Neuron, Vol. 35, 395­405, July 18, 2002, Copyright 2002 by Cell Press A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation expertise, information, opportunities, and a host of ma-James K. Rilling,1,2 David A. Gutman, Thorsten R. Zeh, Giuseppe Pagnoni, terial resources. On the other hand, cooperation based on reciprocalGregory S. Berns, and Clinton D. Kilts Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences altruism is rare in the rest of the animal kingdom and has only been convincingly demonstrated for a handfulEmory University Atlanta, Georgia 30322 of species (Axelrod and Hamilton, 1981; Ridley, 1996; Trivers, 1971). In attempting to provide an explanation for its scarcity, evolutionary biologists have theorized that two or more preconditions must be satisfied forSummary reciprocal altruism to evolve in a species: (1) individuals must interact repeatedly with social partners over theCooperation based on reciprocal altruism has evolved course of their lifetime, and (2) individuals must be ablein only a small number of species, yet it constitutes to recognize conspecifics and discriminate againstthe core behavioral principle of human social life. The those who do not reciprocate altruism (Axelrod anditerated Prisoner's Dilemma Game has been used to Hamilton, 1981; Trivers, 1971). As an additional precon-model this form of cooperation. We used fMRI to scan dition, there must also be a mechanism that enables36 women as they played an iterated Prisoner's Diindividuals to inhibit the temptation to accept but notlemma Game with another woman to investigate the reciprocate altruism; a mechanism that weights long-neurobiological basis of cooperative social behavior. term rewards and punishments over immediate andMutual cooperation was associated with consistent transient, short-term gains (Frank, 1988). Only with suchactivation in brain areas that have been linked with a mechanism can the long-term benefits of sustainedreward processing: nucleus accumbens, the caudate mutual cooperation be realized.nucleus, ventromedial frontal/orbitofrontal cortex, and The iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Game has been usedrostral anterior cingulate cortex. We propose that actiby investigators from a wide range of disciplines tovation of this neural network positively reinforces remodel social relationships based on reciprocal altruismciprocal altruism, thereby motivating subjects to resist (Axelrod and Hamilton, 1981; Axelrod, 1984; Boyd, 1988;the temptation to selfishly accept but not reciprocate Nesse, 1990; Trivers, 1971). To elucidate the neural sub-favors. strates of the emotional and cognitive processes that support cooperative, reciprocally altruistic relationships,Introduction we investigated game-related neural activations with fMRI as subjects played an iterated Prisoner's DilemmaEvolutionary biologists have long theorized about how Game with other subjects outside the scanner. In thisaltruistic behavior can exist, given that natural selection game, two players independently choose to either coop-is based primarily on the differential survival and reproerate with each other or not, and each is awarded a sumductive success of individual organisms rather than of money that depends upon the interaction of bothgroups of organisms. W.D. Hamilton's kin selection theplayers' choices in that round. There are four possibleory nicely accounts for altruism among relatives (Trivers, outcomes of a round: player A and player B cooperate1985). But cooperation among nonrelatives is pervasive (CC), player A cooperates and player B defects (CD),in human society and must also be explained. Reciprocplayer A defects and player B cooperates (DC), or playerity, including both direct and indirect reciprocity, has A and player B defect (DD). The payoffs for the outcomesbeen proposed to account for altruism toward nonrelaare arranged such that DC CC DD CD, and CCtives. In direct reciprocity, individuals dispense favors, (CD DC)/2. Each cell of the payoff matrix (Figure 1A)and these favors are likely to be returned by the recipicorresponds to a different outcome of a social interac-ent, in one form or another, in times of future need tion. DC represents the situation where player A opts(Sahlins, 1972; Trivers, 1971). In indirect reciprocity, the for noncooperation and player B cooperates so thatfavor is returned by a third party (Nowak and Sigmund, player A benefits at player B's expense. CD is the con-1998). This study sought to define the neural basis of verse. CC involves mutual cooperation, and DD involvesdirect reciprocity. mutual noncooperation.The paradigmatic example of reciprocal altruism is In two separate experiments, we scanned a total of 36food sharing, which human beings engage in far more women with fMRI as they played the Prisoner's Dilemmadeliberately and pervasively than any other species (RidGame. Experiment 1 was designed to isolate the neuralley, 1996), and which was almost certainly essential to correlates of cooperation and noncooperation in socialthe survival of our hominid ancestors in their African and nonsocial contexts, and of monetary reinforcementsavannah niche (Lee and DeVore, 1968). This deeply of behavior. Nineteen subjects were scanned duringingrained tendency manifests itself in myriad ways in each of four game sessions. The results of the first ex-modern human social life, including the exchange of periment revealed