e022 Strength Training and Conditioning
Week 2 - flexibility, mobily, warm-up
Recomended chapter #13 in NSCA book.
The most famous warm-up routine for soccer (FIFA 11+).
This sample is unstructured, you should prefer logic order of excercises (from simple to complex, gradually increasing ROM, etc).
Primal move/Ground force method
Purpose of this exercises is to combine mobility drills and self-check (see FMS chapter).Thoracic spine mobility
Hip mobility
Scapular/Shoulder mobility
The most famous warm-up routine for soccer (FIFA 11+).
- duration depends on how complex and demanding main part of the training session would be
- purpose: prepare the body to load (main part) / injury prevention
- some physiological effects:
- increasing body temperature, hearth rate
- Increased production of synovial fluid located between the joints to reduce friction
- Facilitation of enzyme activity
- etc.
- jogging, rope skipping, indoor rowing/cycling, etc.
- from very easy pace to anaerobic threshold (it depends on the purpose of main part!)
- dynamic stretching routine,
static stretching
Sample of dynamic streching exercises
This sample is unstructured, you should prefer logic order of excercises (from simple to complex, gradually increasing ROM, etc).
- step between excersising and rest (recovery)
- actually it is first part of recovery process after stress (training session)
- usually combination of easy jog and static stretching (at least 30 seconds in position)
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