PHYSICAL PREPARATION David Zahradník, PhD. Projekt: Zvyšování jazykových kompetencí pracovníků FSpS MU a inovace výuky v oblasti kinantropologie, reg.č.: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0199 Is generally focused on developing motor abilities PHYSICAL PREPARATION Adaptive changes can be achieved by repeated application of Exercise load. ADAPTATION EXERCISE LOAD increased efficiency PHYSICAL PREPARATION GENERAL SPECIAL • General preparation works on all motor abilities used in non-specific manifestations • Consisting of the application motor abilities in specific sports disciplines Means of development PHYSICAL EXERCISE STRENGTH SPEED ENDURANCE KOORDINATION MOTOR ABILITIES TRAINING OF STRENGTH ABILITIES 300607_09 STIMULATION OF STRENGTH ABILITIES The ability to resist external resistance with muscle contraction represents a basic principle of developing the complex of strength ability. • Overcomes the resistance of the equipment (lifting, throwing) • Overcomes the resistance of the human body (gymnastics, jumping) • Overcomes the resistance of the opponent (judo) • Overcomes the resistance of the environment (swimming, rowing) Muscle contraction Inervation sken0001 Actin Myosin ATP Ca2+ Motor unit Functional muscle mechanics CONCENTRIC contraction – muscle shortens EXCENTRIC contraction – muscle extends ISOMETRIC contraction – muscle length is the same, only the muscle strain changes sken0002 Projevy svalové činnosti Maximal strength is manifested by overcoming high or even limit external resistance at a slow speed with a specific muscle group usually in one repetition (e.g. in benchpress). Explosive strength is manifested by overcoming low external resistance or weight of own body with maximal acceleration in single (acyclic) movement of participating segments (e.g. in throws, or take-offs). Reactive strength is an ability to carry out muscle performance in motor activities which use stretch shortening cycle (SSC) with duration up to 200ms from beginning. Endurance strength is manifested by repeated overcoming relatively low resistance at slow speed and multiple cyclic movements (e.g. cross-country skiing, sculling etc.) Účinek silového tréninku Strength development is understood as an improvement in absolute or relative values of overcome external resistance at constant number of repetitions for specific muscle groups or exercises. Muscle hypertorphy development represents increase in crosscut of active muscle fibre. Net power output development at acyclic movement means improvement of optimum combination of speed of applied strength for dominant muscle groups in specific motor activities. Net power output development at cyclic movement means improvement of optimum combination of speed of applied strength for dominant muscle groups in specific motor activities for a necessarilly long period. Muscle endurance development represents improvement in strength manifestation of specific muscle groups in activities that last for a relatively long period without declining intensity. představuje zlepšení silového projevu konkrétních svalových skupin v činnostech po relativně dlouhou dobu bez snížení její intenzity. muscle-squirrel Relationship among specific parameters number of repetition velocity of movement Hypertrophy Power: Single effort event Multiple effort event Muscular endurance Strength number of repetition velocity of movement number of repetition number of repetition load load velocity of movement load load velocity of movement velocity of movement number of repetition dominant parameter load Overview of methods of strength development Methods with a maximum resistance Methods without a maximum resistance Methods without a maximum speed of movement Methods with a maximum speed of movement The method of maximal effort The method of brakes of movement The method of repeated efforts The method of intermediate The method of strength endurance The method of speed The method of plyometric Thank you for your attention