different patterns of neural activation depending on whether the playing partner was identified1 Correspondence: as a human or a computer. This motivated a second2 Present address: Green Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544. experiment in which 17 subjects were scanned during Neuron 396 (Figure 2A). This pattern of behavior, switching to defection as the end of the game approaches, has been predicted on theoretical grounds (Axelrod, 1984) and observed empirically in previous studies (Andreoni and Miller, 1993). In games played with the provocative human confederate, the frequency of mutual cooperation was lower and mutual defection higher (Figure 2B). Because the "tit-for-tat" computer strategy initiated the game with defection, mutual cooperation was uncom-Figure 1. Study Design mon in early rounds but rebounded to levels observed(A) Payoff matrix used for the four outcomes in the Prisoner's Diwith the unconstrained human partner as the game pro-lemma Game. Scanned subjecťs choices (C or D; player A) are listed atop columns and nonscanned subjecťs choices (C or D; player B) gressed before declining sharply on the very last round are listed aside rows. Dollar amounts in bold are awarded to player (Figure 2C). A. Amounts in parentheses are awarded to player B. As for Experiment 1, mutual cooperation was the most (B) Time course of a single round of the Prisoner's Dilemma Game. common outcome in games played with presumed human partners for Experiment 2 (Figures 2D and 2E). In these games, the observed reduction in mutual cooperaeach of three game sessions, focusing specifically on tion in rounds 18­20 was forced by the computer strathuman versus computer interaction. egy, which defected automatically in these rounds. The In both experiments, the players interacted via a netrebound of mutual cooperation in rounds 20­23 (Figure worked computer that accepted the responses from the 2D) was induced by programmed cooperation by the player inside the scanner (player A) and the nonscanned computer in these three rounds. When subjects in Explaying partner (player B). Each Prisoner's Dilemma periment 2 were instructed that they were playing the game consisted of at least 20 rounds, with each round game with a computer rather than another person, mulasting 21 s (Figure 1B). During the first 12 s of each tual cooperation was less common throughout the game round, both players independently selected either to (Figure 2F; paired t 4.90, 19 df, p 0.001), even though cooperate or defect. At 12 s, the square of the matrix subjects were actually playing against exactly the same where the two choices intersected was highlighted to computer strategy. reveal each player's choice and the resulting payoff for In both experiments, there was a tendency for subject that round. Subjects were compensated in direct propairs who arrived at a CC outcome to persist with mutual portion to their accumulated earnings. The outcome was cooperation so that a CC outcome in the current round displayed for 9 s, and then the next round began (Figure was most likely to be followed by a CC outcome in the 1B). Functional images were collected every 3 s. We next (Table 2). analyzed both the BOLD response to the game outcome and the BOLD response during the decision-making pefMRI Datariod of each round. For the former, we examined the Neural Activations Related to the Reaction to theresponse for the epoch between 12 and 21 s. For the Game Outcome (Seconds 12­21 of Each Round)latter, we examined the 6 s epoch preceding the button The BOLD response to a given outcome type (i.e., CC,press signaling a choice to cooperate or defect in each CD, DC, or DD) could be attributable to an effect ofround. either the partner's choice, the player's choice, or to an interaction between the two that exceeded the sum ofResults their respective main effects. The statistical interaction is of special interest because it relates specifically toPrisoner's Dilemma Game Behavior the social interaction rather than to independent effectsThe number of occurrences of each outcome type was of player and partner decisions. Therefore, we begana function of the two players' choices and so was not by testing for main effects of player and partner choicesspecified in advance. Table 1 shows the average number and for an interaction between the two. More specifi-of each outcome type per session for both experiments. cally, for the games in which player A assumed she wasIn Experiment 1, mutual cooperation was the most playing with a human partner, we examined the maincommon outcome when the playing partner was a beeffect of player A's decision (irrespective of player B'shaviorally unconstrained woman (see Experimental Prodecision) on neural activity in player A during the reac-cedures for details of experimental design). However, tion epoch (seconds 12­21 for each round), the mainin the final rounds of the game, the frequency of mutual effect of player B's decision (irrespective of player A'scooperation decreased, and mutual defection increased decision) on neural activity in player A, and the interaction effect of player A and player B's decisions on neural activity in player A. Table 1. Average Number of Outcome Types per Session, for Experiments 1 and 2 were analyzed separately. TheSessions with Presumed Human Playing Partners following procedure was used to identify brain regions Experiment Partner CC CD DC DD Total