SAGITTAL PLANE 180c 0° Neutral 90c FRONTAL PLANE 180° ■ r>0 B 0° Neutral HORIZONTAL PLANE 180° Neutral 0° 130' Neutral 0° Internal rotation (inward] External rotation (outward] 90ů 90c External rotation (outward) 0° Neutral Internal rotation (inward) 90° 180° a. b. c. Figure C.6 Range of shoulder joint (gJenohumerai) motion: (a) starting position; (b) abduction; (c) sideward-upward elevation of arm (combining abduction of arm and upward rotation of scapula). Adduction (retraction) Elevation B C ■H i:r: : : ' : ■;::.:■ —.: ' ■ ■ ';-' '■■{:' "i . " ■ J-l .IS HiiílllSííi Upward rotation Downward rotation Rhomboids Trapezius Levator scapulae Rhomboids Trapezius Levator scapulae Serratus Anterior Pectoralis minor Trapezius Pectoralis minor 150ü. 180s ..f Neutral "l0° Hyperexíension 150° 130ň Neutral 90° 90c B B Extension [dorsiflexion Neutral 0C Flexion (palmar-fiexion) 90 Radial deviation Neutral 0° Ulnar deviation B 120' 0° Neutral FLEXION B 30° or less 0° Neutral EXTENSION 30° or less 0C Neutral 90° 90s 0° Neutral ABDUCTION 0° Neutral ADDUCTION 90< Internal rotation (media 0C Neutral 90° 45f Externa rotation Externa! rotation (lateral) 90c Prone Neutral 0° Supine Neutral 0° nternal External rotation rotation 90° 90 Internal rotation ROTATION 135« Hyperextension 0° Neutral 9r~ 20c