Speaking 1 Applying for Jobs k Work In groups. Discuss these questions, a How do you find out about job vacancies? b How do you apply? c Have you ever applied for a job? What did you have to do? (Address) Mr Anthony Mayer Personnel Manager Travel Unlimited Stansted Essex CM24 1RY (Date) Dear...... In reply to the advertisement......(state whore It appeared), I would like to apply for (he......(state what you are applying for), As you will see from the enclosedXV, although I am relatively......I have successfully..... (state what you have done), I therefore feel I......(state what you can offer the firm). I believe I am hard-working and reliable and would very much like to gain greater work experience. 1......interview whenever......and......near future, Mary Roe 5 in order to apply for a job you usually have to send a curriculum vltae hM hedtcok jfon ,to atyudM ^mtidf with, tht cantmtH $h$mti. 3rn*iing.. thai d AhaM httfwmmi^ tvj$i &n interview vMh a view it