that were activated in both experiments. For a given 1 unconstrained 11.2 2.3 3.2 3.2 20 contrast, we masked the thresholded (p 0.01) t statis1 confederate 6.4 4.6 4.2 4.7 20 tic map for that contrast from Experiment 1 and limited 2 open ended 11.9 3.8 3.6 4 23 our analysis of Experiment 2 to voxels within the mask. 2 closed 9.9 2.8 2.5 5 20 We then calculated the same contrast for Experiment A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation 397 Figure 2. Round by Round Depiction of the Proportion of All Subjects Pairs Who Mutually Cooperated in Three Sessions from Each of Two Experiments Results for Experiment 1 are shown for sessions with (A) unconstrained human playing partner, (B) provocative confederate playing partner, (C) computer partner playing "tit-fortat". Results for Experiment 2 are shown for sessions with (D) an assumed human partner with the number of rounds unspecified in advance, and an assumed (E) human and (F) computer partner with the number of rounds specified in advance. 2. Voxels within the mask that survived at p 0.01 were Event-Related Plots Event-related plots were constructed to determinethen reported as replicated activations. which outcome or outcomes were responsible for theMain Effects interaction effect. Plots were made for the peak voxelsNo main effects replicated across both experiments. in the anteroventral striatum and OFC ROIs for everyInteraction Effects subject. Across both experiments, for each session withConsistent interaction effects were observed across the a human partner in which all four outcomes occurredtwo experiments (Table 3). These effects were restricted (n 61 sessions), we examined which of the four out-to one side of the interaction, namely ([CC DD]) comes had the largest amplitude-fitted response in the[CD DC]) and not the opposite ([CD DC] [CC general linear model and whether that response wasDD]). That is, for the regions listed in Table 3, the neural positive or negative. The plot for one subject is shownresponse to game outcomes CC and DD combined was in Figures 4A and 4B. For the peak voxel of the antero-greater than activation following outcomes CD and DC ventral striatal ROI, CC had the largest fitted responsecombined. This is of interest because CD and DC outfor 30 of the 61 sessions, whereas DD had the largestcomes are typically aversive to at least one of the two response for 19 sessions, and both CD and DC had thesubjects and are consequently unlikely to be repeated. largest response for only 6 sessions each (Figure 4C).On the other hand, CC and DD are more stable in the This distribution differed significantly from chance (chi-sense that subjects often persist with these outcomes. square 26.8, p 0.001). In 25 of the 30 sessions whereHence, CC and DD outcomes might be considered beCC had the largest fitted response, that response washaviorally reinforcing. In terms of spatial extent, the positive. In other words, CC was associated with in-largest activation for this interaction involving symmetric creased activation relative to the other conditions, rathersocial behavior is in the anteroventral striatum and subthan less deactivation. Though not as pronounced, theregenual anterior cingulate cortex (BA 25). The striatal was also evidence of deactivation for the CD and DCactivation includes the caudate nucleus and nucleus outcomes at this location (Figure 4C). In 19 of the 23accumbens (Nac), both of which receive midbrain dopacases where CD had the smallest fitted response, thatmine projections known to be involved with processing response was negative, and the DC response was nega-reward (Schultz, 1998). The ventromedial/orbitofrontal tive in 21 of the 23 cases where DC had the smallestcortex (OFC), another brain area involved in reward profitted response.cessing (Rolls, 1999), was also activated for the interacFor the peak voxel in the OFC ROI (see Figure 3), CCtion (Figure 3). had the largest fitted response for 32 of the 61 sessions (versus 15 for DD, 7 for CD, and 7 for DC), and 24 of these were positive in amplitude. This distribution alsoTable 2. Transition Probabilities Following CC Outcomes in differed significantly from chance (chi-square 27.9,Experiments 1 and 2 p 0.001). Thus, for both ROIs, the interaction effect Experiment Partner CC CD DC DD was dominated by the positive response to CC. 1 unconstrained human 0.79 0.06 0.11 0.04 CC versus the Other Outcomes 1 confederate human 0.47 0.34 0.13 0.06 Given that the BOLD response to CC was largely respon2 assumed human 0.82 0.11 0.05 0.01 sible for the interaction effect, we decided to focus more open ended specifically on this outcome by contrasting the BOLD2 assumed human 0.77 0.14 0.06 0.03 response to the CC outcome with the average responseclose ended of the other three outcomes combined. Masking the The probability of each outcome, given a CC outcome in the previous results of the Experiment 2 with Experiment 1 revealed round, is listed as a function of experiment and partner type. larger and more significant activations in ventromedial Neuron 398 Table 3. Reaction Epoch: Location of Brain Activations in Player A Related to the Interaction of Player B's and Player A's Decision to Cooperate or Defect Brain Region Coordinates Peak t Statistic Number Voxels Player A player B interaction (CC DD) (CD DC) R caudate 6 18 0 4.94 8 L post-central gyrus (BA 1/3) 27 39 60 3.86 5 R central sulcus (BA 4) 18 30 72 3.35 7 R medial