e022 Strength Training and Conditioning

Week 2 & 3 - Parts of training session

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  • duration depends on how complex and demanding main part of the training session would be
  • purpose: prepare the body to load (main part) / injury prevention
  • some physiological effects:
    • increasing body temperature, hearth rate
    • Increased production of synovial fluid located between the joints to reduce friction
    • Facilitation of enzyme activity
    • etc.
  • jogging, rope skipping, indoor rowing/cycling, etc.
    • from very easy pace to anaerobic threshold (it depends on the purpose of main part!)
  • dynamic stretching routine, static stretching

Sample of dynamic streching exercises

This sample is unstructured, you should prefer logic order of excercises (from simple to complex, gradually increasing ROM, etc).

FIFA 11+ (warm-up routine in soccer)

More about FIFA 11+
 Watch: Mobilize, Activate, Stimulate – Maximizing Your Warm-Ups

Main part of training session

Every training session has to have a purpose in training plan. There are some basic rules (sometimes rule has to be broken) for strength/resistance training:
  • centre ==> extermities
  • static ==> dynamic
  • easy ==> complex
  • technique ==> strength gain


  • step between excersising and rest (recovery)
  • actually it is first part of recovery process after stress (training session)
  • usually combination of easy jog and static stretching (at least 30 seconds in position)
 Read: Stretching for recovery? Excercise physiology recapitulation (4 to 10 of 18):