First AidFirst Aid Aspiration of Foreign Object Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková Aspiration of Foreign Object Mgr. Zdeňka Kubíková Bc. Barbora Zuchová and others Adult or a child since 1 year Cause: bolus, by the children small parts Adult or a child since 1 year Cause: bolus, by the children small parts Symptoms: dyspnoea, cough (defensive mechanism), choking, panic fear, cyanosis Symptoms: dyspnoea, cough (defensive mechanism), choking, panic fear, cyanosis First aid: Consciouss patientConsciouss patient try to get the patient to cough give to the patient hard slaps on the back between thegive to the patient hard slaps on the back between the shoulder blades Heimlich maneuver not by the gravids and children up to one yearone year Unconsciouss patient, not breathing ­ start CPR GL 2005GL 2005 Hard slaps on the backHard slaps on the back between the shoulder bladesbetween the shoulder blades Beránková a kol., 2002 Heimlich maneuverHeimlich maneuver Always risk for patient!!!patient!!! Beránková a kol., 2002 Dislodge of foreign objectDislodge of foreign object child up to one yearchild up to one year Beránková a kol., 2002 Child up to one yearChild up to one year Foto: Turin, 2008