Musculoskeletal Injuries


First Aid:

§   cooling down

    principle: never put ice on exposed skin

§   fixation

§   by extensive contusions

   greater loss of blood could



First Aid:

§   don´t  dispel

§   elevate the limb

§   cool the affected part

§   visit doctor

Luxation – dislocation

First Aid:

§   ensure in the forced position

§   don´t  attempt to relocate the joint!

§   dial EMS 155

Accident mechanism – luxation


First Aid:

§   immobilize, don´t attempt to relocate the fracture!

§   cool with exception of the long bones fractures

§   by the long bones – measures against shock

§   dial  EMS 155


fixation of the upper limb


                      don´t attempt to relocate the fracture, dial  EMS 155!

                   Use splints only in case of necessity of transport by laymen!

fixation of the lower limb

Loss of blood – fractures

                                           Shock danger!