Unit 1 Human body, Health and Illness Task 1 Human Body a) Label the human body diagram body to label b) How are the following things connected in the body? Teeth – jaw Diaphragm – abdominal cavity – thoracic cavity Ribcage – heart Skull – vertebral column – vertebrae – intervertebral discs c) Match synonyms clavicle scapula sternum spinal column phalanges thorax tibia femur patella thigh bone backbone kneecap shin bone chest finger bones breastbone collar bone shoulder blade Task 2 Body systems a) Match each description with one of the systems: skeletal digestive lymphatic integumentary respiratory nervous reproductive urinary muscular circulatory endocrine 1. The ____________ system supports and protects, regulates body temperature, makes chemicals and hormones, and acts as a sense organ. 2. The _____________ system supports and protects, makes movement easier (with joints), stores minerals, and makes blood cells. 3. The __________ system brings about body movement, maintains posture, and produces heat. 4. The ________________ system allows a person to communicate with the environment and integrates and controls the body. 5. The _____________ system secretes hormones into the blood that serve to communicate with, integrate, and control mechanisms. 6. The ____________system transports substances through the body and establishes immunity. 7. The _____________ system is a subdivision of the circulatory system. It does not contain blood, but rather lymph, which is formed from the fluid surrounding body cells and diffused into lymph vessels. The major functions of this system are the movement of fluid and its critical role in the defense mechanism of the body against disease. 8. The __________system exchanges oxygen from the air for the waste product carbon dioxide, which is eliminated from the body. 9. The ____________ system breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and excretes solid waste. 10. The _________ system cleans waste products from blood in the form of urine and maintains electrolyte balance, water balance, and acid-base balance. 11. The ___________ system produces sex cells, allows transfer of sex cells and fertilization to occur, permits development and birth of offspring, nourishes offspring, and produces sex hormones. b) Match the organs with their respective systems: mouth - spinal cord – blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) – nails – joints – liver – urinary bladder – uterus (womb) – thyroid gland – hair – heart – kidneys – ovaries – pancreas – trachea (windpipe) – urethra – skin – testes – muscles – brain – intestines – bones – lungs – nerves – sweat glands – oesophagus (gullet, food pipe) – larynx (voice box) Circulatory Respiratory Nervous Musculoskeletal Digestive Urinary Reproductive Endocrine Integumentary Adapted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_systems_of_the_human_body GOGELOVÁ, Helena. Angličtina pro fyzioterapeuty. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2011. 314 s. ;. ISBN 9788024735313. c) Listening: Your body´s real age (http://ed.ted.com/featured/aUEBw8w9) Listen and answer the questions: 1. What are the parts of the body that are renewed frequently? 2. What are the parts of the body that last longer? 3. What is the part of the body that remains the same your whole life? TASK 3 Health and Illness a) Speaking 1. What is the difference between being healthy and being fit? 2. What is the difference between a disease and an illness? 3. What does it mean when somebody says that they are “sick”? b) Match words to make collocations: feel catch develop suffer poor stroke arthritis health sick flu c) Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: 1. Her condition ……………. (deteriorated/ improved) and she died. 2. He …………….. (relapsed/ recovered) and was allowed to go home from hospital. 3. The patient made a full……………… (recovery/ remission). 4. I have been in ………………(poor/ good) health for months and feel very fit. 5. It was a month before I …………(got over/ got better) the illness. 6. He seems to be rather …………. (unhealthy/ unwell) – his diet is bad and he never exercises. 7. He is being ………………. (treated/ healed) for a rare skin disease. 8. He made wild claims about being able to ………….. (heal/ cure) cancer. 9. I´ve broken my leg, but the doctor says it´s a clean break, so it should ………….. (heal/ cure) easily. (adapted from Glendinning, Howard: Professional English in Use – Medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2007.) d) True or false? 1. Mumps and chicken pox are childhood diseases. 2. AIDS has been eradicated from the world. 3. Diabetes is a contagious disease. 4. Parkinson´s disease is hereditary. 5. Flu is preventable. 6. Migraine is an incurable disease. 7. Congenital disorders are conditions existing at or before birth. e) Give examples of: acute/chronic/ serious/ mild/ degenerative/ occupational/ mental/ obscure/ deadly diseases TASK 4 Word formation Complete the gaps with a word derived from the word in brackets: 1. This disease doesn´t generally respond to ……………… . (TREAT) 2. This product, if eaten …………….., could be harmful. (REGULAR) 3. Patient ……………… describes the degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice. (COMPLIANT) 4. Working in hospital requires ………………. and understanding. (PATIENT) 5. Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with …………….. . (DISABLE) 6. The …………….. makes a small incision into which a tube is inserted. (SURGERY) 7. ………………….. study and treat diseases of the nerves. (NEUROLOGY) 8. They found a cancerous …………….. on his liver. (GROW) 9. As there are many accidents on motor bikes, some people call them “………..bikes”. (DONATE) 10. These pills are only available on ………………… . (PRESCRIBE) TASK 5 GRAMMAR Countable vs. uncountable nouns a) Are the following nouns countable or uncountable? session blood equipment advice career patient information experience b) Much, many, few, little - Ann is very busy these days. She has……..…. free time. - He isn´t very popular. He´s got……….. friends. - Did you take……..… photographs when you were on holiday? - The museum was very crowded. There were too……..….. people. - Most of the town is modern. There are ………… old buildings. - The weather has been dry recently. We have had …….... rain. c) What is the difference? It was embarrassing how few people attended the seminar. / I had a few new students in my seminar yesterday. They can´t afford to pay for the extra care – they have very little money. / I have a little money, we can grab a bite somewhere.