VOCABULARY REVISION - Nutritionists TASK 1 Anatomy 1. What do you call the organ/ organs/ muscles: - which breaks down toxins which enter the body, including alcohol - in the chest we use for breathing - in which babies develop before they are born - between the lungs and the stomach used mainly to control breathing - squeezes food down to the stomach - in which most digestion takes place - processes the waste and passes it out of the body - remove waste products from the blood and produce urine 2. What are English equivalents to these expressions from Latin: femur – patella – sternum – clavicle – scapula – tibia – spinal column TASK 2 Injuries – collocations. Fill in the gaps: 1. You can pull/ strain __________ 2. You can sprain/ twist___________ 3. You can dislocate ___________ 4. You can __________ your ribs __________ . 5. You can have ________ on your feet because of new shoes. TASK 3 Miscellaneous a) Use the following expressions in a sentence: range of motion endurance recommended dietary amount dietary supplement food pyramid carbohydrate obesity b) Give an example of: - acute/ chronic disease; legume; poultry; dairy product; an eating disorder c) Explain: a balanced diet - convenience food - comfort eating d) Translate into English: Redukční dieta – zhubnout – přibrat – doplňky výživy – terapeut – výživa – strava