First Aid Unconsciousness Foto: Mgr Zdeňka Kubíková Ing Radek Turin Unconsciousness and CPR Guidelines 2005 Foto: Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková, Ing. Radek Turin, Bc. Barbora Zuchová Contact establishment Loud address: Hallo what´s,,Hallo, what s the matter with you can youyou, can you hear me?" Painful stimulation Shout for help Open the airway Hold their forehead and jaw and gentlyand jaw, and gently push the head backwardsbackwards Hasík, 2006 Check for breathing place your face close to the patient´sto the patient s mouth and listen and feel for breathing forfeel for breathing for a full 10 seconds at the same time look along the chestg and the abdomen for signs of movement Does the patient breath sufficiently? YESYES Dialling of emergency medical service DIALLING OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 155155 Check for breathing until EMS arrives. Y l l thYou can also place the patient in The Recovery Position ­ see chapterPosition see chapter The Recovery Position Does the patient breath sufficiently? NONO start CPR 30:2 Dialling of emergency medical service Dialling of emergencyDialling of emergency medical service 155 Heart massage ­ adult 30 chest compressions depth of compressiondepth of compression about 4-5 cm centre of the chest approximately 100 times per minute keep your arms straightg interlock the ffingers Chest compression ČČK, 2003 Artifical respiration 2 breaths head tilt chin lift pinch the nose th iopen the airway feasible, safe and effective breatheffective breath Artifical respiration If the rescuer can´t or don´t want to do artifical respirationrespiration, continue withoutcontinue without interruptions with chest compressionsp until EMS arrives! Remember! CPR for children and near drowning states startCPR for children and near drowning states start with 5 breaths and then continue with 30:2 Wh th i l 1 i t CPRWhen the rescuer is alone ­ 1 minute CPR and then dial 155 Resuscitacion with AED using If you have (there is) the disposal of AED, the rescuer follows the instructions ofthe rescuer follows the instructions of service. CPR 30:2. Srnský, 2004 Necessity of practical training