Fi AidFirst Aid Mgr Zdeňka Kubíková Musculoskeletal Injuries Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková Bc. Barbora Zuchová and others Contusion First Aid: Contusion First Aid: cooling down i i l t i d kiprinciple: never put ice on exposed skin fixation b i iby extensive contusions greater loss of blood could appear! Sprains First Aid: Sprains First Aid: don´t dispel l t th li belevate the limb cool the affected part i i dvisit doctor Flegel, 2004 Luxation ­ dislocation First Aid: Luxation dislocation First Aid: ensure in the forcede su e t e o ced position don´t attempt to relocate th j i t!the joint! di l EMS 155dial EMS 155 RTG: Luxation Accident mechanism ­ luxationAccident mechanism luxation Flegel, 2004 Fractures First Aid: Fractures First Aid: immobilize, don´t attempt, p to relocate the fracture! cool with exception of the long bones fractureslong bones fractures by the long bones measures against shockg dial EMS 155 fracture of Colles, ČČK 2003 Fractures fixation of the upper limb Fractures pp Elevation sling use the triangularg bandage Foto: Zuchová, 2008 Fractures fixation of the lower limb Fractures don´t attempt to relocate the fracture, dial EMS 155! Use splints only in case of necessity of transport by laymen! Beránková a kol., 2002 Loss of blood ­ fractures Shock danger! Loss of blood fractures 0,8 litre Shock danger! 0,8 litre 5 litres 2,5 litres 1 litre Beránková a kol., 2002