Fi AidFirst Aid
Mgr Zdeňka Kubíková
Non-accidental Cases
Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková
Bc. Barbora Zuchová and
Hearth attack
Interrupted supply of oxygen to the heart
Hearth attack
Interrupted supply of oxygen to the heart
chest pain (typical gripping chest pain,p ( yp g pp g p ,
spreading to the neck, upper limbs,
nausea, vomiting, sweating, restlisness,
fear of death, breathlessness (dyspnoea)fear of death, breathlessness (dyspnoea)
First aidFirst aid
dialling of EMS
keep the casualty calm
h lf i i i ihalf-sitting position
don t give any liquids
By treated patients ask about drugs actively.
Appeal for apply of glyceryltrinitrate (GTN) in
spray or a tablet.
Cerebellar apoplexy (stroke)
interrupted supply of blood into the brain Cerebellar
apoplexy (stroke)
interrupted supply of blood into the brain
hemorrhage involving a vessel of the brainhemorrhage involving a vessel of the brain
various stages of relevance
Symptoms: from confusion, paralysis of the part
of body, aggravation of communication,of body, aggravation of communication,
dizzinesses, (reminds drunkenness) up to
immediate death
First aid
check on vital signs
First aid
check on vital signs
consciouss patient ­ absolute calmness,
without motion!!!without motion!!!
unconscious patient...
immediate dialling of EMS 155
Asthmatic attack
Asthma bronchiale is chronic inflammatory
di f i i b b hi t i
Asthmatic attack
Evocating factors: psychical stress
disease of airways, appearing by bronchiostenosis
during attack
Evocating factors: psychical stress,
strain, external allergens, cold air,
S t tt kiSymptoms: attacking
breathlesness, elongated
expiration with wheezing,p g,
insult to coughing
First Aid: position, clothing,
calmness relievecalmness relieve
EMS 155
Appeal for apply of
drugs ­ spray
Diabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus: Regulation failure of the level of sugarg g
in blood (glycaemia). Patient applies insulin or takes drugs
Every treated diabetic should have a warning card
not yet treated or worse treated patient
with himself!
not yet treated or worse treated patient
coma within decades of hours and days
Hypoglycaemiayp g y
after apply of insulin the patient doesn´t eat or does
the sport inadequately, eventually applies more quantity
of insulinof insulin
coma within decades of minutes!
First aid ­ Diabetes mellitus
Symptoms: failure of consciousness, faint smell from the
th h h d h k t di t
First aid Diabetes mellitus
mouth, hunger, headache, weakness, motory distress,
sweating, nausea
First aid: we suppose hypoglycaemia
conscious ­ sweet drink or sugar, eat after that!
unconscious ­ check on vital signsunconscious check on vital signs
EMS 155
Sudden abdominal incidence
acute event of several causes
Sudden abdominal incidence
acute event of several causes
planary or localized pain, often shocking
boardy contractures of muscles of abdominalboardy contractures of muscles of abdominal
paries (not allways)
vomiting weaker pulse progress of shockvomiting, weaker pulse, progress of shock,
diarrhoea, sometimes temperature
Sudden abdominal incidence
First aid:
Sudden abdominal incidence
st a d
dialling of EMS 155 or visit of emergency
don´t give any liquidsg y q
favourable position
Keggenhoff, 2006
Never give drugs for damping of pain!!!
Convulsionary forms
Epilepsy, hyperthermia of organism, head injuries,
Convulsionary forms
Epilepsy, hyperthermia of organism, head injuries,
febrile spasmus, poisonings and others
failure of consciousness inability offailure of consciousness, inability of
during the great attack spasmus and subsultusduring the great attack spasmus and subsultus
of the whole body, high risk of general injury,
possible of enuresis, defile and foam by mouthp , y
Convulsionary forms
First aid:
Convulsionary forms
First aid:
avoid from accidental injuries ­ especially with
head without force !head, without force..!
don´t put anything into the mouth
after attack check on vital signsafter attack ­ check on vital signs
by febrile convulsions (children from 6 months
to 5 years) reduce fever by tepid dressing Applyto 5 years) reduce fever by tepid dressing. Apply
in to groins and armpits. Never on the chest.
E M di l S i 155Emergency Medical Service 155
Collapse ­ fainting
sudden failure of consciousness
Collapse fainting
sudden failure of consciousness
coming up from the low level of blood in
the brain from various causes ­ e.g. bythe brain from various causes e.g. by
fatigue, exhaustion, shock, rapid standing,
dehydration etc.y
Collapse ­ fainting
First aid:
Collapse fainting
First aid:
fresh air, relieve clothing,
position, check on vital signsposition, check on vital signs
If the casualty does not regainy g
consciousness quickly, or if the status of the
casualty is not getting better after giving of
Fi t Aid di lli f EMS 155First Aid ­ dialling of EMS 155
Allergic reaction
after insects stings (bee, wasp), food and other
Allergic reaction
g ( , p),
And by sensitive persons to allergies could occur
closure of the airway with swelling
breathlesness during inspiration coughbreathlesness during inspiration, cough,
then cyanosis, itching, nettle rash, nausea,
anaphylactic shockp y
First aid:
Emergency Medical Service 155, cooling down
Increases percentage of sensitive persons to
allergies in overall population!!
Cause: forms with rapid breathing,
Cause o s t ap d b eat g,
which leads into a loss of the carbon
dioxide level and to characteristic
convulsions (tetany)convulsions (tetany)
Symptoms: tingling in around the
mouth characteristic distortion of handsmouth, characteristic distortion of hands,
First aid: sedation breathing to a paper bagFirst aid: sedation, breathing to a paper bag
Hyperventilation is very dangerousyp y g
under water level !!!
As early as the patient is in the ambulance car, the crew
afford him professional care
afford him professional care.
Don´t be
afraid to
call 155!