rotation O, Posterior one-fourth of the crest of ilium, posterior surface of the sacrum and coccyx near the ilium, and fascia of the lumbar area Oblique ridge on lateral surface of the greater trochanter and iliotibial band of fascia latae k) Hip extension Semstendinosus m. Knee flexion Knee internal rotation Hip internal rotation O, Ischial tuberosity I, Upper anterior medial surface of tibia Hip extension 4j Semimembranosus m Knee flexion Knee internal rotation D Hip internal rotation O, Ischial tuberosity I, Posteromedial surface of the medial tibia condyle B iceps P(- Híp external rotation Hip extension Knee flexion External rotation of knee * O, Ischial tuberosity O, Lower half of linea aspera, lateral condyloid ridge Í, Lateral condyle of tibia, head of fibula EXTENZE m. glutaeus maximus - velký sval hýžďový m. biceps femoris - dvojhlavý sval stehenní m. semitendinosus - sval pološlašitý ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m. semimembranosus - sval poloblanitý ABDUKCE-UNOŽENÍ m. glutaeus medius m. tensor fasciae latae m. glutaeus minimus Gluteus medíus Abduction External rotation Internal rotation O, Lateral surface ilium fust below crest I, Posterior and middíe surfaces of greater trochanter of femur Gluteus minimus O, Lateral surface of ilium beiow the origin of iluteus medi Abduction Internal rotation ABDUKCE________ m. glutaeus medius - střední sval hýžďový m. glutaeus minimus - malý sval hýžďový m. tensor fasciae latae -napínač stehenní povázky es f$ Jj ADDUKCE - PŘINOŽENÍ \ y*^3o° o° m. gracilis m. adductor magnus ü C \ x ie ja: L n'- ľ y' n v \ \ m. adductor brevis r^^y ín\ (Q) k$ Ž7 m. adductor longus ľ7 K-T \íi i i/i / ¥1 í Adductor brevis m. Adduction External rotation O, Front of the inferior pubic ramus just below the origin of the longus Lower two-thirds of the pectineal line of the femur and the upper half of the medial lip of the linea aspera Adductor longus m, Adduction O, Anterior pubis just below its crest Middle third of linea aspera O, Edge of entire ramus on of the pubis and the ischium and ischial tuberosity L Whole length of linea aspera, inner condyloid ridge and adductor tubercle Hip internal rotation Gracilis m. Adduction Knee flexion O, Anterior medial edge of descending ramus of pubis I, Anterior medial surface of tibia below condyle ADDUKCE m. adductor magnus - velký přitahovač m. adductor longus - dlouhý přitahovač m. adductor brevis - krátký přitahovač m. gracilis - štíhlý sval stehenní v r VNEJSI ROTACE m. quadratus femoris A m. piriformis m. glutaeus maximus m. gemellus superior m. obturator externus m. obturator internus Piriformis m. Gemellus superior m. Obturator internus m. Obturator externus m. Quadratus femoris m. Gemellus nferior m. Sf- % O, Sacrum, posterior portions of ischium, and obturator foramen! V< I, Greater trochanter and posterior aspect of greater trochanter zevní rotace m. quadratus femoris - čtyřhlavý sval stehenní m. piriformis - hruškovitý sval mm. gemeli mm. obturatori - ucpávače m. glutaeus maximus - velký sval hýžďový VNITRNÍ ROTACE m. tensor fasciae latae m. glutaeus minimus B vnitrní rotace m. glutaeus minimus -malý sval hýžďový-přední snopce m. tensor fasciae latae -napínač stehenní povázky POHYBY KOLENNÍHO KLOUBU FLEXE EXTENZE ZEVNÍ ROTACE VNITŘNÍ ROTACE 135 FLEXE m. biceps femoris -140 0C m. semitendinosus -2 m. semimembranosus ^ Semitendinosis (long head) iiceps femoris (short head) Semimembranosus B iceps P(- Híp external rotation Hip extension Knee flexion External rotation of knee * O, Ischial tuberosity O, Lower half of linea aspera, lateral condyloid ridge Í, Lateral condyle of tibia, head of fibula k) Hip extension Semstendinosus m. Knee flexion Knee internal rotation Hip internal rotation O, Ischial tuberosity I, Upper anterior medial surface of tibia Hip extension 4j Semimembranosus m Knee flexion Knee internal rotation D Hip internal rotation O, Ischial tuberosity I, Posteromedial surface of the medial tibia condyle Internal rotation O, Posferior surface of lateral condyle of femur I, Upper posterior medial surface of tibia EXTENZE -140 m. quadriceps femoris (f^k «Ik /jř íi\ *» / *v A \ * J A \ > 1 f * L i*T>^ Rectus řemoris - ?v fir-'/ t^' 'asrus intermedius - <■•:■;■ W' ,:._ ( Vastus lateralis — \ .