Cold Exposure Damage of organism § Local – frostbites § General – hypothermia Frostbites § they are caused by very cool environs on exposed part of the body (mostly fingers, nose, chin, ears) or by touch of very cool object § liquid nitrogen, ice directly on skin Frostbites § affected tissues are firstly pale, waxy white, blue spots could proceed stage by stage, they get black, could be blisters § firstly ador and stinging pain, then loss of sensibility, white numb skin Frostbites First aid – in the field § replace clothing § hot liquids to drink § warm with body heat (don´t rub) Frostbites Frostbites Hypothermia § is caused by very cool environs on organism; wind makes the effect much greater!!! § general hypothermia of organism § gradual fall of physical temperature leads to slow down of vital signs, then to death Hypothermia Stages: § firstly casualty has shivering fit, clammy, pale, dry skin § then shivering fit ends, inadequate behaviour starts, slow, apathic … unconsciousness § Final stage: slowmotion of pulse rate and breathing… cardiac arrest Hypothermia Hypothermia § Due to consciousness level give to casualty hot liquid, hot chocolate… § care about heat comfort – isolate from the ground + cover the casualty § if it beginns – inadequate, slow, apathic behaviour – don´t move with casualty § dialling of EMS 155 § check on vital signs