Unit 9 The profession of a nutritionist Task 1 Read the two bios of nutritionists. Fill in missing prepositions. Which of them would you choose as a client and why? A) About me I have always been interested _______ health and nutrition. For this reason, I was surprised to be told in my early twenties that I had unusually elevated cholesterol levels. I had lost my own father to cardiovascular disease ______ a young age so was aware _______ the danger that elevated cholesterol poses. I was advised that I would need to take medication ______ the rest of my life. However, I was keen to find an alternative. I decided to allow myself six weeks to see if I could lower my cholesterol ___________ nutrition. I researched extensively and developed my own personalised nutrition programme. After six weeks I was retested and my cholesterol had been dramatically lowered. This experience taught me two things. Firstly, genetics are only part of the equation. Your health depends _______ the complex interaction _______ your genes and your environment, that is to say your diet and lifestyle. Secondly, because we are all genetically unique with different environmental influences, there is no "one size fits all" healthy diet. My passion ______ nutrition grew from there and led me to study Nutritional Therapy _____ the Institute for Optimum Nutrition where I graduated with a distinction. I am a passionate foodie. I believe that healthy eating should be a pleasure. Therefore, I focus more ______ adding to my clients’ repertoire rather than just taking foods out. Also, having spent twelve years in the corporate world, I understand the challenges people face when trying to implement dietary changes _______ their busy lifestyles. Therefore, my approach as a nutritionist is practical and supportive. I ensure that my programmes fit ______ my clients' budgets, dietary preferences, and lifestyles. I also provide practical tips such as shopping lists, recipes, and sample meal plans to help my clients incorporate recommendations into their lives. Since graduating, I regularly attend seminars and lectures to ensure my knowledge is kept ____ _____ date, and to meet continuing professional development requirements. This is reflected in my recommendations, which are always based ______ the most current and respected scientific evidence. B) About me A registered nutritional therapist supporting people _____ achieving their personal wellness goals, with comprehensive health assessments, structured treatment protocols and ongoing telephone and email support. Nutritional therapy plans are tailored to the individual, taking into account bioindividuality. Wholefoods, supplements and lifestyle adjustments are used to promote lifelong optimal health and vitality, with emphasis ______ quality and enjoyment. Nutritional therapy is often used alongside other treatments, both complementary and conventional, to optimise outcomes. A nutritional therapist acts as a ‘health detective’, taking a detailed case ______ the first consultation, which covers family medical history, personal medical history, current diet and lifestyle and symptom patterns. Laboratory tests are also recommended and are very helpful in building a complete picture of the client’s health in order to identify the underlying drivers of any symptoms. Nutritional Therapy plans are sent by email ______ 24 hours of the consultation and support is available between sessions by email and telephone. Treatment plans are adjusted over several follow up consultations. The number of consultations required varies but 3 sessions over 3 months are usually recommended initially. Task 2 Writing A) Write a short draft of your own (fictional) future bio. What will your philosophy and main principles be? B) Swap your text with a friend´s. Give feedback to each other both on language and content of the bio.