Fi AidFirst Aid Mgr Zdeňka Kubíková Spinal Injuries Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková Bc. Barbora Zuchová and others Accident mechanismAccident mechanism Accident mechanismAccident mechanism foto MAFA Accident mechanism car accident Accident mechanism Direction ofDirection of movementNormal head position Hasík, 2003 Remember WHEN SUSPECTING SPINAL Remember WHEN SUSPECTING SPINAL INJURY do the same AS THE SPINE WOULD BE INJUREDINJURED First Aid 1. safety on the place of accident First Aid y p 2. check for consciousness address, painful stimulation! Conscious patient: d ´ h l l ldon´t move with casualty, leave in initial position call for EMS 155 care of heat comfort and tactful encouragement check on vital signs till EMS arrives Always ensure medical transportAlways ensure medical transport First Aid Unconscious patient : First Aid Unconscious patient : variant 1 open the airwayopen the airway breathing check on vital signs variant 2 open the airway not breathing start CPR Open the airway Gently! Open the airway Gently! Hasík, 2006 Types of spinal injuryTypes of spinal injury PARAPLEGIA QUADRUPLEGIA Williamsová, 1996