frontal gyrus (BA 11) 6 51 18 3.26 7 Activations are for Experiment 2 (p 0.01, n 17 subjects) after limiting the search volume to voxels that survived a statistical threshold p 0.01 in Experiment 1 (n 19 subjects). Activations consisting of fewer than five contiguous voxels are not reported. L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere. frontal cortex and anteroventral striatum than were next round. In our experiments, CC outcomes tended to occur in consecutive strings so that a CC outcomefound for the interaction analysis (Table 4; Figure 5A). In contrast to the interaction t map, the activation in the in one round was most likely to be followed by a CC outcome in the next (Table 2). Thus, the intervals follow-ventromedial frontal cortex extended dorsally into the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (BA32). In Figures 5C ing CC outcomes typically involved a decision to continue cooperating, rather than defect. To more systemat-and 5D, the statistical parametric map for this contrast is displayed on a spatially normalized EPI image to dem- ically investigate neural activity related to opting for social cooperation, a model was specified that com-onstrate that the observed ventromedial frontal/orbitofrontal activation is not within an area of high magnetic pared the BOLD signal in the 6 s interval immediately preceding the choice to cooperate or defect (as markedsusceptibility artifact. Figure 6 is an event-related plot for one subject for the peak voxel of the OFC ROI. by a button press), and analyzed as a function of the partner's decision in the previous round. The four condi-CC Compared with Monetary Reinforcement To investigate the possibility that this pattern of activa- tions were XC,CX (i.e., choosing to cooperate after the partner had cooperated in the previous round), XC,DXtion was simply a consequence of monetary reinforcement ($2 for a CC outcome), we tested for a condition (i.e., choosing to defect after the partner had cooperated in the previous round), XD,CX (i.e., choosing to cooper-(human partner versus control) by monetary outcome ($2 versus others) interaction in Experiment 1. That is, ate after the partner had defected in the previous round, and XD,DX (i.e., choosing to defect after the partner hadwe asked whether earning $2 when playing with a human partner produced more activation than earning $2 in defected in the previous round). The decision to cooperate following a cooperativethe nonsocial control condition. The test for interaction revealed activation in the anteroventral striatum and choice by one's partner in the previous round activated the left anterior caudate and the right post-central gyrusOFC (Figure 5E). Thus, the anteroventral striatum, rACC, and OFC were activated more by reciprocated social (Table 6; Figure 7). The decision to reciprocate cooperation was also associated with activation in two regionscooperation than by a $2 reward in a nonsocial context. CC with Computer versus Human that were activated following mutual cooperation in the reaction epoch: the rostral anterior cingulate cortex andPlaying Partners Finally, sessions with computer playing partners were the anteroventral striatum (Table 6; Figure 7). included in both experiments to determine whether activations detected with human partners were specific to human social interaction. In both experiments, mutual cooperation with a computer playing partner activated regions of the ventromedial/orbital frontal cortex (BA 11) that were also activated with human playing partners (Table 5), although for Experiment 1, the overlap was only observed if the t statistic threshold was decreased to p 0.05. In neither of the two experiments did mutual cooperation with a computer activate the rostral anterior cingulate or the anteroventral striatum observed for human playing partners. Neural Activation Related to Social Decision Making (6 s Epoch Preceding the C or D Choice) Given that subjects make their choices early (mean Figure 3. Reaction Epoch 3.4 s) within the 12 s decision-making period of each Activation in player A when playing with an assumed human partner.round, it seems likely that the 9 s period during which Voxels activated for the interaction of player A and player B's the game outcome was displayed (and over which neural choices (CC CD) (DC DD) in Experiment 2 (p 0.01), after activity was sampled for the reaction epoch) involves masking the results with voxels activated for the same contrast in not only the reaction to the outcome of the current round Experiment 1 (p 0.01). OFC ventromedial frontal/orbitofrontal cortex.but also decision making related to the choice for the A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation 399 Figure 4. Reaction Epoch: Event-Related Plot for the Peak Voxel in the Anteroventral Striatum (A) Fitted response for all four outcomes in a single subject, CC red, CD blue, DC green, and DD cyan. (B) Raw data for CC outcome for a single subject. The outcome is revealed at t 0 s and displayed for 9 s. (C) Distribution of outcome types having the largest and smallest amplitude fitted response in the GLM, across all 61 sessions. Discussion relate to the rewarding effects of arranging and/or experiencing a mutually cooperative social interaction. Recent evidence indicates that reward-related neuralReaction Epoch Postscan subject interviews revealed that mutual coop- activity is greater for unpredicted