Human body, Health and Illness Task 1 Human Body ankle arm navel chest chin ear elbow eye fingers foot hand head heel hip knee leg mouth nose neck shin shoulder thigh toes waist wrist Ex. 1: Label the human body diagram using the word list above. body to label Exercise 2: How are the following things connected in the body? Teeth – jaw Diaphragm – abdominal cavity – thoracic cavity Ribcage – heart Skull - vertebral column – vertebrae – intervertebral discs Palm – thumb Ankle – foot - calf Exercise 3: Match synonyms Clavicle Shoulder blade Sternum Spinal column Phalanges Thorax Tibia Femur Patella thigh bone backbone kneecap shin bone chest finger bones breastbone collar bone scapula Exercise 4: Match the organs with their respective systems: mouth - spinal cord – blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) – nails – joints – liver –uterus (womb) – thyroid gland – hair – heart – kidneys – skin – muscles – brain – intestines – bones – bladder - lungs – nerves – sweat glands Circulatory Respiratory Nervous Musculoskeletal Digestive Urinary Reproductive Endocrine Integumentary Exercise 5: Listening Fun science: The human body ( Listen and answer the questions: 1. What´s my body made of? 2. Why do we get “goose bumps”? 3. Why do I get “brain freeze” when I eat ice cream? 4. Why does my skin look like a wrinkled prune after I take a bath? 5. Why do I sweat? 6. How do my eyes see colour? 7. What happens to food when I eat it? 8. Why do I need food? Task 2 Health and Illness Exercise 1: What is the difference between being healthy and being fit; between a disease and an illness? What does it mean when somebody says that they are “sick”? Exercise 2: Make adjectives from the nouns below: Fitness Health Illness Sickness Exercise 3: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: 1. Her condition …………….(deteriorated/improved) and she died. 2. He ……………..(relapsed/recovered) and was allowed to go home from hospital. 3. The patient made a full………………(recovery/remission). 4. I have been in ………………(poor/good) health for months and feel very fit. 5. It was a month before I …………(got over/ got better) the illness. 6. He seems to be rather …………. (unhealthy/ unwell) – his diet is bad and he never exercises. (adapted from Glendinning, Howard: Professional English in Use – Medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2007.) Exercise 4: True or false? 1. Mumps and chicken pox are childhood diseases. 2. AIDS has been eradicated from the world. 3. Diabetes is a contagious disease. 4. Parkinson´s disease is hereditary. 5. Flu is preventable. 6. Migraine is an incurable disease. Exercise 5: Give examples of acute/chronic/ serious/ mild/ degenerative/ occupational/ mental/ obscure/ deadly diseases.