Call for project proposals The FIT foundation announces a call for project proposals 2018 for initiatives promoting health and fitness in the Czech population. Organisations may obtain a grant up to 5mil CZK (min. 3.5mil. CZK). The time frame for the project activities is January 1^st 2018 – December 31^st 2018. What does a proposal look like? - General information (topic, title, summary) - Partners (names of people or institutions, description of expertise) - Background (context, why it is a priority) - Objectives and target group - Work plan and timing - Implementation (organisation and management) - Expected results and impact (on heath, society, environment, etc.) + added value - Sustainability (the longer term impact of the project - demonstrate that the achievements of the project will last beyond the duration of the grant) - Budget (staff costs, travel costs, implementation, dissemination, other costs) HOW TO START? The idea for a successful project should come from a clear understanding that something is missing / could be updated When writing the proposal bear in mind the eligibility criteria: - National and/or Regional Priorities - Quality of the activities proposed - Feasibility and innovative nature of the methodology proposed - Cost-effectiveness & allocation of appropriate resources to each activity - Consistency between project objectives, methodology, activities and budget proposed The procedure - from call to deadline 1. Meeting 1 - select the topic + name – write the first short draft, divide work Deadline: 14^th March 2. Meeting 2 - write the second draft Deadline: 28^th March 3. Meeting 3 – finalise the draft – submit proposal Deadline: 11^th April (adapted from