than predicted rewards (Schulz et. al., 1997). Our results are consistenteration was typically considered the most personally satisfying outcome. The more profitable DC outcome with this observation insofar as subjects exerted no control over their partners' decisions so that the game out-was typically described as less desirable than CC outcomes either because it provoked guilt over having prof- come always had an element of unpredictability. A subject could never know for certain if her cooperativeited at the partner's expense, or because subjects realized that the outcome would likely provoke defection choice would be reciprocated. However, when subjects choose to cooperate, they are guessing that their partnerby the partner, thereby destabilizing the relationship and leading to lower cumulative earnings. Combined with the will do the same; and when their cooperation is met with defection, an anticipated reward is omitted. Schulz et al.neuroimaging and electrophysiological evidence linking the orbitofrontal cortex (Francis et al., 1999; O'Doherty (1997) have demonstrated that the omission of expected rewards deactivates midbrain dopamine neurons (de-et al., 2001; Rolls, 1999; Schultz et al., 2000; Thut et al., 1997) and ventral striatum (Berns et al., 2001; Breiter et creases spike production), an observation that leads to the prediction that the CD outcome should be associ-al., 2001; Koepp et al., 1998; Pagnoni et. al., 2002; Schultz, 1998) to reward processing, this suggests that ated with deactivation of the midbrain and perhaps the striatal neurons to which it projects. Indeed, CD wasthe orbitofrontal and anteroventral striatal activations associated with the CC outcome in our experiment may often associated with deactivation of the anteroventral Table 4. Reaction Epoch: Location of Significant Brain Activations for the Contrast Comparing the CC Outcome with the Average of the Other Three Outcomes when Playing with a Human Partner Region Coordinates Peak t Statistic Number Voxels CC versus all other choices L paracentral lobule (BA 7) 18 39 54 6.45 * 22 R caudate 3 18 0 5.35 * 14 L postcentral gyrus (BA 1) 39 30 60 4.3 7 R medial frontal gyrus (BA 11) 3 48 12 4.03 28 rostral anterior cingulate gyrus (BA 32) 3 51 6 3.65 6 L superior temporal gyrus (BA 22/42) 51 30 12 3.57 7 R paracentral lobule (BA 5/7) 18 45 60 2.99 5 Activations are for Experiment 2 (p 0.01, n 17 subjects) after limiting the search volume to voxels that survived (p 0.01) in Experiment 1 (n 19 subjects). Voxels surviving a corrected p value 0.05 after small volume correction with the mask from Experiment 1 are marked with an asterisk. Activations consisting of fewer than five contiguous voxels are not reported in the table. L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere. Neuron 400 Figure 5. Reaction Epoch: Activation in Player A in Response to CC Outcomes (A) Voxels activated more by mutual cooperation (CC) than the mean of the other three outcomes in Experiment 2 (p 0.01) after masking the results with voxels activated for the same contrast in Experiment 1 (p 0.01). (B) Plot of contrast value for CC versus others in the peak voxel of the anteroventral striatal ROI against the probability of CC repeating in consecutive rounds, for the 17 subjects in Experiment 2. (C and D) Statistical parametric map for the contrast in (A) displayed on a normalized EPI image for (C) Experiment 1 and (D) Experiment 2. Statistical t images are thresholded at p 0.01 (uncorrected). (E) Voxels showing a significant condition (human versus control) by monetary outcome ($2 versus others) interaction (p 0.01) in which the response to $2 is greater for the social than the control condition. Data are for Experiment 1 only because the control condition was not included in Experiment 2. OFC ventromedial frontal/orbitofrontal cortex. striatum in our experiment (Figure 4C). DC was also often evolved in the service of preserving social relationships based on reciprocity (Trivers, 1971; Frank, 1988). Thisassociated with striatal deactivation, an observation that could be reconciled with predictions if subjects find DC agrees with the everyday observation that we often behave altruistically toward others simply because we likemore aversive than DD (they defect to protect themselves from potential exploitation by a defecting partner them, not because we consciously calculate that they are likely to reciprocate in the future.but experience guilt upon realizing a DC outcome). Cooperating is always risky given the unpredictability Subjects who find the CC outcome rewarding would be expected to persist with CC outcomes more thanof the intentions of another person in a social dyad. So, it is possible that the observed pattern of activation other subjects. We were therefore interested in whether the magnitude of the activation in the anteroventral stria-relates more generally to a realization of success following a risky decision and not specifically to a reciprocated tum and OFC was related to subjects' tendencies to persist with CC outcomes. Indeed, subjecťs who wereact of altruism. Alternatively, it may be the case that the observed activation is associated with positive feelings more likely to experience consecutive CC outcomes had greater activation in the peak voxel of the anteroventraltoward one's partner; that activation of anteroventral striatum and OFC can result in feelings of trust and striatum