Basic Information

Prevention (car-accidents)

Prevention (head injuries)

… this is reality

Fireworks accident

 Electric current accident



… and sport is splendid


§  Safety of gyms, playgrounds and households

                                      Charge to give First Aid

                                      defined by Punitive law

                                      ( 140/ 1961Sb.,1.1.1962 ) –

                                      NOT GIVING OF FIRST AID

                                         § 207 and  § 208


§  Safety first!

Help, but safety first!!!

Dialling of Emergency Medical Service

§   what happened?

§   how many people need help?

§   what is the status of victim
(is he/she responsive, breathing…?)

§   where the incident happened?

§   don´t abort the call by yourself, not earlier than despatcher

Basic skills

First aid

§   bleeding

§   unconsciousness

§   CPR Guidelines 2005

§   Shock

§   Opened chest wounds

and also...

§   head, abdominal and chest injuries

§   musculoskeletal injuries

§   intoxications (poisonings)

§   thermal injuries

§   non-accidental cases

§   and others