■■_. ~] Vastus medioli \ • S I / \ V A i': TO 1 1 JfflllwN yV i/\| - P35:, ^ľ J \ «j[f Tibial fuberosity í N A (T Hip flexion Rectus femoris Knee extension O, Anterior inferior iliac spine O, Groove (posterior above the acetabulum I, Superior aspect of the patella and patellar tendon to the tibia! tuberosity exte O, Intertrochanteric line, anterior and inferior borders of the greater trochanter, upper half of the I inea aspera and the entire lateral intermuscular septum Vastus lateralis I, Lateral border of patella, patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity Vastus intermedius m. Knee extension O, Upper two-thirds of anterior surface of femur !, Upper border of pate and the patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity Knee extension Vastus medialis ■ „„>«£ O, Whole length of linea aspera and medial condyloid ridge . I, Medial half of the upper border of the patella and patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity FLEXE m. biceps femoris - dvojhlavý sval stehenní m. semitendinosus - sval pološlašitý m. semimembranosus - sval poloblanitý EXTENZE m. quadriceps femoris - čtyřhlavý sval stehenní ZEVNÍ ROTACE m. biceps femoris m. tensor fasciae latae VNITŘNÍ ROTACE m. semitendinosus m. semimembranosus zevní rotace m. biceps femoris - dvojhlavý sval stehenní m. tensor fasciae latae -napínač stehenní povázky VNITRNÍ rotace m. semitendinosus - sval pološlašitý m. semimembranosus - sval poloblanitý POHYBY HLEZENNÍHO KLOUBU PLANTÁRNÍ FLEXE -PROPNUTÍ ŠPIČEK DORZÁLNÍ FLEXE - FAJFKY PRONACE SUPINACE Ankle joint A Inversion oa Eversion Neutral Flexion V Extension 45fV Neutral 0° B Metatarsophalangeal Interphalangeal joint joint Extension 30° Flexion Distal interphalangeal joint Proximal interphalangeal joint Extension 40° Ga 40° Flexion Metatarsophalangeal joint Abduction-Abduction Abduction Abduction Toe spread PLANTÁRNÍ FLEXE -PROPNUTÍ ŠPIČEK 45° m. triceps Biceps femoris Plantar! 5 Common fibular nerve nteral head of gastrocnemius Soleus Peroneus brevis Tendo calcaneus Latera malleolus Vastus ateratis Hiotibial tract ■ Head of fibula Peroneus longus Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucis ongus Peroneus tertius A Sartorius Patella Medial head of gastrocnemius Tibialis anterior------1 Soleus ——' Tibialis posterior Inferior extensor retinaculum Tendon of gracilis Tendon of semimembranosus Tendon of semitendinosus Tendo calcaneus Tendon of plantaris Flexor digitorum ongus Flexor hallucis ongus Flexor retinaculum Akgfcjetoř hnlluris Icut) O, Posterior surfaces of two condyles of femur I, Posterior surface of calcaneus Medial head Lateral head Knee flexion oximal two-thirds f posterior surface f tibia and fibula Gastrocnemius m Posterior surface of calcaneus \^J Plantar flexion j DORZÁLNÍ FLEXE - FAJFKY t 'í Jí A % s: /'■ t\ r 3 ■* J í < f \ f 1 J íj/ji \ m. tibialis anterior ? j O, Upper two-thirds of lateral surface of tibia Inner surface of medial cuneiform, base of the first metatarsal bones PLANTARNI FLEXE m. triceps surae - trojhlavý sval lýtkový DORZALNI FLEXE m. tibialis anterior- přední sval holenní POHYBY DOLNÍHO KLOUBU ZÁNÁRTNÍHO EVERZE INVERSE 25° - 30 25° - 30 m. peroneus longus m. peroneus brevis 0C 0( O, Head and upper two-thirds of lateral surface of fibula Undersurfaces of medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones , Tuberosity of Fifth metatarsal bone INVERSE m. flexor m. flexor m. tibialis posterior digitorum longus hallucis longus O, Posterior surface of upper half of interosseous membrane, adjacent surfaces of tibia and fibula m. tibialis posterior I, Lower inner surfaces of navicular and cuneiform bones, bases of second, third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones Plantar flexion Foot inversion EVERSE NOHY m. peroneus longus m. peroneus brevis INVERSE NOHY m. tibialis posterior- zadní sval holenní m. flexor digitorum longus m. flexor hallucis longus POHYBY PRSTŮ FLEXE - OHNUTÍ EXTENZE - NATAŽENÍ ABDUKCE - ODTAŽENÍ ADDUKCE - PŘITAŽENÍ mm. lumbricales FLEXE m. flexor hallucis brevis i FLEXE PRSTŮ a PALCE mm. lumbricales m. flexor digitorum brevis et longus -krátký a dlouhý ohybač prstů m. flexor hallucis brevis et longus-krátký a dlouhý ohybač palce EXTENZE m. extensor digitorum longus 80° m. extensor m. extensor hallucis longus hallucis brevis