ROI (r 0.70; p 0.002, Figure 5B). There was no such behavioral correlation for the peak voxel of thecomradery that reinforce the cooperative act, superseding any conscious recognition that material gains will OFC ROI. Comparisons between human and computer activa-flow from mutual cooperation. Indeed, some theorists have proposed that many of the social emotions have tion patterns show that the orbitofrontal activation asso- A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation 401 Figure 6. Reaction Epoch: Event-Related Plot for the Peak Voxel in the OFC for the Contrast CC versus Other Outcomes (A) Fitted response for all four outcomes in a single subject, CC red, CD blue, DC green, and DD cyan. (B) Raw data for CC outcome for a single subject. The outcome is revealed at t 0 s and displayed for 9 s. ciated with CC outcomes is not specific to rewarding tions are formed. Thus, one possible interpretation of this activation is that it is related to a representation ofhuman social interaction but can also be elicited by interactive computer programs, at least when the latter a somatic state of an emotional experience that follows mutual cooperation.are programmed to be responsive to their partner's behavior. On the other hand, cooperation with a human partner may be a more effective stimulus for striatal Decision Making The decision to cooperate following cooperation bymechanisms related to reward since we did not observe striatal activation in association with CC for computer one's partner in the previous round was associated with activation in the right post-central gyrus. The post-cen-partners. Finally, we note that the most significant activation in tral gyrus activation is in primary somatosensory cortex and could be a neural representation of a somatic re-association with the CC outcome was in neither the OFC nor striatum, but in somatosensory association cortex sponse to an imagined decision to reciprocate cooperation (Damasio, 1994; Aziz et. al., 2000).in the medial posterior parietal lobe (BA 7; see Table 4 and Figure 5A). A prominent theory of emotion processing The anteroventral striatum was also activated for this contrast (i.e., XC,CX versus others). Our social decision-proposes that a neural representation of an organism's somatic state is an important referent of emotional expe- making epoch (for round n 1) trails but overlaps with the reaction epoch (to round n), raising the possibilityrience (Bechara et. al., 2000), and that somatosensory association cortex is largely where these representa- that the anteroventral striatal activation represents proTable 5. Reaction Epoch: Location of Significant Brain Activations for Contrast Comparing the CC Outcome with the Average of the Other Three Outcomes when Playing with a Computer Partner Region Coordinates Peak t Statistic Number Voxels Experiment 1 (n 19 subjects) No activations Experiment 2 (n 17 subjects) L insula 39 3 18 4.7 18 L OFC (BA 11) 3 36 12 4.39 12 L anterior insula 27 9 6 4.15 6 L frontal pole (BA 10) 6 66 6 3.86 6 R OFC (BA 11) 6 48 18 3.35 18 Activations for computer partners (p 0.01) were masked with the results of the same contrast for human partners (p 0.01) to show areas of overlap. Activations consisting of fewer than five contiguous voxels are not reported in the table. L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere. Neuron 402 Table 6. Decision-Making Epoch: Location of Significant Brain Activations for Contrast Comparing Cooperation Following a Cooperative Choice by One's Partner in the Previous Round (XC,CX) with the Average of the Other Three Outcomes, (XD,CX), (XC,DX), (XD,DX), when Playing with a Human Partner Region Coordinates Peak t Statistic Number Voxels (XC,CX) versus all other conditions L anterior caudate 12 24 12 5.23* 10 R post-central gyrus 36 27 54 4.76* 5 R anterior cingulate gyrus (BA32) 3 36 6 4.06 5 R collateral sulcus 39 45 6 3.87 5 R caudate 6 21 6 3.79 5 Activations are for Experiment 2 (p 0.01, n 17 subjects) after limiting the search volume voxels that survived in Experiment 1 (p 0.01, n 19 subjects). Voxels surviving a corrected p value 0.05 after small volume correction with the mask from Experiment 1 are marked with an asterisk. Activations consisting of fewer than five contiguous voxels are not reported in the table. L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere. longed responses to the CC outcome that extend into to emotions (Davidson, 2000). Its involvement with emotion is also supported by multiple neuroimaging studiesour decision-making epoch. However, it is also possible that some of the activations in Table 6 relate specifically (Drevets and Raichle, 1998). Thus, the observed rostral anterior cingulate activation may reflect the emotionalto social decision making. For example, the anterior cingulate cortex is involved in the detection of cognitive tone of social decision making. The decision to continue cooperating following a CCconflict (Cohen et. al., 2000). The decision to persist with cooperation may involve conflict given the ever present outcome in the previous round also requires overcoming a putative bias that humans and other animals have totemptation to defect and earn an extra dollar. However, processing of cognitive conflict has been linked with weight the attractiveness of a reward in inverse proportion to its delay (Chun and Herrnstein, 1967), a bias thatthe caudal anterior cingulate, known as