Citation norm The American Psychological Association 7th edition 1 Different types of citation styles Different Citation Styles Table 1 an Overview of Different Citation Styles and their In-text Citation Citation Styl Discipline Type of Citation In-text Example MLA Humanities (Surname 163) Chicago A History, humanities, Politics Parenthetical (author-page number) Notes …text 1 Name Surname, Title „ … text …“ (Author year, ##) 1 Chicago B Sciences, social sciences, humanities Vancuver Medicine Harvard Economic OSCOLA (Oxford University) Law Parenthetical (author-date) Numeric Parenthetical (author-date) Notes …text (1, 41–45, 50) (Author, Author and Author, 2021) … text 31, and text. 32 31 Boulting (n 32) 639 Human Rights Act 1998, s 2. … text [5, 7, 14–17] 32 2 IEEE Engeneering, IT Numeric APA (7th edition) Psychology, education, social sciences Parenthetical (author-date) … text (Author, year) Different types of citation styles Different Citation Styles Table 2 an Overview of Different Citation Styles and their Journal Citation Citation Styl Examples of Journal Citation MLA Surname, Name. “Title of Article.“ Journal title, day, Month abbreviation. Year, URL. Chicago A Surname, Name. “Title of Article.“ Journal title, no. # (year): ##-##. DOI. Chicago B Surname, Name. “Title of Article.“ Journal title, no. # (year): ##-##. DOI. Vancouver Surname A, Surname B. Surname C. Title of Article. Journal Title, 2020 feb. 21; 99(4):250-59. URL Harvard OSCOLA (Oxford University) Surname Name, ‘Title‘ (year) #(#) Journal title accessed ## Month year IEEE APA (7th edition) 3 A. Surname. “Title of article,“ Journal Title, vol. #, pp.##-##, Month year. Available: DOI [Accessed ## Month year]. Surname, A., & Surname, B. B. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), #–#. DOI or URL Different types of citation styles Others Citation Styl Turabian, AMA, ACS, NLM, AAA, APSA 4 APA In-text Citation Styles Table 1 Basic In-text Citation Styl Author type One author Two authors Three and more authors Parenthetical Citation (Cobley, 2015) (Müller & Ferrauty, 2019) (Hendl et al., 2016) Narative citation Cobley (2015) Müller and Ferrauty (2019) Hendl et al. (2016) Group author with abbreviation - First citations (National Istitute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2021) National Istitute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2021) (NIMH, 2021) NIMH (2021) (Masaryk University, 2020) Masaryk University (2020) - Subsequent citations 5 Group author without abbreviation APA In-text citation styles ̶Plagiarism ̶ “act of presenting the word, idea, or images of another as your own (APA, p. 254). ̶Paraphrasing ̶ Narrative citation: Author (year) ̶ Parenthetical citation: (Author, year) 6 ̶Quotations ̶ Short Quotations (fewer that 40 words) Narrative citation: Autor “…“ (year, p. #) Parenthetical citation: “…“ (Author, year, pp. #-#). ̶ Block Quotations (40 words or more) no quation marks Starts at new line (indent whole block 0.5 in, left margin) Narrative citation: Autor (year) …text… . (p. #) Parenthetical citation: Text…. . (Autor, year, p. #) APA In-text citation styles ̶Specific approaches to citation ̶ Interview Publish interview, Personal interview, Research participant interview ̶ Personal Communications Narrative citation: A. Author (personal communication, Month day, year) Parenthetical citation: (A. Author, personal communication, Month day, year) 7 APA Reference Examples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 Periodicals Books Edited chapters Dissertations and Theses Webpages and Websites Reference List Book and Reference Work Author or editor Date Title Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2022). Title of book. Name of Group. Title of book (2nd ed., Vol. 3). Editor, E.E. (Ed.). Title of book [Audiobook]. Editor, E.E., & Editor, E.E. (Eds.). Title of book (P. Translator, Trans.). Source Publisher information DOI or URL Publisher Name. https://xxxx Model Author, A., & Author, B. (year). Title of book: Subtitle (edition). Publisher. DOI nebo URL Example Hendl, J., & Remr, J. (2017). Metody výzkumu a evaluace. Portál. 9 Reference List Edited Book Chapter and Entries in Reference Work Author kapitoly Date Chapter title Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2020). Title of chapter. Name of Group. Source Edited book imformation DOI or URL In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. 2-14). Publisher Name. https://xxxx Model Author, A., & Author, B. (year). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book or proceedings: Subtitle (3rd ed., s. #–#). Publisher Name. DOI or URL adresa Example Iwamasa, G. Y., Hsia, C., & Hinton, D. (2019). Cognitive behavior therapy with Asian Americans. In G. Y. Iwamasa & P. A. Hays (Eds.), Culturally responsive cognitive behavior therapy: Practice and supervision (s. 10 129–159). American Psychological Association. Reference List Academic Journal Author Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. Name of Group. Date (2022). (2020, January). (2021, February 20). Title Title of article. Source Periodical information Title of Periodical, xx(x), xx-xx. Title of Periodical, xx(x–x), Article ##. DOI or URL https://xxxx Model Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), #–#. DOI or URL adresa 11 Example Gimunová, M., Bozděch, M., Skotáková, A., Grün, V., & Válková, H. (2021). Comparison of forward and backward gait in males with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65(10), 922-929. https// Reference List Webpages, Websites and Annual Report Autor Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. Name of Group. Model Date (2020). (2020, March). (2020, Jarnuary 20). (n.d.). Title Title of work. Website name Site Name. Source URL https://xxxx Retrieved december 21, 2022, from https://xxxx Author, A. (year, Month day). Title of work. Site title. URL Examples World Health Organization. (2021, 1. January). Advice for the public: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Eurostat. (n.d.). Health statistics at regional level. Retrieved November 12, 2022 from 12 Reference List Dissertation and Theses Author Date Title Autor, A. A. (2020). Title of dissertation [Master‘s thesis, Name of institution Awarding the Degree]. Source Database or archive name URL Database Name. https://xxxx Archive Name. Model Author, A. A. (year). Title of dissertation [Doctoral dissertation, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree]. Database or Archive Name. URL Example Čížová, D. (2021). Léčebně-rehabilitační plán a postup u poškození mediálního menisku [Bacholar thesis, Masaryk University]. 13