Unit 3 Physical Therapy Task 1 Discuss: Why did you choose regeneration and nutrition as your major? What kind of knowledge and skills do you expect to acquire during your studies? Where would you like to work after graduation? (hospital – clinic – rehabilitation centre – spa – wellness centre – own practice) Task 2 Reading a) Study the words below. Do you know their meaning? How are they related to the PT´s job? Formulate sentences about PT´s work using the expressions. condition strength sessions apparatus rehabilitate be referred accident b) Complete the gaps in the text with the expressions from the exercise above. Career Profile A physical therapist (PT) is a health professional helping to (1) ……………. a patient while recovering from surgery, or a patient who has been injured or incapacitated in some way by an (2)…………………, illness or stroke. A physical therapist may see patients in a medical office or hospital setting. Physical therapy ranges from short-term to long-term depending on how serious the patient’s (3) …………. is. For example, a patient who has had a relatively routine knee surgery may need a few (4) ………… of physical therapy to get his or her knee back to its full range of motion. On the other hand, a more seriously injured patient may require months of physical therapy just to gain the (5) ………………. and range of motion needed to stand and walk. Typical Work Load and Work Environment: Physical therapists may see patients in a medical office, such as an orthopedic surgery practice, or hospital setting. Typically a patient will (6) ………………. to a physical therapist by a physician, who prescribes the physical therapy treatment and follows up to assess the patient’s progress regularly after one or more courses of therapy. A physical therapy room is equipped with a variety of (7) ………………., used to rehabilitate patients. This may include weights, mats, and treadmills where PT’s can perform a variety of exercises with the patients to improve motor skills, sensory perception, and muscle strength. (http://healthcareers.about.com/od/alliedmedicalprofiles/p/PhysicalTherpst.htm) Task 3 Listening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqZGswvhRZw&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL5DB325AC60CBA47 3) a) Discuss: In your opinion, what qualities and skills should a physical therapist have? b) Check the vocabulary: compassionate fragile disabled vital c) Watch the video and prepare to answer the following questions: Which chronic disease is mentioned in the video? Why should a PT be in a good physical condition? Which administrative tasks should a PT do? Watch again and fill in the gaps: Physiotherapists combine __________, medicine and humanitarianism to teach patients how to help themselves. They play a vital role in helping _______ victims and the disabled recover from injuries. Because of the fragile ________ _______ of many of their patients, PT must be compassionate and _________ when working with others. A career in physiotherapy offers specialization in particular areas such as pediatrics, _______ _______ or neurology. Task 4 Vocabulary Complete the gaps with a word derived from the word in brackets: 1. This disease doesn´t generally respond to ……………… . (TREAT) 2. This product, if eaten …………….., could be harmful. (REGULAR) 3. Patient ……………… describes the degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice. (COMPLIANT) 4. Working in hospital requires ………………. and understanding. (PATIENT) 5. Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with …………….. . (DISABLE) 6. The …………….. makes a small incision into which a tube is inserted. (SURGERY) 7. ………………….. study and treat diseases of the nerves. (NEUROLOGY) 8. They found a cancerous …………….. on his liver. (GROW) 9. As there are many accidents on motor bikes, some people call them “………..bikes”. (DONATE) 10. These pills are only available on ………………… . (PRESCRIBE) Task 5 Countable vs. uncountable nouns a) Are the following nouns countable or uncountable? session blood equipment advice career patient information experience b) Much, many, few, little - Ann is very busy these days. She has……..…. free time. - He isn´t very popular. He´s got……….. friends. - Did you take……..… photographs when you were on holiday? - The museum was very crowded. There were too……..….. people. - Most of the town is modern. There are ………… old buildings. - The weather has been dry recently. We have had …….... rain. c) What is the difference? It was embarrassing how few people attended the seminar. / I had a few new students in my seminar yesterday. They can´t afford to pay for the extra care – they have very little money. / I have a little money, we can grab a bite somewhere.