bMüIbuiuiuuiuiiuiuuuiui lUIUUIIHiUIll ilMIUIUWUUUUUUl EuroVelo Between 1995 and 1997, a working group of the European Cyclists' Federation .developed plans for a Europe-wide network of cycle routes, now known as EuroVelo. The Czech Republic was represented on this working group by the Transport Research Center. The pro|ect Is to develop 12Trans-European cycle routes linking all "countries of Europe, largely based on existing and planned routes at a national, regional and local level, The aim of EuroVelo Is twofold: to encourage cycling as a mode of transport and to promote cycle-tourism, Encouragement of cycling as transport will work In three ways: - most journeys on long-distance routes will In fact be local trips .....- the Introduction to cycling while on holiday should encourage people to cycle more at home -,i <* tho development of the network and the publicity surrounding It can raise the profile of cycling In : .. countries where It has been forced Into decline by past policies Cycle Tourism offers the chance to develop" a completely new market sector, In economic terms, long distance cycle routes have shown themselves. to be a great success. The C2C route in northern England created a new tourism market worth around 2 million a year in a rural area of high unemployment. Up to 80% of hotel . beds on the Danube Cycle Route In Austria are taken by cyclists, The Swiss national cycle routes, opened In 1998, repaid their Investment cost in the first year. Many of the benoflts of EuroVelo, such as reductions in pollution and traffic congestion or the encouragement of local traffic calming, will benefit everyone in Europe, not Just those who cycle on the routes. The 12 Euro Veto routes total 61,700 km.iHach route has a characteristic themes be it geographical (rivers, the Mediterranean), cultural (capital cities, wine and food) or history and heritage (the amber trade, historic pilgrimages). Not only will these themes be crucially Important tor tourism marketing, but they also add a valuable element for every kind of traveller and so the journey becomes more than just a way of moving from one place to another. '! I: W : After reading through text A, for questions 1-3 choose letter A, B or C which you think fits best according to the text. O) 'C £ a* S (0 O) *i (O llí u: ó x alt r w n t I/) (O MO 1. What is EuroVelo? A European cycle routes linking all. countries of Europe (3 European Cyclists' Federation C European project for the encouragement of motorcycling 2. CSC Is... A National Cycling Federation [I Cycle route In northern England C Long distance cycle route In Switzerland $9. The alms of EuroVelo are.,. A to develop now market sector and to open new cycle routes B to encourage cycling and to promote cycle tourism C to reduce pollution and to encourage local traffic calming tuilWiUllOIUUUIWlUUlUlULWtUUHlUi^ IJUtmtl [UUllUUIIMJIIIl lllllilllllllllillHIli This section comprises vocabulary related to the main topic in this unit. cycle routo [saikl nr.\] cyklotrasa, cyklistická stežka network [netwe:k) sit (cyklolras) Eurovolo [Juereu vlleu] Evropská sľ( cyklotras to develop (di'velep] rozvinout Trana-Europeon cyclo routes (iriansjuero'plan aalkl ru;tsj trans-evropskó cy Wot rasy to link (link) spojoval level [levl| úro^yori bicycle [baísiklj kolo (dopravní prostředek) moans of transport [ml;nz ev Irajiispo:!] forma/druh dopravy environment friendly (In'valoronmont frondll] neškodící životnímu prostředí motor transport [mouta trřenspo:t] motoristická doprava European Cyclists' Federation [juoreuplen saiklists fodo'relSn] Evropská cyklistická fodoraco public support [pabllk se'po:t] veřejná podpora to Biicoyr«(jö (lo'íiafldí) jjovzbijdll cyclo tourlam (salkl tuorlzamj cyklistická turistika long/ahort dlstanco routoa [Ion, So:t dlstons ru:ts) krátkó/dlouho cyklotrasy ln/-nl Wno floulil tribal mMnl etňtl/u transport policy [lra!nspo:t polosi] dopravní politika to decline In [di'klain] snířit, upadfit tourism market [tuoiizíim ma:kll] turistický irli rural area (ruerňl eorio] venkovská" oplasl reduction in pollution [ri'dakán in po'lu:Son] omočeni znečištění traffic congestion (trafik kon'dŽastSonj hustota dopravy traffic calming [trsellk ka;tnir\l zklidnonl dopravy crucially Important |kru:soli im'twtorU] rozhodne/volmi důležitý route development [ru;l di'velapmont] rozvoj cyklolras signing ayatom (salnln, slstem] systém onačení mapping [masplnj mapování disused [dís'Juizd] noužívané to persuade (pei'swold) pfosvódeit mllopoat fmallpausl] milník onrry ovot- [kasri auvô] pfonésl, proves) pedestrian (pl'destrion) chodec wlnselchalr [wlilčae] koloňkovó kř«glo to punctuate [pan,kcuall] označil p\ir-l\al leal!/Nutí cuUlctn SI &• c 8 UJ I CO « ö ť I.U » X š 1.1.1 ŕ a o -a '01 0 t vši % 1 Q ^ P Jz tu U c >K ca c: n I 'c.