Fi AidFirst Aid Mgr Zdeňka Kubíková Shock Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková Bc. Barbora Zuchová and others ShockShock ...we don´t treat shock in first aid, but we avert it !!! ShockShock Failure of circulation from various cases, not treated leads to death As a result of SHOCK is insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues and metabolic changesoxygen to the tissues and metabolic changes Dynamic action SHOCK is not a psychical reaction on dramatic situation butsituation... but Forms and causes of shock Loss of circulating fluid ­ bleeding Forms and causes of shock Loss of circulating fluid bleeding, burns, dehydration Relative loss of fluid allergic reactionRelative loss of fluid ­ allergic reaction, septic shock, influence of medicaments L d ffi i f th h tLowered efficiency of the heart ­ e.g. heart attack Stages of shockStages of shock Reversible ­ compensation reaction of organism is enough Ireversible ­ organ failures, loss of consciousness leads to deat ... shock is taken to signify a life ­... shock is taken to signify a life threatening condition!!! Symptoms Pale and clammy skin Symptoms Pale and clammy skin Cold perspiration Dizziness weakness simple faintingDizziness, weakness, simple fainting Rapid, weaker pulse... irregular Rapid and shallow breathingRapid and shallow breathing Feeling of thirst Anxiety fearAnxiety, fear Nausea, vomiting Failure of consciousness ...disorientation,Failure of consciousness ...disorientation, somnolence, unconsciousness First aid treatement of shock causes First aid position ­ depends on type of shock (insulin shock, haemorrhage shock anaphylactic shock etc )shock, anaphylactic shock etc.) liquids ­ don't give any liquids! heat ­ care of heat comfort b id f lsubside ­ tactful encouragement... transport ­ don´t transport... dial 155 !!! silencesilence...