its cognitive division, whereas the cingulate activation we report here would encourage our subjects to value the immediate reward of defection and its $3 payoff more than theis in rostral anterior cingulate cortex (Bush et. al., 2000). Nevertheless, conflict based on emotional interference delayed reward from sustained mutual cooperation. In other words, persisting with mutual cooperation re-reportedly activates the rostral ACC (Whalen et. al., 1998), and it has been hypothesized that this region may quires restraining the impulse to defect and achieve immediate gratification. Accumulating evidence impli-be generally involved with processing conflict related Figure 7. Decision-Making Epoch: Activation Related to the Decision-Making Epoch (A) Voxels activated more when player A chose cooperation following a cooperative choice by her partner in the previous round (XC,CX) than for the average of the other three conditions: cooperation following partner defection (XD,CX), defection following partner cooperation (XC,DX), and defection following partner defection (XD,DX). Results are for Experiment 2 (p 0.01) after masking with voxels activated for the same contrast in Experiment 1 (p 0.01). (B) Results from (A) further masked by voxels that were activated in both experiments for the contrast CC versus others during the reaction epoch (i.e., Table 4; Figure 5A) to show areas activated during both reaction and decision-making epochs. rACC rostral anterior cingulate cortex. A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation 403 made to clarify the game. Only after the investigators concludedcates the ventromedial frontal/orbitofrontal cortex in this that subjects understood the task were subjects positioned in therole (Grafman et. al., 1996). Although ventromedial/orbitscanner. Players were instructed to adopt a strategy that would ofrontal activation was not detected in our combined maximize their earnings (with the exception of the constraints imanalysis of the decision-making epoch, it was activated posed on the confederate) and were compensated in direct propor(p 0.001) in Experiment 2. Patients with damage to the tion to their accumulated total. ventromedial frontal lobe are characterized by impaired personal and social decision making (Damasio, 1994; Experimental Design The game matrix was projected onto a screen that player A viewedBechara et. al., 2000) and have been described as lacking through a mirror mounted on the head coil and player B viewed onthe ability to delay gratification. Analogously, subjects who a computer screen in an adjacent room. Player A indicated her defect out of mutually cooperative social interactions in decision to cooperate or defect by pressing one of two buttons on the Prisoner's Dilemma Game opt for immediate gratifi- a fiber optic button box. Player B chose to cooperate or defect using cation (attaining the maximum payoff for that round) and two keys on the computer keyboard. When either player pressed a may overlook or fail to consider the future consequences button or key, their choice was indicated by a color change of the corresponding selection above the column (Figure 1). Their partner'sof defection (partner retaliation and lower cumulative choice would not be revealed until 12 s after the round started,earnings). The corollary is that subjects who resist the when the game outcome for that round was displayed. The outcome temptation to defect for short-term gain and instead of each round was recorded and saved to a computer file that was persist in mutual cooperation may be better guided by used to specify the general linear model design matrices for each the future consequences of their decisions. Thus, our subject. findings are consistent with the notion that the ventromedial frontal cortex is involved with increasing sensitiv- Experiment 1 For Experiment 1, subjects were informed that each game wouldity to distant rewards and punishments (Rogers et. al., consist of 20 rounds. In one game, the subject played 20 rounds1999). with an unconstrained human player. In another game, the playing partner was a provocative human confederate who was constrained Summary in her choices by having to cooperate on round 1 and defect if both In summary, mutually cooperative social interactions players mutually cooperated on three previous rounds. Scanned subjects were unaware of these constraints. In a third session, sub-in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game were associated with jects played the game with a preprogrammed computer strategy.activations in anteroventral striatum, rostral ACC, and The computer defected on round 1 of the game and subsequently OFC that were not observed in response to monetary played a "tit-for-tat" strategy in which it mimicked the human subreinforcement in a nonsocial control condition. OFC, but jecťs selection from the previous round. The remaining session was not rostral ACC or anteroventral striatum, activation was a control task to determine brain activation related to monetary also observed for mutual cooperation with a computer reward in a nonsocial context. For the control task, subjects pressed one of four buttons to select one square of an empty payoff matrix,partner, suggesting that the ACC and striatal activations during the first 12 s of each of 20 rounds. Each round, the computermay relate specifically to cooperative social interactions randomly assigned $0, $1, $2, or $3 to each square of the matrix. with human partners. At 12 s, the random payoff for the selected square was revealed Cooperative social interactions with nonkin are perva- and displayed for 9 s. sive in all human societies and generally emerge from Prior to each run, subjects were reminded whom they would be relationships based on reciprocal altruism. Such rela- playing with (the partner's name, a "preprogrammed computer strategy," or the "control task"). We hypothesized that the confederatetionships arguably lay the foundation for the interdepenrun would be more provocative if it followed a run with a typicallydence upon which societal division of labor is based. less provocative (i.e., more cooperative) human partner. Therefore, We have identified a pattern of neural activation that we used a fixed order for runs. In attempting to control for the may be involved in sustaining cooperative social rela- potential confounds related to task novelty (e.g., anxiety associated tionships, perhaps by labeling cooperative social inter- with the very first run of the experiment), the control scan was placed actions as rewarding, and/or by inhibiting the selfish first rather than last for 9 of the 16 subjects. impulse to accept but not reciprocate an act of altruism. Experiment 2 In each of three sessions, subjects played against the same prepro-Experimental Procedures grammed computer strategy that made cooperate or defect choices according to probabilities derived from the behavior of the uncon-Subjects The mean age of the 19 female participants in Experiment 1 was strained human subjects from the first experiment. That is, behavioral data from the unconstrained human subjects who played out-28.8 years (range 20­60 years). The mean age of the 17 female participants in Experiment 2 was 23.8 years (range 20­30). The sub- side the scanner in Experiment 1 were used to calculate the probability that a person would cooperate, as a function of theject pool was restricted to women because of published reports that men and women play the game differently, particularly in the outcome of the previous two rounds of the game. Thus, a different probability was calculated for each of the 16 possible contingenciespresence of a male experimenter (Hottes and Kahn, 1974; Rapoport and Chammah, 1965; Skotko et al., 1974). (e.g., CC,CC; CC,CD; ... DD,DD). In all three games, the computer was programmed to defect automatically in rounds 18­20 in orderPrior to scanning, all participants completed a 10 min computer tutorial, complete with examples, intended to familiarize them with to ensure sufficient non-CC outcomes for statistical analysis. To protect against the possibility of subjects recognizing a predictablethe Prisoner's Dilemma game and with appropriate strategies for maximizing earnings. Specifically, it was pointed out that two play- strategy that always defected on the last three rounds, game one included an additional three rounds (21­23) in which the computerers would both earn $40 if they both cooperated each round, but only $20 if they both defected each round. They were also told that always cooperated. In two of the three sessions, subjects were told that their playing partner was one of two women whom they hadone would earn $60 and the other $0 in the unlikely event that one player cooperated each round and the other defected each round. just previously met. In a third session, they were told the playing partner would be a computer. The first game was open ended inSubsequently, all players completed a two question multiple-choice quiz designed to assess their comprehension of the game. For sub- the sense that subjects were not told how many rounds the game would consist of. We included an open-ended game to control forjects who answered one or both questions incorrectly, efforts were Neuron 404 brain activations related to anticipating the game's end. For the two ing partners. The latter includes data for both the session with the unconstrained and confederate human partners from Experiment 1remaining games, subjects were told in advance that each would consist of 20 rounds, with one game played with a human playing and both the open-ended and closed sessions from Experiment 2. partner and the other with a computer partner. The order of the two sessions was counterbalanced. The identity of the playing partner Acknowledgments was announced before each game. For both experiments, subjects were introduced to two human We thank Drs. Hui Mao and Stephan Hamann for assistance with partners prior to scanning in order to reinforce the belief that they various aspects of this study. This research was supported by a would be playing the game with real people. In both experiments, Markey Center for Neurological Sciences Fellowship (to J.K.R.), for games against the "computer," subjects were told they would NIDA (DA00367 to G.S.B.), NIMH (MH61010 to G.S.B), and NARSAD play the game with a "preprogrammed computer strategy that does (to G.S.B.). not play a fixed sequence of choices. Instead, it responds to your choices from earlier rounds with specified probabilities," but they Received: October 5, 2001 were not told what strategy the computer would play. Revised: May 3, 2002 References Image Acquisition and Analysis A 1.5 Tesla Philips NT scanner was used to acquire T1-weighted Andreoni, J., and Miller, J.H. (1993). 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