Zone diet by Dr. Barry Sears •Protizápalová dieta •Kvalita a MNOŽSTVO • 0.75 – “ratio between proteins and carbohydrates“ = pomer bielkovín so sacharidmi (rovnováha inzulin-glukagon) •Nízky glykemický index •3+2=5 – stabilná hladina inzulínu • B-S-T = 30%-40%-30% Základ Image result for zone diet pic Základ • Image result for zone diet pic BLOK •7g proteinov •9g sacharidov •3g tuku • Výpočet blokov •Lean Body Mass (lb)*activity level (0-1) •/ •7 (gram proteinu v 1 bloku) • Image result for math Image result for question •Proteiny 15 blokov * 7 g = 105 g (420 cal) • •Sacharidy 15 blokov * 9 g = 135 g (540 cal) • •Tuky 15 blokov * 3 g = 45 g (405 cal) • •Total Cal = 1,365 (+ skryté cal) • Image result for diet balance •Príklad jedla: • •-270g Kuracích pŕs •- 1 Artyčok •- 250ml (OBJEM!) •Dusenej zeleniny •- 24 Arašidov •- 1 Jablko • • •28g proteiny, 36g sacharidy 12g tuky. •4-blokové jedlo Image result for kuracie prsia Image result for zone diet pic 10 OZ = 280 g Zmeny •Zvýšený príjem mononenasýtených mastých kyselín •(Doporučený) zvýšený príjem Omega-3 •Zvýšený príjem zeleniny (?) •Znížený príjem zložených sacharidov •Meranie & váženie (+/-) Image result Výskumy •Nepotvrdili proklamované účinky • •Cheuvront SN: The Zone Diet phenomenon: a closer look at the science behind the claims. J Am Coll Nutr. 2003 Feb;22 • •Baron M. Fighting obesity Part 1: Review of popular low-carb diets. Health Care Food Nutr Focus. 2004 Oct;21 Image result for banned •Bell, S.J. and Sears, B. “Low-glycemic load diets: Impact on obesity and chronic diseases.” Crit Rev Food Sci and Nutr 43: 357-377 (2003). •Bell SJ and Sears B. “A Proposal for a New National Diet: A Low Glycemic- Load Diet with a Unique Macronutrient Composition.” Metabol Synd and Related Disord 1:199-208 (2003). •Bell SJ and Sears B. “The Zone Diet: An Anti-Inflammatory, Low Glycemic-Load Diet.” Metabol Synd and Related Disord 2:24-38 (2004). •Johnston CS, Tjonn SL, Swan PD, White A, and Sears B. “Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets that restrict potassium-rich fruits and vegetables promote calciuria.” Osteoporos Int 17: 1820-1821 (2006). •Johnston, CS, White AM, Tjonn, S, Swan PD, Hutchins H, and Sears B. “Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets.” Am J Clin Nutr 85: 239 (2007). •Sorgi PJ, Hallowell EM, Hutchins HL, and Sears B. “Effects of an open-label pilot study with high-dose EPA/DHA concentrates on plasma phospholipids and behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” Nutr J 13:16 (2007). •White AM, Johnston CS, Swan PD, Tjonn SL, and Sears B. “Blood ketones are directly related to fatigue and perceived effort during exercise in overweight adults adhering to low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss: A pilot study.” J Am Diet Assoc 107: 1792-1796 (2007). • •Sears B. “Anti-inflammatory diets for obesity and diabetes.” J Coll Amer Nutr 28: 482S-491S (2009). •Mills JD, Bailes JE, Sedney CL, Hutchins H, and Sears B. “Omega-3 dietary supplementation reduces traumatic axonal injury in a rodent head injury model.” J Neurosurgery 114: 77-84 (2011). •Sears B and Ricordi C. “Anti-inflammatory nutrition as a pharmacological approach to treat obesity.” J Obesity 2011: 431985 (2011). •Sears B and Ricordi C. “Role of fatty acids and polyphenols in inflammatory gene transcription and their impact on obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.” Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 16: 1137-1154 (2012). •Lotrich, FE, Sears, B, and McNamara RK. “Elevated ratio of arachidonic acid to long-chain omega-3 fatty acids predicts depression development following interferon- alpha treatment: Relationship with interleukin-6.” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 31: 48-53 (2013). •Sears B, Bailes J, and Asselin B. “Therapeutic uses of high-dose omega-3 fatty acids to treat comatose patients with severe brain injury.” PharmaNutrition 1: 86-89 (2013). •Lotrich FE, Sears B, and McNamara R.K. “Anger induced by interferon-alpha is moderated by ratio of arachidonic acid to omega-3 fatty acids.” J Psychosomatic Res 75:475-483 (2013). •McNamara RK, Perry M, and Sears, B. “Dissociation of C-reactive protein levels from long-chain omega-3 fatty acid status and anti-depressant response in adolescents with major depressive disorder: an open-label dose-ranging trial.” J Nutr Therapeutics 2:235-243 (2013). •Georgiou T, Neokleous A, Nikolaou D, and Sears B. “Pilot study for treating dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with high-dose omega-3 fatty acids.” PharmaNutrition 2:8-11 (2014). •Sears B and Perry M. “The role of fatty acids in insulin resistance.” Lipids Health Disease. 14:121 (2015). •Sears B. “Anti-inflammatory diets.” J Am Coll Nutr 34: Suppl 1 14-21 (2015). •Lotrich FE, Sears B, and McNamara RK. “Polyunsaturated fatty acids moderate the effect of poor sleep on depression risk.” Prostaglandins Leukot Fatty Acids 106: 19-25 (2016). • •300 ludí s nadváhou ▫low-carb (Atkins), ▫low-fat (Ornish), ▫low-saturated-fat/moderate-carb (LEARN) ▫Zone ▫ ▫Dva mesiace: všetci schudli o cca 3 kilá – Atkins 4,5kg ▫ ▫Rok: ▫low-carb (Atkins) – 5kg ▫low-fat (Ornish) – 2,5kg ▫low-saturated-fat/moderate-carb (LEARN) – 3kg ▫Zone - 2,3kg ▫ • •300 ludí s nadváhou ▫low-carb (Atkins) ▫Weight Watchers ▫low-fat (Ornish) ▫Zone ▫ ▫Po roku: ▫low-carb (Atkins) – 2,5kg ▫Weight Watchers – 3kg ▫low-fat (Ornish) - 4kg ▫Zone - 3,5kg ▫ ▫Všetky skupiny u 10% sledovaných znížili o 8-10% telesnej hmotnosti ▫ ▫ ▫ Image result for time •Štúdia z roku 2014 – Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes • • Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers a the Zone diet: • •Ani jedna nepreukázala viac ako 5% stratu hmotnosti y dlhodobého hľadiska (2roky+) Finančný rozbor •Výber potravín! • •Vstupné náklady (váha, odmerky) • •Denne: 220kc (zelenina, ovocie, orechy, losos, vajicka, kura) •2 týždne cca 2800 • Image result for euro vs kc Image result for coins euro